Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1032

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CON VENTION-ITALY. JUNE 11, 188-1. 1C 03 Anrrouz III. Amsrcoro III. These supplementary articles I presenti articoli supplementari Considered part shall be considered as an integral saranno riguardati qual parte in- °f I"°"i°“° ******5*- part of the aforesaid original extra- tegrante della succitata primitiva dition convention of March 23, Convenzione di estradizione del 23 1868, and together with the addi- Marzo 1868, e, unitamente all’actional article of January 21, 1869, cordo addizionale alla medesima as having the same value and force del 21 Gennajo 1869, come aventi as the Convention itself, and as egual valore ed eiiicacia con la Condestined to continue and terminate venzione stessa e destinati a con- .in the same manner. tinuare ed aver termine nella stessa p maniera. The present Convention shall be La presente Convenzione sara Bxcbangeofmtratified, and the ratiiications ex~ ratificata e le ratiiiche scambiate a m°¤*i°¤¤· rchanged at Washington asspeedily \Vashington tosto che sara pos- .as possible, and it shall take effect sibile, ed essa avra il suo eifetto immediately after the said ex- immediatamente dopo il detto change of ratitications. scambio di ratiiiche. In testimony whereof,the respec- In fede di che, i rispettivi Plenitive Plenipotentiaries have signed potenziarii hanno iirmato la prethe present. Convention in dupli- sente Convenzione in doppio esemcate, and have thereunto affixed plare ed hanno alla medesima aptheir seals.posto i loro sigilli. Done at Washington, this elev- Fatto nella citta. di Washington Signatures. enth day of the month of June in questo di undici del mesediGingno the year of our Lord one thousand nell’ anno di Nostro Signore mille eight hundred and eighty-four. ottocento ottauta quattro. Frzmur. T. Fnmmcuorsmn. [SEAL.] ‘ Fava. [sean.] And whereas the said Supplementary Convention has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratiiications of the two governments were exchanged in the City of Washington on the twenty-fourth day of April one thousand eight hundred and eighty-tive. Now, therefore, be it known that I, Grover Cleveland, President of pmc],m,,,ti,m_ _ the United States of America, have caused the said Supplementary Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and c’ause thereof may be observed and fulilled with good faith bv the United States and the citizens thereotl `In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the Seal of the United States to be atiixed. Done at the City of \Vashington this 24th day of April, in the year ot' our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-tive, and [sEaL.] of the lndependence of the United States the one hundred and ninth. GROVE]! CLEVELAND. By the President: T. F. Bavaun, Secretary of State.