Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1187

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l 1 60 INDEX. p gi, _ Pago. Seaman, Randolph, 3 I Secretary of the interior—Cont1nued. _ pension . . . . . . . ... S15 I appropriation for additional uid G0, 111 d65G!'- Seumeu, ·.J mericau, I mining pension 8pp68]S ··--- · ·------ 199 appropriation for relief and protection of, to act as President, when .- Z ...- I m ihreign countries ... 117,486 I to approve location, 0tc.,0f right of Way “ deficiency appropriation for relief and through Gila River Indmu Rcscrva- 36 ) protection of . . . ... 289, 298, 303 tion .. . . . . --.. ---- - L Sears, Orxon TV., to be one of tho commissioners in charge of pensipnl. . S14 constructing Congressional Library 12 Sean, I `i Iiam H. Building . . . . . --.. ‘ de-licieuvy appropriation for balance duo to disburse mon•·yslfpr:on t=)nci;i;>n of the 13 on in•l·vment .. . . ...,.. 262 Congressional i rary ui ing . Seat, éamucl ¤(udminiatral0r of Christian to notify Attorney-General of failure og liropp),I railroad corporations to pay costs 0 payment to . . -... .. . . 820 } survey, etc .. . . . . . . 143 Seay, Walliam A., to transfer United States barracks, Bapayment to . . . . . . 957 ton Rouge, La., to Louisiana Statc Sebastian, Charles N., lgfiversity and Agricultural and Mc- M4 nsion ... -.. . . . . --.. 8*24 c anical College .. . ... - Segfing, Charles,to place names of survivors of Mexican pension increased . . . .--. - 794 War, and widows, on the pension- Second Assistant Postmaster-General, roll ; prcvisos .. . .. 371 n rnpriations for postal service, odico of-92, 569 to rescribe rules and re ulations for pip 'scell ne `te 92 P Il' g 371 or nu a ons; ms .. .--. .. euro mg .. . . . . ---. for pay to-. .. . . . . . . 628 to cause names of persons not entitled, to pay of clerks, etc., chico of ._ . . 205, 628 be stricken off the roll . 371 Second Auditor of the Treasury, to approve appointment of employees of appropriation for pay of ; deputy 182, 604 Interstate Commerce Commission. .- 386 tor clerks, etc., offico of . .. 182,604 { to furnish offices and supplies for Interfor restoring, ctc., wom-out and defaced . state Commerce Commission.. -. 386 rolls..-. .. - . ---. - . 182,605 to transmit annual report Interstate Comibradjusting accounts of Soldiers’ Homo.182, 605 mercc Commission - . . . . 387 Sc frggddiyiompl fopcol on pensions.. .. 182,605 to prescribe rulles, ctc., for allotting land 89 con omptro cr 0 the 1`reaury, in severa ty .. . . . . . . 3 apfproypiagiou for pay of ; deputy .-.. to issuelpaten; for lands allotted in severnr c or s, etc.,nHioe of . . . . , a ty to ndians .. . ‘- 389 for additional force on pensions 181,604 to negotiate with Indian tribes for lands ibr aiijustiug accounts of So1diers’ Homeisl 604 aint allotted in sevemlty - . . .i- . 389 writ .. . .. , to m o rules etc. for socurin tit os, Second- Hand Clothing, D. C,. etc., to settlers on lands grgnted to police repluilations as to business of, to be 368 New Orleans; Baton Rouge a ud mil G .. . . . . Vicksburg Railroad Company .. 392 Seconel judicial Circuit, to determine damages for right of way mlelmonal judge for, po be appointed 49*2 through Fore Berthold and Blackfoot senior Jugge to preside in election pw- 492 I Indian Reservations ,..., ... 403 coe ings . . . . . .. ; to ad'ust and pay claims of settlers on Secret Sergio; Diriaime, Treuauriy Department, i Jlands granted to Northern Kansas aiiprvprrinriouivr pay cfcbie ,cler s, etc..185,60S l Railroad . . . . . . 550 Secretaries of Legationv, to adjust, immediately, land grants in aid _ S <1cficic¤c}·*;ipprepriaticn for salaries .. 257 i of railroads., ...,,.. ,,, _,,,,,,,,_,, 556 ecre ary o tate. Secretary of the Nary, ¤ppr¤r>¤¤ti¤¤_ fvr pay ¤f; assistants . ,...178, 601 · appropriation for pay or . 196, 619 in as frisrgent, whzn .. r.. 1 for clcrgs, e3:., 0Hic§ of .. .. . . .196, 619 o rrec c xs ursemon p or c asm up to act ns resident, w eu . ... 1 Conrt: of Commissioners of Alagama to approve location of right 0 f w n y _ Claims . . . . .. ... ... 16 through Naval Asylum grounds, to direct dwbuysqments by clerk of Court Philadelphia, Pa . . ..., 17 of Cpmiugssginers of Alabama Claims _7 to presepibe test for armor, new naval vesxncnlu n ...,--, . ..-...,. 4 ses,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,__,,, ,, .,.. ,,,, 2i' to sel?} furrpntpiréo and other ppoplergly of to cause gneborlnnore of new naval vessels 3 on o ommiaionerso a ama to e` ui ‘ in navy-yards . . 2l5 _ Claums r... . . . . 77 monitors to beuconapleted in navy·ynrds. 215 certificate ofappomtment cfeloctions, ctc., E if unable to contract for building aud _ to beforwarded to .. . . ..-.._ 373 * completing, all or any vessels may eertifioate of determination of contest ata E be bulls or completed in navy-yards. 215 apppzipgment of electors to be trans· 3.3 { to replvertzse for construction of the — mi v 0. . .. .. • i ewar ... . .. . 593 to be published by - 373 may employ civilian experts, to be paid to u-pnstrpn, cppnetz of all certificates of 373 * Se from appropriations for new ships., 593 _c cc 1-s,o c. .. l crefary of the Senate, eongtimggq mgnibgr ufnummugmp on vghm g appropriation for pay of ,__,_____, _ _,___, 112, 5,94 of historical! ctc., ruauuscnpts .. 542 Q Secretary of the Treasury, to deliver papers rn claim of Jolm Potts 5 up ropriation for pay of; Assistants.. .. -179 601 Se t agpitristlhlexicc . . . . 643 mgm- clerks, etc., oilioo of . . 179:60l W6 079 0 G I ; IBC ISty Wl1GB ·-·- -··- ···· ---· 1 appropriation for pay uf' Assistants. 199 @ auth 'zed and imd to `sm uno, for clerks, etc., cia of.. ..--.. 19; 62 Mind ive drgllqalr silver £’