Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1586

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1550 INDEX. rage. Pem- Inspector-General's Department, Army. \ Internql Reremee, appropriation for yay of orhcers ; lon- deficrexrcy approprmtzou for expenses gevity .. . ... 481, 826 exglrth oensuq. . . r . 932 Inspecl0r—Generul' s Ojfice, for pensxon mvcst1gation$ .. 936 appropriation for clerks, etc 279, 728 Census Qiiqce estab11shed ug 7 61 In8_pec·for· of Furniture. etc., Public Buildings, appropr1ation for Co1nm1ssion:r, doputy appropriation for: expenses 519, 956 clerks. ctc . . ... 299, 718 Intercourse Acts, Indian. for collectors and depgzty 242, 722 appropriation for punishing violations of, number and sa1ar1e:s not to be utetc ., 544, 976 creased . . ... 272, 722 Interior Department, for agents, surveyors, gaugers, storeappropriagon for Secretary, Assista,z1ts% kogpirs, etc clear s, etc ... , - or so 101 or . MS ., for clerks, etc., office Assistant Attor- for paper for stamps, etc . 518: 954 nay-General . 285, 734 for pumslung v10]at]0n of laws. I .. 518, 954 for Commissioner of the General Land deficiency approprnahou for salanes, etc., Office, assistant, clerks, etc ... 285, 735 collectors . . ... 27, 62, 69 for Commissioner of Indian Aifairs, as- for sala.r1e5, etc.. agents ... 27, 69, 597, 908 sistant, clerks, etc ... 286,735 for refu11g1111g taxes t .. . . . 27, 63, 597 for Comruissioner of Pensions, deputics% gor asségsgig and collecting ... 2g, c er s, etc ... , or re ¤ moneys .. ‘ 7, for Civmguisioner of Patents, a.ssista`ug §0r gunisgiug violatrous of lThvsé;.6é.é c cr s, etc ... 7 7 or raw ac on sti scxport ..¤ ‘, ‘ for Commissioner of Education, clerksb for regurrdingégres collected prior to etc .. 2 8,77 uyl, ‘;provis0: .. 2, for Commissioner of Railroads, book- for regcmptionbof stamps . 62 kee r, ctc . . 288, 7 n erna evenue ommissioner of ` for Amgmt of the Capitol . 288,738 appropriation for pay of, deputy: clerks, for Director of Geological Survey, cx- ctc .. 269, 718 ecutivo officer, clerks, etc . . . .288, 738 to provide analysis of articles of food, etc., for contingent cxgggscs .. 289, 738 D. C . 551 for Stationery, ks, mnt, POSWSBQSQ 738 Internal Revenue, Solicitor of, stamps ..ti f f 93 for pmpmug omcm Register . 738 ;,,,a§$,Y,(,;$°1}13°},,,§),]§`,L,§’ }£,:}’Q_° 2 M2 for sqryeyors-general, clerks, ,ctc . 289, 738 m-msg, for viohtjon Of, to be made only on $3; ;éVl1 8XI;(;D:$ S €F .. ggg swoxinfgmolgsnt of officer from pcr- Pmis - · { ·--- ; -··-··- s011a ow gc ...,.. . ... 545 for gx? 8* 59 CRP1W} ¤·¤< ] 8 Intmatmgl giureau of the Union for the

   . 3 . . .. 0 0 - ec ion of Industrhzl Pro t

fo;£ ¤£<£;i§FOI$g2¤PY of O011g1H5S- - · 1 oouventiorb ygoviding for wtabhsmlégqt 1378 .. g` A ‘ - for public lands. . . ... 524, 9§8 ,;;;,3 g for Surveygng public 1am1S .·-.-·----- 525, 9¤8 up ropriation for contribution .,.,_. 249 699 for Geological Survey 526, 960 dggcigncv appropriation fol degcitm mV_ ’ · for Egrovement, etc-, Hot Spmgs, enies .. . 560, 907 .. . .. 527 If ;·¢ 5 '‘`'` f k f h f C G d n emu 5o;;Q gonzmzttee on Wezglzts and

l‘iZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . .  961 appropriation for ex nses of att (1*  270 r—·20

for ghggemmenmt Hospital for thé I¤g Internul:(malC0nfere1 ;2e of Ame1$2a:?§’a-

 ...    » ... .. , _ zons,

‘°' €‘£}&‘B*i$J‘T`i‘Y‘TT‘Yf‘T’T. ?‘TY . Y? @$2:, gm ‘""‘“‘T$ J8d*§%*L?}’}E§T¤§f£*§°°e-C§;" for Howard University .. 528. 962 D0ming0 and Empire bf gifagil tg for education m Alaska .. 528,962 meet in ivashingmn in 1889 155 for Freedumn's Hospital and Asylum.528, 962 gggpg of Conference ' IE5 rm conqmbm uospmu for Women L 528 contents of iumauoal { I 1 I Q Q1 I I lll ‘`‘`‘° ma for Inghap AE:1rrs. . . . ... @28, 9§0 | appropriation for expenses ,... 156. 957 for pnntwz ang! bmduig -_ ----. _ ·---··- 948. 9·9 i ten delegates to be appointed .,.,.. I.156 for rqpreseutatxon at Cmcxmmtn Exposn- { delegates from foreign countriei 156

   bh     160 { each state to have one vote ,.. .  156

. » g expenses to e under direction of Secre-

 pensxons   .   ... 632 · tr f Stat ‘

““$?‘i’5?fi2§£§?‘;E§§‘,2X’SfS??¥; ‘"· ‘”’ 5*8* 952 f “”’¥q?·g;§¢i¤¤ M-¥i¥l¥5iiéi1é¥f¤é“Pi¤ii ITG for digereucc in Pay to enlployees 5.:.8 --·-·- · ··-.. . .. , . 126 fo1‘ {¥11bU9 lands-, - -----. 579,920,93%,936 i International (.$>n;e;•t}oh§, for lglltlllg Capltcl and grounds --.- · 920 I for the protection of industrial r rt 1%‘2 for rent .. . .., 920 * f h · P ope y , 5 or gxc ange of officml documents .. 1365 for Hoezpmml for the [1158116 ..-. . . . . 921 » for 1mm0dinte exch f ° for Columbia Institqtion for Deaf and } records mg g p r 8 l1 ?u ry 1469 M JE{‘£‘€j;.; xm;:: i i i i 1 1 :1 it;:; 33} · ’"*"'""’”%"‘€’ ”?F* F¥¢ *+?·¥¢ ````` -

     _   ~ » npproprratmn for expenses ...,.,,,,,. 9a7

gw }¤>r? >1on¤&p;·0¤¤o ...,____ _ _____ gjgg I,m,,.,m"0nal Exc,la - · · or nc mn a aus 1 922 ; appropriation for expenses ..,.. 529,952