Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/935

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INDEX. 907 PB . Page, Pay, _ _ ge [ Penalty Envelopes. 3PpfoDI`lRUOI1S {OI', lll legislative depart- use of, in postal service, etc _______,______ 158 ¤1€I1t -··--- . . . ICO, 388 Pcnick, Henry L., in executive departments .. 166, 395 payment to ,,_, . __,____ _ ___,___,, _ , __ ____ 555 in j ndicial department . ... .192, 424 Pmumuqry, vi Army --·- - --·------ -... .. . . 107, 357 appropriation for construction of, for Utah of Navy -.--.. -. ... . .-262, 287, 426 Territory . . . ...,. . .,,,. 510 for Coast and Geodetic Survey . 200, 202, 489 for- Montana Territory_ ,,,_,,,,,____,,__ 510 foI' Signal Sérvice . . . . . 180, 411 Pendleton, Omg., of MSHHG Cvrps . . .-- .293, 432 water right muted Ln Dow, Livermore, of professors, ctc., of Naval Academy. .292. 430 am` oghers of, continued to \V. S. of Military Academy. .. . . . . 6, 298 Byers & Co ...,., , .,,.,___, _,,, ,___ 343 of enlisted men on retired-list of Army Penny, Elyah W., Mid Marine Corps . . 305 pension to, increased . .-. . 144 of assistant messengers, firemen, watch- Pensacola, Fla., men, and laborers rated 193 appropriation for improvement of harbor of cmployés for delivering letters spc- of ._,._.,.,, , ,, . ..._. , ,,,,. 135 cially stamped . 388 Pemaukee, Wis., of commissioners appointed to appraise appropriation for improvement of harbor and sell lots in Peru, Iowa .. -.. 436 at ..,,,..,,... - . ... 137 muster and, of volunteer officers, ctc .. 35 Pension Agents, not to be recovered back ou account of de- appropriation for salary of. . . . 99, 362 ' tent in titlo, etc ... . 35 salary, sto., of, limited 1.. ..., 362 transfer of appropriation of uncxpondodbal- Pension Ojlcc Building, ance, etc., to appropriation for, for appropriation for completion of .. 209,498 Army . ... -. --- . 242 for introducing gns·pipes into .. . . . . 498 limitation of, of pension agents ... --.. 362 Pemilm Cheeks, per diem cmployés of tho Government, to appropriation for printing, ctc . .. 175,406 receive, for certain holidays -... 516 Pension (Moe, _ Puymaater-General, Amp, appropriation for salaries, ctc., in the 186, 417 appropriation for sa aries, ctc., in office for por diem pay, ow., m lion of subsist- 0f .. . . . . . . 181, 412 onco . . . ... -.-. .. . .. 187 Paynaalera, Army, of special examiners in the . 418 may be retired after twenty years' service; appointments in tho, limited .. . ... 417 proviso . 1 .. 108 Pensions, ‘ Payne, Louis F., appropriation for payment of .. . . 98, 361 payment to . . .-.. ---. 257 for agents, ctc. . .. -. ,--.99, 362 Peace, John G., contingent expenses . .-. --.. 362 payment to .. . . . ... . . .-.. 565 for fccs, etc., of examining surgeons; Peurrell, Thomas, proviso .. . . . . . . 362 payment to .. . ... ..-- 577 deficiency appropriations for foes, ctc., to Pearl River, Misa., examininfg surgeons in cases of .. 16 appropriation for improvement of . ..- 141 to heirs, ctc., o volunteer omccrs . 35 Pearman, Enoa, deficiency appropriation for, for Army 258 . payment to administrator of .. .-.. 574 applicants for. presumed to have no dis- Puraon, John Ii'., ability at time of-enlistment. . .. 362 payment to .. . . .. . . . . 565 increase oi; to soldiers and sailors for loss Pebly, Andrew, of arm at shoulder joint -.. 437 payment to . ... .--- .. 564 Pensions to- Pwk, Campbell K, Aaron, James .-.. 596 appropriation for psyment of judgment of Adams, Daniel W .. . ...-- -- -·---- 634 Court of Clnuns in favor of ; proviso- 241 Agnel, Emily .. . . . . . . .- . .·--- 622 Peel-, Fred. G., Ahrens, Theo . ...-· - --.·- ---- ·--- 6*29 payment to .. . . . . , . . . .. . . 470 Alden, CIIIIIIES L ...-. ·- ---- --·- --·- · ---—- 689 Peebles, James M., Alden, Henry .. .-. . ..----..-.·- - ---·- 6}*3 payment to . - . . .. . ... 565 Algoe, John -...-. · ·----- - - · ·--- - -···- 531 Piazza, s. .1., A11e¤,J¤h¤ .. - . . . -..- 543 payment to .. -. . . .. . ... -. 2523 Allen, Amanda .-..-- - A ---· ·-=· -- --- {U3 Pcery, H. T., Allen, Amanda .. ... . ..-.- :**2 payment to ... - .-.. .. 577 Allen, Amanda -.-··.--- ·- -·-·----------~ - {U?} Pest, W. l'. and Company, Allen, Mary .· Z--- ·----··-·----· ·· ·--- ·--· *}*'ff‘ payment to _,-. ,,,, -,,, _,.. . ..,.. . ... 257 Almicr, Christians ... .. .·.--·--·- ijfgd Pegg, Roeella, Alvotd, Emily L ..--·· - --·--·····-- - ·-··· lf"" pension to ,... . . ..,. .. . . . . . . . 603 Amos, Buliltmiu F -- · ·---- - ·---· · ···-— 0*9 Pelletier, Antonio, Anderson, evi . . . .. . . . . .. 59m protocol of agreement with Huyti for sub- Angell, Martha. .: . . . . .. .. 6-ll mission of elaims ot] to arbitration. . 785 Armstrong. Harriet -.-- - -----·--- ·-·- ··-- GW Penalliex. Arndt, Christian .. . ..-. .. 691 for violation of certain provisions relating Arnold, Abby P . ... . ..-...--. 6l9 to Ameriean seamen . . . . . . . . 155 Axiilw, Mqfy C ------ - · - -·-- -·- - ·····-·-·- for purchase of cattle from Indians, etc .-.- 94 Ayers, WlU}¤m E ---- - ··~---·-—--- - -- -· bg`; for marking, ctc., falso claims in Indian Bailey, Anmc E . ... - -.---- - ·- 683 service ___, , ,__,, . . . . .,.,.. 97 Bully, H81‘I'l€ii M · .-·. · -·-- - ------ · ---· - ·- 655 for violation of act regulating tees in pon- Bakcr,Ir¢¤¤ ·- - ·--»--·· - - -·-- - -- -----·--- 595 gjonqlgiing ____ ____ _,__ _,,,, ,_,, ,,,_- 101 Ba,idWiI.1,ChBl’l88 “r`.. -·---· —··-~--·-- 633 for any person nmnmixgl to not as officer or Ballort, R0b€1’¢ J - -- ·--~ -- -- · ·---·— · -· —- - · b' g employe of Unit States, ctc ... 11 l Banks, RNGXS ---- - --··-------- - --·- -· ·- ·· Gm