Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/515

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 360. 1885. 487 be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, at rates not exceeding the rates usually paid for such work; and for other expenses of engraving and priming notes, bonds, and other securities 0i' the United States and national—bank notes; ior materials other than distinctive paper required in the work of engraving and printing; for purchase of engravers’ tools, dies, rolls, and plates; for machinery and repairs of same; and for expenses of operating macerating machines for the destruction of the United States notes, bonds, and other obligations of the United States authorized to be destroyed, four hundred and seventy five thousand seven hundred dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the TIPZSIII`)`; and from said sum work may be executed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the tollowing purposes, namely; For engraving, printing, and finishing United States notes, gold and U ui ted States silvefcertiiicates, registered bonds for transfers and other securities, “°“’*"· three hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars. For engraving (except faceplates), printing, and iinishing circulating National bank notes for national banking associations, one hundred and ten thousand “°*"“· 0 ars. For engraving, printing, and finishing ccrticates of letters patent, Certificates of seven hundred dollars.P’"""*°‘· LIGHT-HOUSE Es1*ABL1smmNT. - Light-house Establishment. For supplies of light-houses: For supplying the light-houses, beacon Supplies. lights, and fogsignals on the Atlantic, Gull, Lake, and Pacific coasts with illuminating and cleansing materials, and such other materials as may be required for annual consumption, including the expenses of inspection and delivery of the same; for books and inrniture for stations, and other incidental and necessary expenses, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For repairs of lighthouses: For repairs and incidental expenses of K¤1>¤·i1‘¤~ light-houses and stations; for rebuilding, renovating, and improving the same, and buildings connected therewith; for the establishing and repairing of pier-head lights; and for the purchase and repair of illuminating apparatus and machinery, three hundred thousand dollars. For salaries of keepers of light-houses: For salaries, fuel, rations, $¤l¤1'i¢¤ ¤*`k°¤P- rent of quarters, where necessary, and similar incidental expenses of °”#°*°· one thousand and fifteen light-keepers and fog-signal keepers, five hundred and eighty thousand dollars. For expenses of light-vessels: For seamen’s wages, rations, repairs, Lizb¢·v¤¤¤¤l¤· salaries, supplies, and incidental expenses of thirty light-ships, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. For expenses of buoyage: For expenses of raismg, cleaning, painting, B¤°Y¤8¢>· repairing, removing, and supplying losses of buoys, spindles, and day- beacons, and for the maintenance of whistling-buoys and bell-buoys, and for chains, sinkers, and similar necessaries, three hundred and twenty thousand dollwrs. For expenses of fogsignals: For establishing, renewing, duplicating, F<>z·¤is‘¤¤1¤· and improving fog-signals and buildings connected therewith, and for repairs and incidental expenses of the same, sixty thousand dollars. For inspecting lights: For expenses of visiting and inspecting lights I ns p e ot i ¤ g and other aids to navigation, including rewards paid for information as U8h¤· to collisions, three thousand dollars. For lighting and buoyage of rivers: For maintenance of post-lights Lighting an d and buoys on the Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri Rivers and at the *“°>'•8° '*"°'¤ mouth of Red Bive;:,Lonisiana: Savannah River, Georgia; éaint John’s River, Florida; Cape Fear River, North Carolina, and Hudson River, New York, the Light-House Board being hereby authorized to lease the necessary ground lor all such lights and beacons as are used to point out changeable channels, and which in consequence cannot be made permanent, one hundred and ninety thousand dollars: Provided: That P¤M•v-