Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/128

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 574. 1886. 93 CHAP. 574,-An act makingl appropriations for the support of the Army for the June 30, 1886. fiscal year ending June thirtiet ,eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and for other ·———;—-- pl11'p0SOB. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, _Army=¤p1>rvprieand the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treas- *’°“°· ury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Army for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven: PAY or ormcmzs OF Tim LINE. Paw For one Lieutenant-General, three major-generals, six brigadier- Line nmeers. generals, forty colonels, forty lieutenant-colonels, seventy majors, one hundred and thirty captains (mounted), three hundred captains (not . mounted), thirty-four chaplains, iorty adj utants, torty regimental quartermasters, one hundred and forty first lieutenants (mounted), three hundred and fifty first lieutenants (not mounted), one hundred and thirty-hve second lieutenants (mounted), three hundred second lieutenants (not mounted), in all, two million eight hundred and sixty-eight thousand dollars. Additional pay: For twenty-three aids-de·camp, one military secre- Additional. tary, and officers of foot regiments when mounted by proper authority, in addition to and payable with their current monthly pay, in all, eight . thousand dollars. For pay to officers for length of service, to be paid with their current Lvugevity- monthly pay, in all, seven hundred and sixty-seven thousand seven ` hundred and ninety-one dollars and fifty cents. ENLISTED MIEN. _ For pay proper of the enlisted men of all grades, four million two Enlisted msn. lhpgdred and seventy-six thousand five hundred and eighty-eight dol- · For pay of one hundred and twenty-five men enlisted as general serv- (,,;..;;-,.1 mmm. ice clerks at Army, Division, Department, and District headquarters, at the headquarters of the general recruiting service, at recruiting depots, pm, P, tm, and at West Point, New York, as follows: ten clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; twenty-five clerks, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; and ninety clerks, at one thousand dollars each; said sums to be in full for all pay, commutations, and allowances; in all, one hundred and twenty-nine thousand five hundred dollars. For pay of fortyhve men enlisted as general service messengers, at General service . the rate of sixty dollars per month each, in full for all pay, commute- ¤¤¢>¤¤¢¤8<>¤‘¤· tions, and allowances, thirty-two thousand four hundred dollars. PM, p. 167- Service pay to enlisted men: For pay to enlisted men by reason of Service pay. length of service, in addition to their monthly pay, and payable there with, three hundred and sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and eighty· A four dollars. PAY OF THE GENERAL STAFF. General stan`. Anmrnnr-GnnsnAn’s Dm>.mrm=mr.-For one brigadier-general, Adjutant cmtwo colonels, four lieutenant-colonels, and ten majors, in all, forty-nine 1‘¤l’¤ D°P¤m¤°¤*· thousand five hundred dollars. _ Additional pay: For pay of the officers in the Adjutant~General’s Dc- L°¤S¤*1¤’· partment for length of service, to be paid with their current monthly pay, sixteen thousand dollars. INsrscron·Gnsnn.u.’s Dnrnnrrmnr.-For one brlgadier-general, Irgsrwtvr Gwtwo colonels, two lieutenant-colonels, and two majors, in all, twenty- °”l“D°P“’“‘“°““ three thousand five hundred dollars.