Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1421

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1382 PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. BIARCH 20, 1883. communicated to all the other toutes les autres Administrations. Governments. _ S°¤*i5*i°S·€*<=· The International Bureau shall Le Bureau international cencollect information of every kind tralisera les renseignements de relating to the protection of In- toute nature relatifs at la protecdustrial Property, and shall com- tion de la Propriété industrielle et pile from it general statistics, les reunira en une statistique gewhich shall be transmitted to all nérale qui sera distribuee at toutes the Governments. It shall oc- les Administrations. Il procedera cupy itself with examinations of aux etudes d’utilite commune ingeneral utility which may be of teressant l’UH1OH et redigera, at interest to the Union, and shall l’aide des documents qui_ seront ublish, with the assistance of the mis a sa disposition par les didocuments put at its disposal by verses Administrations, une feuthe various Governments, a peri- ille periodique, en langue franodical in the French language on caise, sur les questions concernant questions which concern the ob- l’objet de l’Union. ject of the Union. _ · nastnwmuon or The numbers of this periodical Les numeros de cette feuille, de °*‘“ P“"“°°“°"’*· and all the documents published meme que tous les documents puby the International Bureau shall blies par le Bureau International, be partitioned among the Govern- seront repartis entre les Adminiments of the States of the Union strations des Etats de l’Union, 4 in the proportion of the number dans la proportion du nombre of contributory units above men- des unites contributives ci-dessus tioned. mentionees. ‘ mmmpm The copies and supplementary · Les exemplaires et documents documents which may be re- supplementaires qui seraient requested either by the said Gov- clames, soit par lesdites Adminiernments, or by co orations or strations, soit par des societés ou private persons, shall) be paid for des particuliers, seront payes a seprarate y.part. ` specmmmmuon. he International Bureau must Le Bureau international devra alway hold itself at the disposal se tenir en tout temps a la dispoof the members of the Union, in sition des Membres de l’Union, order to furnish them, on ques- pour leur fournir, sur les questions relating to the international tions relatives au service internaservice of ndustrial Property, tional de la Propriété industrielle, with such special information as les renseignements spéciaux dont thqy may need. ils pourraient avoir esoin. euléeetinzs of 0<>¤f¤r· he Government of the country L’Administration du pa s on ` where the next Conference is to doit sieger la prochaine Cronfebe held shall prqpare, with the as- rence preparera, avec le concours _ sistance of the nternational Bu- du Bureau international, les trareau, the work of the said Con- vaux de cette Conference. ference. wlgirecwrto be pres _ The director of the Interna- Le directeur du Bureau interna- ‘ tional Bureau shall be present at tional assistera aux seances des the sessions of the Conferences, Conferences et prendra art aux and shall take part in the discus- discussions sans voix deliherative. sions without voting. Report. He shall make an annual replort Il fera, sur sa gestion,un rapport on its management, which s all annuel qui sera communique a be communicated to all the mem- tous les membres de l’Union. berpql of ge [Iqion. Ifrenchtobethe or- e o cia anguage of the In- La lan ue officielle du Bureau scm “"“g"°g"· ternational Bureau shall be the internatignal sera la langue fran- French language. gaise. toékgfmmrion of pm 7'_ The present _ final protocol, 7. Le present Protocole de Cl6· · which shall be ratified at the same ture, qui sera ratifie en meme time as the Convention concluded temps que la Convention conclue