Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1087

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1 060 INDEX. Page, 1 _ Page. Clerks, United States Courts, l Coast and Geodetic Sll)’l`€]/fCODClHU€(l. appropriation for foes . . . 253, 541 z printing and engraving for, to be_ sepnot to charge fee for arrest of person under arately estimated and appropriated recognizaince .. . ... 253 for .. .. -.-?--_ ·--·-- - ---------.. 255 to be paid lor attendance only when court ( deficiency appropriation for party extrnnsncts business. ... . . 253 1 penses - - ---- - -----·------. . 261 deficiency appropriation for fees.274, 291, 299, 304 for points for State surveys. . . 261 Cleveland, Ohio, for general expenses . . . . . . 261 appropriation for improvement of harbor.- 314 for Iithographing annual report -. 261 Clever, John, l for western division . . ... . 289 payment to ... -.. .. . . . ... 771 Cobaugh (or Clabaugh), William, Clevingcr, Elias, payment to ... .. . . ·---· - · -·-- - - - - 940 payment to . 777 Cobb, John B., Clrford, J. E., payment to . . .. 658 deiiciency appropriation for pay 0L as Cobb, Joseph B., special policeman .. 286 payment to .. ..---- .. 940 Clwbrd, James, _ Cobb, E, D. and Company, payment to . . . . . . 682 refund of tux to .. . .. 800 Cliiord, James, Cobble, William W., payment to administrator of .. . ... 658 payment to administrator of .. .. .. 755 Clwem, Cable, Henry C., appropriation for consul at. . - 113, 484 payment to.. .. - . .- . . .. .. 755 Clylou, Alarmaduke, · Coburn. Harvey, · payment to administrator of .. . . . . 657 | pension restored .. . ... 907 Climor (or Climer), John M., Cocheco River, M E, payment to ... . .. . ... 657 appropriation for improvement of. ,... 317 Clinch Ifirrr, Tenn., Cock, Jarref, appropriation for improvement of .. -. . 323 payment to administrator of .. .-.. 940 Cine, Francis, Cochran, Albert, - payment to .. . . .. 959 payment to .. . . . . . . .. 657 Cline, George WZ, Cochran, Margaret E. (widow), payment to .. . . . . . ... 966 pension .. . . . . 792 Clinton Rirer, Mich.,Cochran, Sallie, appropriation for improvement of 324 payment to -- . -- .. . .. 676 Cloak-room Men, House, Coclcrum, Alberline (widow), deficiency appropriation for payment to- -- 287 pension . . . . . . ... . 830 Clore, Hiram B., Oaeur d'AIene Indians, payment to . . 671 appropriation for negotiation with, for ces- Cloae, Jacob, sion of lands . - .. . . - 44 payment to . . . ... 778 Cofer. Willis, Clothing, Army, payment to children of ... . .. - 657 appropriation for manufacture, etc., of 98, 399 Cojey, Allen, deficiency appropriation for .. . . .266, 296, 301 payment to .. .. . - .-.- 656 Clothing, Navy, Cofey, Margaret, deiiciency appropriation to reimburse ap- pension --.. .. . ... 714 propriarion for- 268 Cojfey, E. and Tanner, Cloyd, William J, payment to surviving partner of .. -... 955 payment to . . . ... 671 Coma, Catherine E. (widow), Coal River, W. Va., pension. . . . . ... . ... .. 829 appropriation for survey of- . . --.. 334 Cojlin, Charles E. (administrator), Coau, John A., payment of judgment of Court of Claimsto. 282 payment to ... -- ..., . . ,,. 829 Cojjin, Af. J., Coarjok Bay, X C., deficiency appropriation for pay of, as speappropriation for improvement of 319 cial policeman .. . . .- ... 286 Coast and Gvodetic Survey, Cognac, aappromimion for expenses of survey of At- appropriation for consul at. . .-.. . 483 luntic, Gulf, and Pacific coast and Cogswell, Henry, rivers ,.,,,. , .,... , .,... . . 228, 516 payment to administratrix of . 635 advances of money to be made only to · Cohabitation, Unlawful, commissioned or bonded omcers 228 husband or wife competent witnesses in for party expenses .. -- .. 229, 516 prosecutions for. ... 635 ten per cent. interchangeable 230 Cohea and Company, Walden, for furnishing points for State surveys.230, 518refund of tax to .. - ... -.. 853 for trmiscontinental geodetic work .. Zi!) g Colm, Henry S., for constructing steam launch . . 230 pension increased . . .. 846 for Superintendent and assistants; pro- I Coker, Peter, viso .. .. .. ... . Zio, 518 payment to administrator of ... -.. 961 for employees in office .- .. 230, 519 I Colbath, Margaret (widow), for oiliee expenses...-  :.. .. $3,520 pension .. .. .. --.. 803 Ihr contingent expenses ... . 23,520 Colby, Mary G. (widow), · for rent . -.. . . . ...,233, 521. pension .. .. . ... .. 720 for expenses of publishing observe- Coldwell, A. B.,- tions . .' . ... . . .233, 521 , payment to administrator of . . .- .. 940 for repairs, and maintenence of vessels.233,51d Coldwell, Thomas H., subsistence not allowed to ofncers on { payment to. . . ... ..,. 940 duty in Washington, nor to naval ; Cole. George W., oflicers .. .. . .. 233 I payment to administrator of .. . .. 656