Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1614

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1578 INDEX. . Pa e. JW: Percés Indians, Pm North American Ethnology, _ g appropriation for fulfilling treaty with. .223, 987 applropriamou for researches m . 529, 952 deiiciency appropriation for fulfilling Nort Edrsfq Rzver, S. C'., treaty with ... 604 ap]';r0pr1a.tion for survey of . _ . 431 Nez Poreés Indians, Idaho, , Nort Dakota (see also States, Admission of appropriation for support, ctci, of .. 231, 996 * New), Maz Percés Indians, Josephlc Band, I general provisions for delegates to couappropriation for support, etc., of .. 231, 996 vention .. 676 Niagara, River, N. Y., meeting of convention .. 67 6 appropriation for improvement of ... 402 adoption of Constitution of the United for survey of water-way from Toua.- States 676 wands. to below Falls . @9 provisions to be embodied in constitution ‘ N.;w,.agua_ of ,.. t . . . . 626 appropriation for minister to ... 247, sm <;<>;W•¤¤¤<>¤ to meet at Bmrparck. . - , . . . M Nicaragua Uma], 3 Jomt ggwmionc to divide Temtomal 6_8 inco `on of m struct. . . 67 , e . s Niehdgrgznm, co pany to cou to be fi Territory if constitution be pg- I- payment to executors of ..., 1238 J69V5d . .. _. . . . . 6 . 8 N,(.;w[8’ J_ wg, _ convention to form new cousutut on to payment to . 1E2S be 8-Ssgmbled ._ _. . . 678 Nichols, W1'lliam B., d¤·Y fo1f voting OH adoption of constitupayment to administrator of 1323 tw]-I ··-······-·-- _ ·---·-----·.·· . . . $79 Nicholson, Many Heap (widow), canvass of returns; cerniicate ... 676 A pension ..,. 1300 €;'0;a]i:_g1g2g1§;>;¤dm1€S;9n as a State 273 ’zce, _ resen a we I . T appropriation for consul at . 252, 702 Sfmt Of public lands for educauonal, etc., Nieman, Anton, purposes . .. 679 payment to . : ... 166 f<>¤‘ Pubiw 1¤¤m¤¤<>¤S. buildings, ew .. 680 Nindemann, wqygam E gw selection of lands . ... 682 payment to _____________________ _ _______ 1307 appropriation for expenses of convention . 682 Munn, fcrmaticxrof courts, etc , 682 appropriation for consul at . 250, 700 ma? P¥‘0“d¤ Y0!` €l€<¤ti<>¤ Of full State Niobrara Island, _ g0V91'!1l¤€l1i3 . . . . ..., . ...,, 683 donated, tz Niobmm, Nebr_, for a public I Aorth Dakota and Pacific Railway Comr ,... 103, 897 * PFM}- - Niobm 1_§?Nebr_, I Tmay bridge Red River of the North . 214, 298 Niobrara Island. Missouri River, donatedA'°g`tgc?"""“" Uf”Jd.St?“m'·’h'R C0""})""!/» to, for a public park . 103,897 ° egg; agpgggdfgr ¤¤*¤M*¤ <>¤ 935 Msqzzally Agency, North Hero G I ---I I IIII $·PP!`°P¥:9·mm.f°" SUPPOYE em-» of 32 997 authorized t0,build a. bridge from North 8... , H€rOt0S0‘1th`Her0mands’mkc Nixon, George A., Champlain . : . 552 payment to . 579 North Phlouse River, Wash., Nucorn., Lewis, appropriation for survey of . . 432 payment of judgment of C0urt0fC1a.imst0 929 North R‘i‘L’€7‘ Bar, NZ C'., Noble, John B.. appropriation for improvement of ... 412 payment to administrator ... 1244 Northeast River, Md., Noel, Dulcena (mother), appropriation for survey of ,. · 427 pension ... . . . ... 1205 Northeast River, N. C'., Noel, Ieucy A. (daughter), appropriation for smvey of ... . .. 430 Npeyrsmn. ,, . . 1124 Nbrgge authorlized ..,..,,, 171 oga es, or emeyemw an Ara ho Indi 17 alpprciperiation for consul at .. 702 appropriation for fuliillingptgeatv wish .8 223 987 No en, nnis. Northern Pacific Railway Company , payment to administrator of 1232 deficiency appropriation for transporta- Nomini Creek, Va., tion ... 567 appropriation for improvement of ... 410 settlers in Hettinger County Dak. Nones, enry; B., exchange lands with. . i 771 payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 59 Northrop, Gertrude (minor child) U · - i Nootaack River, Wash., pension ,. . . . 1333 s giggle riation, for improvement of ... 428 Northmp, A. J., `````` ' sz01m' en. ’ ment of `ud ent of ' NA}nH·icQnbr‘egister to be issued to bark. . . 83 J\’<£$;¢u p cmd §7u§;;;.g01;, Court of Claims to 23 0r‘0°,¢Y2 ., - ymentt:0 .. "' Nteiltskofvcourt at .. . . 443 Ngrufhwest Seal Rock, Cal, · l ·I`IIS! my , `a., deiicienc appropriati ’ ‘ - gp mp;-iation for improvement of harbor. 403 Nvriilwest gmggtargq, Ceggeixzigig; house` A9, 908 gw improvement of approach to. .. 403 participation of the Executive be m- for erection of marine barracks 472 ments in exposition m commgmm Nmfol and Pm*f8m0/nih; EQ, . i `rfite . ,‘ ‘ 159 MMIEHM of .,(,p.,mm~~.~mm.a changed. we m»·nm»e¤%e·n Mmm: up 66;. Nora;-American Line, tl f t mst ) pcmg. de ciency nppropria 'on or in e on ment to, dum; , a ismm · tonnage tax refunded to ... 935 Psy Rivers ixupr . 5%