Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1164

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INDEX. 1137 _ _ Pago. Pg, _ Penwmyvv granted to——C0ut1nxw¢l. Pensions qmnted tn—Cuntinuad. gc H‘m’*"'t· R°¤*’“¤ E -—·-- · ----· - ----· - - - - 899 Leuté. Jonnt.lm,n S .. ,.. . .  ; 696 Hi¥<l=~*·¤·¤¤¤¤. Nmmm . - . . - ... :-;::9 » Lewis, Amy A ______ _ _____ _ __f _________ 721 Hlmwflr. Charles F . .. . H3? Lewis, MHZ M_ A ___________ _ ___________ 806 H{"• Edward L ·---· -- ·--. ..-. --.. .. 844 Llghtner, 1•‘ _,____ _ _____ _ ___,______ 737 Hel!. Hvnry 0 ..-. - . . ... eww Lippa, George Am`;. .._. . ,,_,, , ._.., _ gw UM- Mary ..-- - . . . . 700 Little, Ann .. . , _____,______ 839 UM". Mary .. - . . . -. . 716 Lm1e,Mmy A _ _______ _ _____ _ __________ gpg Hvffmxnn, Noah . . . -. - ws Logan, John w ____ _ _____ _ ___________ __ 74;; l’IOHlUi\ll.Pf!l`¢‘I`P . ..,,.__ ,,, _..,___ 933 L0ng’J3n]gs __ ____ mf') Hfvlhronk. Alice S .. . .,. .. .. 714 Lovell, sarah A ____ _ _____ _ _ ____ _ _____ 728 Holland, Smumel V .. ,,,, ,_,_ , ..,,_ 695 Lucas, Mm-gm-ot __________ ____________ E13 Hnllands, Marin . . -- ,,.,. . . 748 Lucy, Mm-gmcg ____________ _ _ _ _ ____ _ 819 H¤l¤nes, Mm·y V.- .. . . 683 Luther, Emily ,_________ _ ____ _ 914 Holt, LMS --·- - - - - ---. . . . . ..-.. 720 McAlaxan•le1·, Robert , ,__________,, 824 Hooks, Anna Etheridge ,__________._,.,_ 903 McAupy‘ James ____ _ _______ _ _ __________ 697 Hopper. J. I~‘r:mcis .. .. . . 704 McCall, wimam L_ _____ _ ______________ 340 HOV9b30k, Jl‘pfl1£L . . . . . . . ... 711 McClarra,u, James L ____ _ _______________ 832 Hmnscll. Amanda .. .-. .. . .. 850 McClellan, John H ______ _ ______________ 307 HUGS4TH, \Vllll3lll J . , ..,. ,_ , , .. 841 McCoy, Mary _____, _ _ _ _ ______ _ _________ 928 Huggins, Henry M-. .. . 803 McDermott, David L ___, , _____ __ _______ 844 Hughes, C. K-- -- .. ---. 9313 McDonald, H. W. ...,_, , ,,,_,,___ _ ____ 305 HHMGS, Eliza . . .. . . . . - . 750 McDonald, John P ______ _ ____________ _ _ 912 Humphreys, Rebecca Hollingsworth 860 McElhimmy, Harry ____ _ __________,_ ___ 394 Hunt, Evcliuo -- . . ... , . 786 McElroy, John P ______ _ _____ __ _________ gl) Hunter, John H. .. ... -... . 843 McFadden_ E. A ,_·_, ______________ _ ____ 913 Hurst, Amy A -- -. .. . . - ... . 701 McFadden, William ..,., , _,_,, ____ ____ 924 Hutchings, Lydia O .. .-._ . . 799 McFarland, Lnnisa J _ __,,,_,___, _ ____,_ 724 Hutchins, Hannah Babb .--. .. . 851 McGlcm, James ,..,.. , _,_,_ _ _____ _ ____,_ 914 Hyatt, Bruner D . . - . .. - 728 McGowan, John . , , ,____,_,__,_____ 965 Jackson, Surah B .. .- .. 685 McKean, Patrick .--. _, , ____,_____,_ 815 J acobs, Allen P . .. . . . J. 845 McKee, Rebecca. Reese .,., , ,,,_. __ _,,_,, 909 J acobn, Philip - . . .. 697 McKinney, David - - . . _,_, , , ,,,,,_,, 694 Jacobs, William B .. - .. 838 McMahon, Mary ..,., ,,, __,, ,_ _,,,, 886 Jacoby, Martin .. . . . ... 840 McManus, Rose A . , , .,... . - -`, . , 841 James, John D ..., . . . . .