Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/305

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270 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Ch. 903. 1886. two hundred and sixty dollars; one hundred and forty-five men, ldarine Corps, per Acapulco, arrived June third, eighteen hundred and eighty- flve, at ten dollars each, one thousand four hundred and f·ifty dollars; in all, nine thousand six hundred and thirty dollars. Mi•¤¤U=¤¤oo¤¤. mscELLANEOUs OBJEOTS. Navy. _ OHcers’ inst To pay amounts found due by the accounting officers on account of ¢l°*M¤8- clothing lost by officers on vessels sunk or otherwise destroyed in service, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty- four, two hundred and fifty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents. Clothing and To pay amounts found due by the accounting omcers on account of l>€ddl¤¤_d¤¤**°5’°d clothing and bedding destroyed by order for sanitary purposes, being f" “'“““'Y P"' for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-six, eighty- P°°°°' one dollars and seventy-seven cents. To pay amounts found due by the accounting omcers on account of clothing and bedding destroyed by order for sanitary purposes, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-five, two hundred and thirty-three dollars and sixty-nine cents. Benjamin Ar.- To pay to Benjamin Atwood, late an acting masters mate in the wood. clothing United States Navy, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, for reim- 1*****- bnrsement for clothing lost by him in consequence of the destruction of the Iron Age. ‘ Port Regal Har- For completing coaling-shed and naval storehouse at Port Royal Harl¤¤» S- ·· °°¤*· bor, South Carolina, four thousand dollars. shed, etc. Ingcrior Depart- INTERIOR DEPABTMEN T. HIGH . For payment of amount found due by the accounting onicers of the Investigating Treasury for services rendered in the investigation of pension cases, pension cases- office of Commissioner of Pensions, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-four, one hundred and eighty-five dollars and seventy-three cents. ‘ George G. Tar- To pay George G. Tarbell in full compensation for costs and charges ball.incurred by him in successfully defending suit brought against him for P*Y"‘°°* *°· faithfully certifying as pension examining surgeon to the nature of the disease of an applicant for pension, two hundred and twenty-five dollars and sixty-nine cents. Examining sm-- To provide for the deficiency in appropriation for the payment of S°°¤¤» *`°°¤ Md °*· fees and expenses of examining surgeons of the United States Pension P°'“°°‘ Omce. three hundred and twenty-one thousand six hundred and sixty dollars and sixty-nine cents. To reimburse the appropriation for the payment of fees and expenses of examining surgeons of the United States Pension Office for the fiscal year ending June thirtietli, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, one hundred and seventy-eight thousand three hundred and thirty-nine dollars and thirty-one cents. Specinl_smmi¤· To provide for a deficiency in the appropriations for the payment of ¤¤· Per d¤¢¤·· per diem to special examiners in the Pension Office, for the fiscal years eighteen hundred and eightytwo, eighteen hundred and eighty- three, and eighteen hundred and eighty-four, three thousand dollars. Contingent ex- To provide for a deficiency in the appropriation for the payment of p¢¤¤¤¤· contingent expenses Department of the Interior, for the fiscal year ‘ ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, being for pay- ment of expenses incurred in fitting up quarters for supervising special examiner, one hundred and twentvseven dollars and fifty cents. rhnzninhngrnpb-, For photolithographing or otherwise producing plates for the Patent g*5“*;;°·· 0******* Office Official Gazette, five hundred dollars. Middleton,Lane For the payment of the amount due Messrs. Middleton, Lane and

£°·· C"P'*°"°" Company for material and labor furnished for north approach of United

' States Capitol terrace, as per statement, Executive Document Number-