Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/444

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416 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CH 343. 1885. of a Board of Pension Appeals, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior at two thousand dollars each ; one superintendent of documents two thousand dollars ; six clerks, chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each, one of whom shall be a disbursin g clerk ; for one stenographer one thousand eight hundred dollars ; six clerks of class four; six clerks of class three ; one clerk ot class three (custodian), who shall give bond in such sum as the Secretary of the Interior may determine; one bookkeeper for custodian, one thousand two hundred dollars; six clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one, one of whom shall be the telegraph operator of the Department and one the assistant stenographer; one returns-office clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars ; one female clerk to be designated by the President to sign land-patents, one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk at one thousand dollars ; nine copyists; · three messengers; seven assistant messengers ; ten laborers; two skilled mechanics, one at nine hundred dollars and one at seven hundred and twenty dollars; one laborer at six hundred dollars; four packers at six hundred and sixty dollars each; one conductor of elevator, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; three copyists and three laborers for distributing the reports of the tenth census; for one captain of the watch, one thousand dollars; forty watchmen, additional to two watchmen acting as lieutenants of watchmen, at one hundred and twenty dollars each; one engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant engineer, one thousand dollars; and six fireman; in all, one hundred and fifty-one thousand four hundred and thirty dollars. Omce or Assist- Orricn of Assrsnrxr Arronnnr-GENERAL.-For three law clerks, °¤*1A“°"”°Y‘G°“‘ one at two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, one at two thou- °"Cj°,.ks_ sand five hundred dollars, and one at two thousand two hundred and dfty dollars; live clerks, at two thousand dollars each; one clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk, who shall act as stenographer, at oaileedthlousand six hundred dollars; in all, twenty thousand seven un o lars. commissioner-or Gmmnn. Linn Ormcu.-For the Commissioner of the General G¤¤¤¥¤]d_¥·¤¤d Land Office, four thousand dollars; one assistant commissioner, to be

 °l°’k• appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the

' Senate, who shall be authorized to sign such letters, papers, and documents and to perform such other duties as may he directed by the Commissioner, and shall act as Commissioner in the absence of that oillcer or in case of a vacancy in the office of Commissioner, three thousand dollars; chief clerk two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; two law clerks, at two thousand dollars each; recorder, two thousand dollars ; three inspectors of surveyors-general and district land-chico? to be appointed by the Secretary of the Interior, at two thousand ollars each; three principal clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; forty clerks of class four; fifty-six clerks of class three; sixty- seven clerks of class two; seventy-three clerks of class one, ilfty-one clerks, at one thousand dollars each ; and nfty-eight copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; eight assistant messengers; twelve laborers; and six packers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, four hundred and ninety thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. Per diem, atc., Ifor per diem in lieu of subsistence of inspectors and of clerks detailed £‘;;rg°’P°°*°” *¤d to investigate fraudulent land-entries, trespasses on the public lands, ' and cases of official misconduct, while traveling on duty, at a rate to be fixed by the Secretary of the Interior, not exceeding three dollars per day, and for actual necessary expenses of transportation, ten thougand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the n error. L¤»w-l><>¤k¤- For ]aw·books for the law library of the General Land Omce, ive hundred dollars. M¤l>¤· For connected and separate United States and other maps prepared in the General Land Otllce, ten thousand dollars. m_Cemp_ensation Impurw OFmcE.—For compensation of the Commissioner of Indian °"'”'“"'”°”°'°f Adams, four thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; one