--. . 836 McNair, Carolina C .·.., ,.,.., _ _,_,, 908 James, Silas . . . - . .. 699 McQuaide, Jane R . ..,,. , ,,,., , _,,. 886 Jessup, Isabella . . .-_ . . . . 860 Macombsr, Addie L ...,...,.,.. ,- ..,,.. 651 Johnson, Aaron C . . . ... 842 Madden, Margaret . - . . .. . . . 817 Johnson, Catherine --.. 805 Magoon, Mary J .. . 912 Johnson, Jenet L. , - . . . 796 Magcou, Nathan . . . 750 J0hnson,Lydia S -. . ... 817 Mahoney, Josiah . . . 894 Johnson, Mary E ... 738 Malone, Susan .. . .. . ., .. .- . 811 Jones, Sarah A . --. .. . . 930 Mmoucy, Houorah . 825 Kabler, Elizabeth. . . . . . 721 Manes, Mary. . . 803 Kaiu, Daniel ...,.. , .,... _ ,,..,.,.. . 723 Mauhart, Frank ...,,..., ,,, 749 Kgylgr, ligry , , , ,,,,, _ , , , . . 93U BHIDZ, Sarah - ,,.. . ,.,, . ,. , -,, - , 698 Kearns, Margaret., . . .. 720 Marble, Murtha A .. . . -- 747 Kgllgy, Albert C _______ _ ____,,,, , ,. 90l Mzlrchuut, Rebecca ..,, . .,,,,, ,, .,,, ,, ,, 699 Kelley, Alice, ..,,_ _,,, __,_ __,, ,,.. ----- 968 Marion, Frederick. , ...,,. , .,.,,.. ,, 348 Kennedy, Catherine .. -... . . B11 MMSU, Mary . . 785 Kennedy, Erastus W . . . ...»-... $6*5 Mllfslwll Anim M . . ..-- 921 Kem, Jeannette .. . . . . . .. 690 Mrrtru. {Many-- . . . 704 Kessincver, Anna .. . . .·. --.· 825 M250H, Nrmvy ...-.. .. .. 874 Xl1g, fam, ______ ___ _ ____ _ ____, __ ,, P3? Mnthes, James G . ...,. , ,____ _ _,,_, _ ,,,, 397 King, Eumbqtl; M .. . . . 915 Mattingly, John M .. -- . 847 Kin _ Jgmgg H _,__,_ _,_, ,_,,.. . .. . . SH5 Mnybam, Margaret .. , .. 808 Kininncr, Erdmutlm - --·-· · 807 M¤y¤» Joseph ·-·-·- - ··--- ..-. ---· . ...-- 891 Kirk Martin .. . . . . . . .. . 696 MSM}. Larkm G .-.. . . . .. . . 843 Kiykiqarg, Joseph F , __,,. ,,., , . 896 Meugher, Elizabeth J -- . 910 Kirkpatrick, Robert B. . . . - . 8*57 Merrgle, Henry 4 . . . -- 9% Kmmlxm, Samuel .. . . . . 83*+ M¤rrg11,M¤ry ..-- . . 805 Kniu, Ijculah __________ _, ____,, _. ., 726 Merrill, Smvens W ..,,..., , ,,,.,,,, ,,,, 740 Koehler, Ferdinand 812 M¤¤¤¤r, Solomon 835 K°°n‘z uq _________ _ __,_ , _ _ , _,,.. 705 Mibord, M aria .,,,,.,,,, , ,,,,,,,_,, 733 K;,;;],, Frederick , __,,, , ,,,,, . .. . . . 736 Middleton, Asahel .- . ... 700 xmlmgx, Jann D - . - . .. S10 Mglvs. Mrs. C - .. 901 Km pa, Ad, 0 ______ _ _____, , ,,,,,. . 733 Miller, John .. . . . .._.,. 896 Lag:"' Henry _ ____ _ ,____ , ,.,,. . .. 922 Miller, Kate .. . . . ... 713 Langley, Jam u. . - . . .. 726 Miller, N. M . . . . 698 L,".;,,,,,, gnyiqg 3; ,____,,,,. -. . . . 740 Miller, Rebecca . . -, 691 mthrmonr Gnu; ]g_ q ____,__, , 911 Miller, William F . . .,... . ...,, 739 Lntbynu gary _____ _ _______ ___, ,,.. .--. 925 Milt0n.,Johu M .. . . -,-.. ...,, ,_ 738 L“k¤,,, Manu.; _ ____, __,, __,.. . . 653 Miunix, Charles W ... - , 712 mdy Ann _ _____ _ _____ _ _,__, , ,..,. . .- . 839 Miunball, Isaac N .. . ...,... ,.-_ 691 hymn, mjzwegh ____ _ __,_, ,,-. ,. 747 Mitchell, Isaiah H ..-. ..-- . 794 M _,,_,,,,,,,-.,-,-.- ···· - m mtchbu, Lucy J•.•..--.. ,,,,-, 712 s·rn· 1.-Jox. xmv--72