Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/193

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F IF TIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 2.50, 251. 1888. 147 Sec. T. _That this act shall be null and void if actual construction c0gf”}(£$“°€m€¤*¤¤<l of the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year P D' and completed within three years from the date thereof. Approved, May 14, 1888. CHAP. 251.-An act to create and organize the county of Latah. May 14, 1888. lie it enaded by the Sencde and House of Represemfafives of the United States of America in Congress assenzbled, That all that or- LatahCounty,Idah0, tion of Nez Perce County, in the Territory of Idaho, lying north of °'g“*'°"· the following line, to wit: Commencing at a point where the middle Boundaries. line of township thirty-eight north intersects the line between Nez Perce and Shoshone Counties in said Territory; thence west to Big Potlatch Creek, where it iirst intersects the said middle line of township thirty-eight; thence down said creek southwesterly to a point where it intersects the middle line of township thirty-seven; thence due west to the line between the Territories of Idaho and Washington be. and the same is hereby, formed and organized into a county, to be known and designated as the county of Latah, with all the rights, power, and privileges of counties under the existing laws of the Territory of Idaho. Sno 2. That XV. WV. Langdon, J. L. N ailer, and William Frazier Ccmmissioum. are hereby appointed commissioners of said county of Latah, and their annual compensation shall be the same as now provided by law for the commissioners of Nez Perce County. Sec. 3. That the county commissioners above named are hereby Avpvintiuz county authorized, within twenty days after the approval of this act, to °m°°"‘ qualify before a justice of the peace and enter upon the discharge of their duties as such commissioners, and are hereby empowered to appoint all necessary county officers to perfect the organization of said county of Latah under the laws of the Territory of Idaho, and the said county commissioners and other county officers a pointed as aforesaid shall hold their offices until the next general election provided by the laws of said Territory, and until their successors are elected and qualified according to law. Sec. 4. That the justices of the peace, constables. road supervisors. .rusm—e¤o:m¤pme, and other precinct and school officers heretofore elected and qualiiied °“" and now acting as such. residing in said county of Latah. are hereby continued as such officers in said county of Latah until the next gcneral election aforesaid and until their successors are duly elected and qualitied. Sec. 5. That the county of Latah shall pay to the county of Nez I¤¤debmcl¤¤ess. Perce a just proportion of the net indebtedness of said Nez Perce County, the same to be determined as follows, to wit: The county treasurer, recorder, and present county assessor of Nez Perce County are hereby constituted a board of adjusters. who shall proceed to ascertain the net indebtedness of said county of Nez Perce, which shall be done as follows, namely: Ascertain all the county justly owes in £¤¢—;{§l;¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤f warrants, scrip, or other just debts, which amount shall constitute P W ' the gross indebtedness of said county, from which deduct the amount of the unpaid portion of the assessment—roll of eighteen hundred and ei ghty-seven and the amount of all delinquent assessment-rolls which are considered collectable up to that date. and the amount of all moneys. and other credits due the county then; and the balance so found shall constitute the net indebtedness of said county of Nez Perce: and the net indebtedness of said county of Nez Perce, ascertained as aforesaid, shall be divided equally between the counties of Nez Perce and Latah in proportion to the taxable property of said counties as it legally appears on the assessment—r0ll or the year