Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1194

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mmsx. *1167 P . Ingo, Smead, _Imac D., and Company. age Smith, S. Rodmond, deticneucy appropriation for payment to . - 263 pa mem; ofjudgment ofC0ur¤ ofC1aims tc. 281 Smiley, Alcxqnder, Smitx, Samantha A. (widow), taxes rcmmed . . . .. . . 690 pension . . , . ,,.,.,,.,..,..,.. ,,,_ 810 Sngaer, D. tL£, 77 Smith, Samuel .L aymcn 0 . .- . .. .,._ a g ____ ____ __________ ____ 0 s...m.,..u,qa¤., ° .q,.5,,{“‘,$Z,'3,. 5;, **6 P_8·Y!¤¤¤¤ to widnw of ·-·--.-· · .-·.. .. 963 pa mont to . . 262 B”;;;Q€:?’ was Smit; SM2? R" 862 --·· - -·---·- ---- ..-.--·- ··. .. . A mon 0. . .-.. Smwh B¢¤j¤¤¤@¤ A-. gcgud amended . . . .. . 862 |'•¤V¤l¢¤¤ to ···--- - ·.--·- . ..--·····. -... .. 766 Smith, Solomon B., Smith, Bridge! (mother), payment to administrator of . .. -.. 766 pension.. ...-.. . . .-.. ...- 795 Smith, Srephen D., Smith, Brywlf, pension increased 921 S ptgméhnt fii; ----- · ·.. . . . . 766 Smith, Ste_phe1:1N.h 3 nil, apc ., tes a1' tc ... . . . ... 87 payment to widow of . . . . 951 Sml$l•,%¢;;h;» uf., Smith, Camel! BL, pension increased 799 payment to .. ... .. .. .. 766 »$mitI•, Susan (widow), Smith, Charles M., pension ..,... 839 payment to administrators cf. .. . . 775 Smith, Thmdare A., Smith, D. Henry, payment tn. . . . --.. . . 951 payment of judgment of Court 0t'C1aims to- 279 Smith, Thomas, Smith, David, payment to executors of .. . ... 677 pa ent to .. .--. 780 Smith, Uriah, _ 8n•i¢£,mD¤vid B., payment to . . . . . . . ... 960 paiment to administrator of ... ... 951 Smith, Uriah E, Sam , David H.,pszmnpt to . . . ... 775 Raymcniz in .. . -.. . ..·· . .. 952 Sud , W. 0., _ Bmth, Edgar, payment cfjudgmont ofCo¤rt ofClmms to . 282 payment. to .. .. .. - . - .-.-·-·.. 766 Smith, W. H., Smith, Ephraim F., gayment pccxocutom of .. -- .. 667. payment to bein-at-law of ... 766 8MM, Wiliam. SMG. Erplwia R- (Mw). 1{¤y¤=¤¤¢_¤·¤ -----·----·----------·-------- 952 pension . - 848 Suulh, _W6ll•am J, _ hm, md', crcdnt to mwo m accounts of, for money ( 871 P$ym6¤tt0••·•-• ··-•••-••• •·-••• ·••••;•• 952 Smith, ';:;;ia"· R., "°°""""""""""' B.;" G' E" . payment to oxsautrix of ,,,.,,,,,... , . 767 S P."; ment t0' '‘’‘'°°° '°"" '""‘ *2 Spit}, Fraud; L.,Era|¢•u K Payne, and Hor- · G"';!;; 767 ace Dk8s4th, F d P*Ym°¤ ---· · ····· · ····· · ···••·· • •···• · a mo f amagvcs t , 0 an W's `u S¤•¤l. Gwae TV-- F P y {Eggers .. H?- . ..15 .. .1. f??!}. 284 Pension increased" '’‘'’`'‘ ’ "" '’° " " 786 E Smith, Horace D., Francis L. Smith, Eraqtus D, Smith, Henry H., I pag", any v·r·¤¢¤* to ’' " '‘' ’°'’°'‘°° " °' 288 payment of damages to, Fox and Wigconnsiu S-·**’·· mmm m · Rivers . ,.,..,,,, .. m4 Rl EDI $0..--...-"...-····».»..--. Sm;"' M·Ea”d Dccoppd 3"'*{»mI"*d• , . . pay,mcut of judgments? Court. cfClaims to. 279 pagment to 8dH1lD1St!`$`b0I' Of.--- ••-••• 7B]. smith, Randolph and Company' BM » J- M·» . . paymeubofjuclgmant of Court of Claims to. 279 payment to administrator of. .. ... 951 Smith, scan,. and Bw"' Smith, Jacob, payment of judgment of Court of Claims tc. IT7 PI ¤l¤¤¥ tv !dmi¤i¤P’“°i' of --·· · --··---·· 951 Smith, William Alexander, and Cowpany, Bmig, Jannet E. B. (wld0W), 789 S paimenc osjudgmeuuof Court 0 Claims to. 279 pemri n.- . . . . mit an E. . 8,,;;*, 30;,, yu crcdi¤, in ncczmnts directed .. . 257 Ptzment to _______ ___ ____ _ _,,,, ,,,_ ,,,, ,, 674 Smilhcssa, Thomua T., Bu ,,,4 J,,,!,; E pcusnon . . . . . . ... I 8 Pcxgnent t0__; ____ ____ ____,___ ,, ,,,,, ,,, 957 Smithpgur, Janes, 3,; , L";, gw ]{8D,Sl0Il .. . . . . . ... 968 ps cnt to admiuistratrix of . 775 Snslh s R•ger._ Cal., _ _ Snxqfnrgard (widow), 799 S&g£3F;§**$“ fm' ¤m`*'°Y °f -·--—· -··· ··--· $$0 n u . ... .. . ... . · ·. men, umrm, S n=·r¤¤¤r·¤ *0  ; -----· - ·---· - ·-··- —--- *66 Pt mt tn___ ______ ___ ____ _, ____,_ ,, ,___ 952 T mathsqonaze 1'ushtutwn, ‘*•“E"“” ”· "‘°"""· m ¥ 3£$¥.§';2’.‘Z$‘.f..°f..H.?;“§°t;,";?g.;.;.1a; ‘‘‘‘ 32* 233 penn . .. -·· ---··-- · ···· · ·» ·-·· v (m p for expenses of inwrbatioual axchangcs.236, 523 Snltb, Mary ., _ . In wvment to _____ _ ____ _ _____ _ _ __,, , _ , , ,,,, 667 for enhpolngncal researches among · smh, mm 0. (mw), d¤e¤¤ ------ - -··—--- ·—-· · --··· 2*% 5** pension. . .. .--·- ·•-- ·- ···- 922 Jfot Y?2"·i-—· ···_·§······E· ····•·· 241% - amos . u appom Reina

   ______ __,, _ ,,_,, , 797 _ Secretary oggonstituted mega ex·_0f com-

$,5;;,, R0;,,,;, t mission pu value of hmtoncsl, ctc., pq-mem to yggmy of ____ _ _____ ,, ,,,. ..,- 966 n mauuscnpts . . .. . .. 542