Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/492

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464 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 3159. 1885. s Creeks, proceeds of lands,” and one hiundred dollars to “Pa.yment_ to certain Creek Indians for individual reserves sold, and so forth," being amounts found due these appropriations in the adjustment of the accounts of W. H. Garrett, late Indian agent. _ Osage Indians. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to P°Y“*°°“°h°i’¤ pay to the heirs of certain Osage Indians killed while on a hunt on °*`iB.,., 0, ,9 h Medicine Lodge Creek, in eighteen hundred and seventy-three, the 10], pj3e_` ’ cbalance on hand of the sum of five thousand dollars appropriated by act approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, ·*_to reimburse the Osages for losses sustained, and in accordance with pledges by their agent " amounting to two thousand four and fifty-one dollars and iiizty cents, which is hereby reappropmated for this urpose. _Shnshon_e In- P To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the support of the

            • 1*% WY°'m¤8· Shoshone Indians in Wyoming, two thpusand dobllgrs. to

For this amoun or so muc thereo' as may necessary carry 1882, vol. 22, ch. out the provisionstdf the act of August seventh, eighteen hundred and 434, P- 341- eighty-two, Igor appraislement of certai: lapds belonging tgogmaha Pa ment to Indians in ebras a ein amounts ue or services ren y D*¤iX*i D¤S8¤¤, Daniel Duggan, Henry Fonianelle, and estate of John B. Detweiler, EQIQQQQIQQQ commissioners for appraisement, said sum to be. reimbursed to the B_ D,,,w,,“,,._ State: out ofdtike procegds o; gg; oésaid lands, three hunan 01 t —six dollarsan six - n ¥=¤'Y D¤¤¤°H» For this Esmbunt, or as much thereof as may be necessaryfor the '°l‘°f °f‘ relief of Mary Dunnell, for boarding an insane Chippewa Indian girl, at the White Earth Agency, Minnesota, during eighteen hundred and eighty-one, two hundred and eighty-four dollus. Tnmnnsc. Power, Transportation of Indian supplies: For this amount due Thomas C. P¤¥¤¤°¤° *°· Power for transporting Indian supplies under contract, as per certiticate of Second Comptroller, being for the service of the fiscal year " eighteen hundred and eighty-one, sixteen dollars and one cent. For this amount due Thomas C. Power for transporting Indian supplies under contract, as per certiiicates of the Second Comptroller, being tor the service of the gsaal yeaxéeighlteen hundred and eighty two, one hundred and fifty-six dollars an eighty cents. Albert E. Why- For this amount due Albert E. Whyland for transporting Indian supl•¤d» P*Ym°¤* *¤· plies mnder contract, as per certificate of Second Comptroller, being for the service of the iiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, seven hundred and two dollars and eight cents. ` S ¤ v v <> r t 0 f Support of schools: For diiference between amountappropriated and °°h°°1°· one hundred andsixty-seven dollars for each of one hundred and twen- - ty Indian pupils at Hampton School during the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty tive, one thousand and forty dollars; for additional amount for transportation of pupils to and from said school for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-tive, one thousand dollars; in all, two thousand and forty dollars. Post-Oiiice De- POST·OFFICE DEPARTMENT. partuwu . Contingent ex- Contingent expenses: For this amount to pay bills for advertising for P¤g:1°¤· , , the Post Office Department, being a deliciency on account of the iiscal "°m'“°g‘ year eighteen hundred and eightydour, one hundred and eightydlve dollars and ninetyseven cents. POSTAL SERVICE. \Vrapping·paper. Wrapping-paper: Tcl: supplydaudeiiciency in the appropriation for wrappin paper, nve thousand dollars. _ Wnpping-twine. Wrapging-twine: To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for cotton, jute, and hemp twines, twelve thousand dollars. F re e — delivery Free-delivery service: To pay substitute letter-carriers for service of ¤°“'*°°· carriers on leave, fifteen thousand dollars.