Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/510

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FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Szss. II. CHS. 340, 341. 1887. 477 far as they may exist by force of any such treaty shall continue to cxist so long as such treaties are in force, and no longer. Sec. 2. That no corporation or association more than twenty per C crporation ccutum of the stock of which is or may be owned by may person or per- h=¤Vi¤s 1¤<>¤¤ than sons, corporation or corporations, association or associations, not citizens ?;gffQ’°°:f{:f”w“k 0f the United States, shall hereafter acquire or hold or own any real hibiing fmsigmi estate hereafter acquired in any of the Territories of the United States mg real astute. or of the District 0i' Columbia. Sm:. 3. Thats no corporation other than those organized for the con- Muximu m or struction or operation of railways, canals, or turnpikes shall acquire, ]=¤¤dw1¤i¤h ¤¤¤y\>¤ hold, or own more than five thousand acres of land in any of the Terri- $13 by °°’P°"“’ torics of the United States; and no railroad, canal, or tumpikc c0rp0¤ 10 °° ration shall hereafter acquire, hold, or own lands in any Territory, other Con gmmcnll than as may be necessary for the pmperopcration of its railroad, canal, grants. or turnpikc, except such lands as may have been granted to its by act of Congress. But the prohibition of thiS section shall not affect the P1‘¤¤¤¤¤l¤l¤¤¤¤¢ title to any lands now lawfully held by any such corporation. “E°°“d· Sec. 4. That all property acquired, held, or owned in violation of the P¤‘¤£¤r|=y ¤¤1¤w· provisions of this act shall be forfeited to the United States, and it shall f“}3d °m *°b°f°"' be the duty of the Attorney-General to enforce every such forfeiture ° ‘ by bill in equity or other proper process. And in any suit or proceed- Suit;. ing that may be commenced tc enforce the provisions of this act, it shall bc the duty of the court to determine the very right of the matter without regard to matters of form, joindcr ‘of parties, multiihriousness, or other matters not affecting the substantial rights either of the United States or of the parties concerned in any such proceeding arising out of the matters in this act mentioned. , Approved, March 3, 1887. CHAP. 341.-Au act rantin a ri bt of wa throu b certain public la. dsc ho a _ United States in the Terrgory ofgUtalE and for gthor priposcs. P ll ft Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Staies of America in Congress assembled, That a right of wayishorcby Right of way granted to the Salt Lake and Fort Douglas Railway, a corporation duly *';'°'l§h F ****;,1)***** organized under the laws of the Territory of Utah, across tho Fort §;:L;:;:';‘I{!:,tr'; Douglas Military Reservation, by a route surveyed and laid down on a Douglas R,,;;“·,,y_ properly certified map, a copy of which is now on iilc with the Secretary cf YVar, which location has been submitted to and approved by the post Location. commander and the comunaudcr of the department. Said right of way hereby granted shall not exceed one hundred iéetin width through said Width. reservation, except where side-tracks, spurs, turn-tables, or stations are located or to be located; and ut such points the right: of way shall not exceed two hundred feet on each side of the main track and not exceeding two thousand feet in length: Provided, That an additional right of Hvrim. wuy is hereby granted for such spurs, sidings, turn-tables, and stations Stations, atc. as are deemed necessary from time to time in order to transport tho freights and materials to and from and across said reservation; such further locations not now laid down on said map to be made under the direction of the post commander and to be approved by tho Secretary of War: Provided fm-ther, That the regulations for operating said rail- Regumiuus. road within the limits of said reservation shall be approved by the Secretary of War: Provided also, That the said railway company will . do nothing or cause anything to be done that will in any way lessen the quantity of water, except to such extent as may necessarily result from Water supply. the use for engine purposes, or render tha water impure that Hows from Red Butte Canon, upon which the supply of Forts Douglas depends. Sec. 2. That the grant contained in the first section of this act is made 0<>¤di¢i¤¤¤· upon the express condition that the Salt Lake Rock Company, its successors and assigns, shall first convey to the United States a title in fccsimplc, free and clear of all incumbrancc,to the approval of thoAtt0moy-