Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/321

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286 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Suss. I. Ch. 903. 1886. Pay ment to To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay to the following per- °P°°”*1,P°h°°'“°“» sons, namely: J. C. Witel, M. Rea, J. T. Johnson, P. P. Finigau, S. C. M"‘3""1885‘ Wailes, Jed Gittings, W. J. Johnson, V. B. Sharpe, E. T. Bynum, N. J. Collin, Alex Green, J. E. Cliford, C. F. Holbrook, R. L. Cooper, G. W. Price, J. H. Davis, J. W. Pettit, J. H. Houston, Asa Gardner, Asa P. Barker, and J. W. Hayward, the sum of nine dollars each, being the amount due them for services rendered as special policemen on the third, fourth, and fifth days of March, eighteen hundred and eighty- live; in all, one hundred and eighty-nine dollars. _ _ _ Christ o pile r To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay Christopher Phillips Phm*P”· for services rendered by him to the Senate, under employment of the P°*’m°°t t°‘ Sergeant-at-Arms, from November the tenth to December the iirst, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, in pursuance of the resolution of the Senate of March the third, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, forty-one dollars. , Beverly Hud— To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay Beverly Hudnell for MU- services as laborer in the Senate from the ilfteenth day of May to tho P“"“‘°°° t°‘ thirty-llrst of July, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, one hundred and fortyfive dollars. William M. That the Secretary of the Senate be, and he is hereby, authorized and 0****- directed to pay William M. Olin, the diiference between the amount of P“Y'”°“° t°‘ compensation received by him as an employee of the government and the salary of clerk to the Committee on Indian Affairs from the sixteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, to the twenty- ilrst day of January, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, out of the approprition for salaries of oilcers, clerks, messengers, and others, Senate, for the iiscal year ending June thirtietb, eighteen hundred and ‘ eighty-six. ‘ _Joint Commis· To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay for clerical and steno- $2** gm *1*** ¤°¤°¤· graphic services and other expenses of the Joint Commission to Consider “ {ay;'::,?;, gx_ the Organizations of the Signal Service, Geological Survey, Coast and p,,,;,,., Geodetic Survey, and the Hydrographic Oillce of the Navy Department, R. s., 1165, p. one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight dollars; the accounts for 31%; X 18 iw said services and expenses to be paid on vouchers audited and approved " ‘ *P‘ ‘ by the chairman of said Joint Commission, and to the persons who have rendered the services, notwithstanding section seventeen hundred and sixty-tive of the Revised Statutes, or section three of the act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, chapter three hundred and twenty-eight. H<>¤¤¤_ ¤f Ren- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. resentatlves. B.B.w¤de. To pay E. B. Wade the diferencc between the pay received by him P=¤y¤¤¤¤l= iv- and the salary of reading clerk from May twenty-seventh to June fourteenth, one hundred and ive dollars. Allowances in For allowance to the following contestants and con testees in full of ex- ¤¤¤¥¤¤l¤¢l ¤l¢¤ll¤¤ pensesincnrred by them in contestedelection cases: To H.AAcrbert, live °°‘“’· hundred and one dollars and seventy-five cents; A. C. Davidson, two hundred dollars; J. B.Weaver, twothousand dollars; Frank T. Campbell, two thousand dollars; Frank H. Hurd two thousand dollars; Jacob Romeis, two thousand dollars; Meridith Kidd, two thousand dollars; George W. Steele, two thousand dollars; Barclay Henley, J. A. Louttit, Joseph McKenna, William W. Morrow, C. N. Felton, H. H. Markham, six hun- (fred and fifty dollars; and to the widow of J. C. Holmes, a contestant lor the seat from the eighth district of Iowa in the Forty-sixth Congress, one thousand dollars; in all, fourteen thousand three hundred and fifty- one dollars and seventy-ave cents. Tncnms neu. To reimburse Thomas Bell for expenses incurred to date forassistancc P¤>'¤¤°¤* *¤· as laborerin the folding-rooms, three hundred and fifty-two dollars. James D. Rpm. To pay James D. Ryan for services as assistant in seal-room from Y’=¤>'*¤¤¤*= iv- December fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, until January twen ty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, one hundred and twenty dollars.