Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1528

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1492 INDEX. Amherstburg Page- A t' Page,

o TL Ig`?/Ld,

appropriation for consul at . 252, 702 a.ppropria.tion for consul at . 252, 702 Amick, Christopher C., Antwerp,

p:»i¥*m§nt to .L .. . ... . .,.. 1235 apgroptiagon for consul at. ...   7 

o mz e wer, a., or cer - ·e . , appropxiation for improvement of ... 414 Anti, Christine,

 for survey of . . ... .  .  427 defgcieiicg appropriation for . 17

mz y. Apac ze n dans, treaty ot, with Peru 1444 appropriation fulfilling treaties with 219, 982 Ammumt{0n , Army, for support, etc.,of .. 230, 994 appropriatmn for ... 832 Apache, etc, Indians in Arizona, for manufacture of metallic, etc . 487, 833 appropriation for support, etc., of .. 230, 995 Amoy, Apache. etc., Indians, m New Mexico, Appropriation for consul at 250, 700 appropriation for support. etc., of .. 280, 995 ’*Q,€{§C,°{,“f£2£ai0.. fo. ...,.1 at · 252 m i A§§?°‘§*‘°’2 “’£¥°p"““°“ f°’ S“""°" ‘‘‘‘‘°° . · , ac wo a, a., Anacostia and Potomac River Railroad, I $PPfoI{¥'l3ti0¤ for imP!'0"°m°ut of hm'b°¥`» 404 extension of tracks authorized .. 353 AP“l“Ch“’Pl°'; R"’"·_Fla·· f Ancient #1% H01unAable Artillery Company I A;¢lg’r°P"a“°“ for lmpmvement 0 ‘‘‘·‘‘‘ 413 0 assac use s, » ’ - . loan of arms and equipments to 1074 l appr;>pr1ation for consukgeneral at . 251, 700 Andersom A` M" · glliizvzd to Su rome Courtasto 'urisdiction payment to . 1168 _ p · - J Anderson Eliza B ·d l of low ercourts,1rrespect1veof amount 693 · *- A i"" °“’)* 1048 Applegate George J M pension increase . .. I ’" A,1der§0n E1neline p3Y E§?&t0j.F. Axgg-:;3,]; 'jébiéé '`'‘’''‘'‘‘'‘‘‘'‘' 11;,9 j·lI•;gcienc5; approp1gg0§5%mying .. 921 ¤=·y¤·*=¤*°fj¤dg¤¤¤* of CM ··f Cmtv 23 ’Z’{Z{,'$'.I}.°.2’L{Z‘Z’;”f”0.". . . ’ 539 gm Am?;;' Samu ’ 1206 deiiciency ;pp1·0p§iation for . 65 "’££Z'£11 {IT? .. ?’ .. 1087 A¤»¤r¤g;;¤;g;;;c QT *¤¤;;;;;¢m¤¤* ·>* -··--·· - 4*** ’! Andrews' Hamm E" - I appropriation for surivey of .. 426

p3ymeng§>fg1dgment of Court of Claims to 24 I A has

nrews, . ., ppm -’· -

;3ym8mkt0 %mWmwr of ____________ 1322  appmg3ézh%1 £;r meeting of local .. 520, 957  

1 rcws obcr . {gl en ’ ’ - - · . · * unty outfit of clothing on enlistment. . 781 A7Ij;;}§‘°@m;,éé-E. ·········~···-·· · ···-···· 1331 .4pp¤»pqm¢zOmé;? also Pgbuc Bumxmgs). · W ’ " . annua. , exten tlm·ty` ays 6 v—r¤¤<·¤1¤g.·*¤¤¤¤r=¤¤ *~>·F<¤ Md W¤¢<>¤· 19* extended to August 31,18% ... 628

 girhnvers .. .  continued mlm September I? 1888         630

Ag;gg?¤g;g0;i>vr¤vri3¤¤¤ *·¤ Services ·--~ · 568 $SE?L'Eé“.l EZ€?1S5.€¥€ST1§$B??b$s8??I I I jj gag? ~ · v . for Military Academy . .. 108,662 Paymega gigxagw t°’ F°x and W‘°°°u` 19 i gon- gayxgsnt of glensions. ... . . 782 A**9“'"· John L·· fg: th; dipmatic and consular service 247 696 A5;£”€;‘(:b°fg‘°}dgm°°t °f Cmnt °f Clmmsm 930 l for legislative, executive, and judicial ex- · ‘ ‘* penses . .. 256 705 , P“Ym°°° m ····‘‘‘···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ 1194 for District of Columbia ... 314; 793 Animal Indgwtry Blwviw, D¢pm‘fm¢#¤¢ of i for Department of Agriculture . 828, 835 _ A@0ul¢uT¢, for the postal service ... 345, 841 approprnctioz fo: BXPGUSGS, D¤1’¢h¤¤€ 0533 839 for rivers ann harbors ... 400

¤D1¤1Q· . 9 0 ··-·----·--·····--·· - y for the zmva service. .. . . .  458, 809

to; <;|;¤Xg:iMMé- -833, gig gor ghgfgppgn of the Army ... 213;,3% ues t m·o'ca‘ons . . . . fol’ q\{31‘!}¤¤¤6 ¤t¤t¤0¤$ ···---····--··· 333. 840 for sundry civil expenses ... 505, 939 for pnnting f<>¤r¤h aud fifth ¤¤¤¤¤] re- my deficiencies ... . . 4,47, 505,905

 ports ¤¤ ···-···· - ··---···- · · ··-· - 1021 in customs revenue, pensions, etc .. 176

A7<l"lL!d8i·em'tted on imported for breeding 76 contingent expenses Home of Rl8pm` n nes 1 , · sentatives . . . 637 Ammqls. not 0n F¢111¤§» for eleventh census . . . . 766 SPG0m] <>€¤5\1¤ ¤¤q¤m°B mlamug *0 ··~·-·· 76** for agricultural experimental stations 32 A7¢7¢ab’¢"'Q· _ __ '_ for additional portraits of the late John appropriation for consul at .. . .. 2ql, 400 A Logan ____________________ 33 AMWPGU8 (8% Naval A°3d€mY)· for removal- of quarantine station, Ship Anniston and Cincinnati Railroad Com- { Island, Miss .. 44 pany, or uneral expenses of lat Ch' f J may bridge Coosa River at Gadsden, Ala. 769 tice M. R. Waite . E . . . é. . . 46 Anthony. John M., for Senate special and select committees 73 payment to administratrix of ... 1224 for gifts to Esquimaux .. 73 Antietam Ahtional Cemetery, Md., for road to national cemetery, Baton appropriation for road to ... 538. 916 Rouge, La 374