Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/404

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FORTYNIN TH CONGRESS. Sess. IL Gus. 69, 70. 1887. 37], limit of costs prescribed in said act is hereby extended as aforesaid. And Limit ¤f <>¤¤f i¤- 110 plsix1_ shall be approved which will involve an expenditure for site °‘°“‘d·

nd_b1g1dix;g complete, including approaches, greater than the limit

erem xe< Approved, January 29, 1887. w£E:§i0Z0.5An act granting pensions to the soldiers and sailors of the Mexican Jan. 29, 1887. , 0 0I.' PIIIPOBGS. ‘—*'**"‘*" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United State: of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the In- Mexican wa.: terior be, mid he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the P°¤°‘°“°· , pension—r0ll the names of the surviving officers and enlisted men, in- edP°"°°° m°1°d' cludin g marines, militia, and volunteers, of the military and naval serv- ` ices of the United States, who being duly enlisted, actually served sixty days with the Army or Navy of the United States in Mexico, or ou the coasts or frontier thereof, or en route thereto, in the war with that nation, or were actually engaged in a battle in said war, and were h0u· ombly discharged, and to such other officers and soldiers and sailors as may have been personally named in any resolution of Congress for any speciilc service in said war, and the surviving widow of such officcrs and enlisted men: Provided, That such widows have not remarried: Prjovinoo. Provided, That every such officer, enlisted man, or widow whois or may wld""- become sixty-two years of age, or who is or may become subject to any pis,,;,imi,,,_ disability or dependency equivalent to some cause prescribed or recognized by the pension laws of the United States as a. sufficient reason for the allowance of a pension, shall be entitled to the benefits of this act; but is shall not be held to include any person not within the rule of age Persons exclud. or disability or dependence herein defined, or who incurred such disa- cd. bility while in any manner voluntarily engaged in or aiding or abetting the lute rebellion against the authority of the United States. Sm:. 2. That pensions under section one of this act shall be at the Rate. rate of eight dollars per month, and payable only from and after the passage of this act, for and during the natural lives of the persons entitled tbereto, or during the continuance of the disability for which the » same shall be granted: Provided, That section ouécf this act slmlluot Prvv•w. apply to any person who is receiving a pension at the rate of eight dol- i¤E“`:‘;gig:s °xm‘ lars per month or more, nor to any person receiving apension of less than g P ' eight dollars per mouth, except Ihr the dillerence between the pension ' · now received (if less than eight dollars per mouth) and eight dollars r month. péS1zc. 3. That before the name of any person shall be placed on the Secretary of the pension-roll under thisnct, proof shall be made, under such rules and :c’;_:b*L’\}1H;s*: t§”‘ regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, of the right ’ ° of the applicant to a. pension; and any person who shall falsely sind corruptly take any oath required under this uct: shall be deemed guilty of perjury; and the Secretary `0f the Intermr shall cause in be stricken from the pension-roll the name of any person whenever it shall be made to appear by proof satisfactory to him that such name was pug; upon such roll through false and fraudulent representations, and that such person is not entitled to a. pension under this act. The loss of the ce;- tificute of discharge shall not deprive any person of the benefits of this act, but other record evidence of enlistment and service and of au honorable discharge may be deemed suHcieut: Prm:·ad¢d,·Tlmt when nny~ I1;¢¤:•¤· uc person has been granted a land-warmut, under any act of Congress, for b°Pr‘;m;z"j?¢f:{‘;';vi_ and on account of service in the saicl war with Mexico, such grant shall mc, of mmm_ be prima facie evidence of his service and honorable discharge; but such evidence shall not be conclusive, and may be rebutted by endencc that such Ianelwarrant was improperly granted.