Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/646

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6l8 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 28,31-33. 1885. ity of the late Board of Health of the District of Columbia, be referred to the Court of Claims for its decision and adjudication upon the merits of the claim according to law and the practice of said court, without regard to the statute of limitations or the conclusiveness of a certain receipt signed by said Bowen, in eighteen hundred and seventy-five, in full settlement for all claims against the District of Columbia for said work. Approved, January 20th, 1885. gm gg, 1g_ CHAP 31.-An act for the relief gt; Change; M. Blake, u chaplain in the United ..H—.-..-;——· 8 CS y. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United c1m1e¤M.B1uke, States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting Post Cb•1>N¤. U- officers of the Treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized and dis-8*,;*, t frected in the settlement of the accounts of Charles M. Blake, a post ,,15,:,,,, (,:_m°° ° chaplain in the United States Army, to allow him credit for all pay and allowances paid to or received by him as a post chaplain in the United States Army from Mayfourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, hadn. to May twentieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one: Provided, That no pay shall be allowed or credit given for service for any purpose for the period from July second, eighteen hundred and seventy to May fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight; and that said Blake shall accept the terms of this act in full satisfaction and discharge of any and all claims of every kind on his part against the United States growing out of his connection or alleged connection as chaplain or post chaplain. _ Approved, January 23d, 1885. Jon. 23, 1885. CHAP. 32.-An oct to authorize the Secrets.;-y of the Interior to examine and od- { —-——-—— just the claim of 0. W. Shooter for moneys gonded and services perfumed in taking the census of Dakota in eighteen hun and sixty. Be it enactedbg Senate and House of Representatives of the United 0. W- S¢r¤¤t•¤· States of America an Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the In-

°f,I",‘ terior be, and he is hereby, antlerized and directed to examine and ad-

_ just the claim of 0. W. Streeter or moneys expended and services permmoxd ld formed by him in the year eighteen hundred and sixty as special agent of the United States to take the census of the country west of Minnesota, then known as Dakota, allowing to the said O. W. Streeter, in addisona eann s _ ituros av nm ey m,

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and reasonable compensation for his time and services, settling the same on principles of justice and equity; and that he be, and is hereby, further authorized and directed to draw his requisition in favor of said claimant, 0. W. Streeter, for the amount which he may and justly due said claimant, on the Secretary of the Treasury, who is authorized and directed topay tho same out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise mg, appropriated: Provided, That the amount allowed and to be paid hereunder shall in no event exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars. Approved, January 23d, 1885. J¤¤· B l$- CHAP. 83.-An not for the relief of trhg Presbyterian Church in the District 0 0 Dm I3. Eastern Presb - Be it enacted by the Senate and Emu: of Represeiatativesqf the United 3:**;:* °f(é*3':E; States of America in Congress assembled, That all taxes, together with Ml the interest and penalties, now due and unpaid, for the years eighteen Tues remitted. hundred and seventy-tive, eighteen hundred and seventysix, eighteen