Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/17

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or 0 F C 0 N G R E S S CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME. Acrs or rms Fonrr-Nmzrn Corronzss or zum Ummm Srums. O !STATUTES I-1885-1886.) ° _ Page. Alexander Lgeawtféués An act for the relief of Alexander R. Lawton, of the State of Georgia. De- 65 com .. - . . . . ... . . . ... .. 3 Julia D. Grant. ’ 'An aetcérnnting a pension to Julia D. Grant. December 26, 1886 ... 653 5'““'i"Ff}’”°i‘ ff .¥""}.».“"€..i..§’3“}“ ‘°,}."§§""“ i»»."°°""°' J 1..."..,°“"‘”.886“’·‘°°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ··‘·‘ Q osep . aria . ac or e o one . ° e 20, -..1. Fourth of July Claims. An act for the allowaueeof certain claims reported b the aecountin omoers of the United States Treasury Feb 20 18$ y g 654 new 1.. uma. An m w mum me peiiem u1»u LI iééé we Alerosger P. Stan:-t. An set to regmpggs the disabilities of Alexander P. Stewart, of La Fayetxe 682 ounty, i. March .. ..-. .. . ... .-.. . . .Q r Edward G. 117};, m)An act to remove the disabilities of Edward G. W. Butler, of Missouri. _Q2- arn .-.. . - .. . ... . ... .. . . ---. zi . Janes ‘ ord. An set forthe relief of James Cliford. March 2, 18% .. . ... . 682: John Hg 1gé An set for the relief of the legal representative of John Hatfield, deeeased. March 682. r..:;-.js¢»£ ' ii; iéifééi é%L§GQ}£,'.¤m' ’ Xi iiiéniiéi Eiéziél N3 eeeased. Mare , B5 .. ...- . ... .. . . . . . · B. Jenniaigs. An act for the relief of B. Jennings. March 19, 1§ . . . . .. Marg;. Holme;. Aiinaettgfrautling a penghon to Marv]]}. Holmes. • • I0 S Bn • M r ••··»•••••·...· 7 Frank Sorelé An act releasinitbe estate of the late Frank 80:116, late eolleetor of internal revenue gr ;}£ district of the State of California, and his snreties on his omeial bond. March (_ I

.--.-- ..-.  ···• •-·· ---. --·· ·--• -··»•• ··-· ···• ···· ..-. ·-•• ..-. ·••· ».. . .•- · .. .7 *

Ido A. Hiehardsos, Caroline A. Urquhri, Cora A. Sloeomb. An act for the relief of Ida A. Riu1mmson, Caroline A.A[T1é,1ul11a·r£ and 03% A.1Sl0eXmb, as tge heirs»ot·l:H of10m-a slocomb, de- 4 eased, dld , ‘ nan ero'ne ngusta u ire 2) .. .. Gr llra. D.aglori:£ An det fo? the relief of Mrs. Lizzie Drblarke, of New Orleans. March 29, GN IH . .. .. -.. -..·-.--...-.-... . .--..· .·.. - ·---..--.--. » J. D. Humor; Ap Sgt fggghe relief of J. D. Morrison, surviving partner of C.M.aml J. D. Mor- [_ _ •¤¤· aw . - -----··---- ---· .---·- -- ------ · ----- - ·--··--·----··· - ----· - -·------- M Robertrk. Anderson. An act for the relief of Robert H. Anderson, of the State of Georgia. March 685 29, 1886 .. . .. . . .-...·- - -·--- . --·.-..·--·---·-·--·.--.----------------. Kictor 1£¢a}boucI•oA·. An xt for the relief of Victgr Marelnl?gb1£6& ... .--- . ort. nsetass epeusnono r . 0 . .··- --- .---- -· yosm McNeil Potter. Auxgetcfor the relief of Frances lllatter. Karel1g2T8g8S- .--- - tA. Blake. An a t f apeusi to HiT85E ¤· ·-·- ---- -·-· Agiygkawl Hancock. Lge? a pgnsion to Almira Russell Hancock, viidow of Winiield sqm Hawk, 1..4;. a mqexfiuugx in the United States Army. March 29, 1886. . . 6-6 geggzfzhgxtovvn. An tet fore the feIf1&fIG.e§br§eS. Storr!s,3¢;f much 31, 1886 .. . . g . . An t m11B' . . Marc , K . ... . . --.; ilu, 1:, 4, Arrigqt granting a pension to Mrs. E. A. Benham. April 5, 1886 .. 657 (xix)