Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1579

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INDEX. Page. Heating Apparatus. appropriation for, public buildings.... .520.956 for. continued available for certain pub- lic buildings. 176 deficiency appropriation for Heaton, Susan (née Thompson). 568 1234 payment to. Heaton, William W.. payment of judgment of Court of Claims to Heceta Head, Oregon, 592 light-house established at, mouth of Sius- law River. 791 appropriation for 943 Hedberg, Alfred, appointment as captain of infantry au- thorized. 85 Hedden, Edward L., 1278 allowance in accounts of.. Hedgecoth, William A., payment to.. 1229 Hein, Ernest, 1161 pension increased Heinbach, David, pension. Heine, Henry, 1218 payment to. 1244 Heintz, John, payment to. 1242 Heintzelman, Margaret S. (widow), pension increased. 1267 Heiskel, Ann E., formerly Ann E. French, payment to.. 1323 Helena, Ark., construction of public buildings at, au- thorized. 84 appropriation for. 506 655 term of circuit court at Helena, Mont., appropriation for salaries, assay office at.276, 725 for wages, contingent expenses.......276, 725 deficiency appropriation for contingent expenses 567 Helm, W. S., 1236 payment to executor of Hell Gate, N. Y.. 409 appropriation for improvement of deficiency appropriation for use of ground, light-station at; material to be removed. 49 Helper, Hardie Hogan, pension increased.. 1167 Helton, James A., payment to widow of... 1228 Hempstead, Fay, payment of judgment of Court of Claims 23,930 to. Hendee, George E.. payment of judgment of Court of Claims to, and interest Henderson, Alexander. 61 594 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to Henderson, James L., muster corrected. 1077 Henderson, Michael, payment to.. 1229 Henderson, Samuel B., payment to.... 1228 Henderson. Thomas G., 25 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to Henderson State Line Railroad Company, 904 may bridge Green and Barren Rivers. Ky. Hendrix, Otho G.. pension Henly (or Hendley). Cupel (or Capial), payment to administrator of.. 1286 1322 1543 Page. 41 1199 1292 1195 930 1187 6 21 21 23 587 409 1228 1229 771 24 416 594 1229 1229 195 1239 1228 1093 1123 1238 1327 1324 1312 486 594 925 1088 Hennepin Canal, survey and estimates for, to be made. Hennessey, John V., pension Henricks, Benjamin, George W. Sampson and payment to heirs of. Henry, Charles B., commutation, etc., to, while on Greely expedition. Henry, Samuel, payment of judgment of Court of Claims to Henry, William I., payment to. Herald, New York, deficiency appropriation for advertising.. Herling, Antoinette, payment of damages to, Fox and Wiscon- sin Rivers Herling, Theodore, payment of damages to, Fox and Wiscon- sin Rivers Herr, Clayton C., payment of judgment of Court of Claims to Herron, Andrew S., late a Member of the House of Representatives, deficiency appropriation of heirs of...... Herr's Island Dam, Pa., appropriation for improvement of Hester, Archibald P., payment to administrator of Hester, Henry J., payment to.. Hettinger County, Dak., exchange of lands by settlers with the Northern Pacific Railroad.... Heyward, Julius H., payment of judgment of Court of Claims to Hiawassee River, Tenn., appropriation for improvement of ....... Hibbert, Stephen D., payment of judgment of Court of Claims to Hibbett, Joseph, payment to executor of . Hibbit (or Hibbits), Robert, payment to administratrix of.... Hickman, Ky., bridge across Mississippi River at, author- ized Hicks, James. payment to administrator of Hicks. Alfred B.. payment to Hicks. Lydia A. (widow), pension Hicks. W. A.. pension Hiett, Jeremiah, payment to... Higgins, John T., payment to Higgins. Margaret T., payment to executor of High School, Virginia, Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary and payment to Highwood, Ill.. appropriation for military post at.... Hiland, Thomas. payment of judgment of Court of Claims to Hilborn, S. G., deficiency appropriation for.... Hildreth, Edna N. (daughter), pension