Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/435

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FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I Cns. 790-792. 1888. 389 or judges holding such term upon consent of both parties, or application therefor and and good cause shown by either party to any civil R· S·· 58% 57% 658, cause set for trial or hearing at said term, to order such cause to be pp`100’m' heard or tried at the city of Newark, in said district, upon a day set for that purpose by said judge ; Provided, Such application shall be Proviwvmade to such judge, either in vacation or term time, at least one week before the date set for the trial of said cause, and on at least tive days notice to the opposite party, or his or her counsel; and N°°i°€- writs of subpoena to compel the attendance of witnesses at said city S¤¤*m<>¤S· of Newark may issue, and jurors summoned to attend said term mav be ordered by said judge or judges to be in attendance upon said court in the city of Newark. Approved, August 8, 1888. CHAP. 791.-An act to provide for the erection of a public building at States- August 8.1888- ville, North Carolina. 1**** Be tit enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America [in Congress assembled, That the Secretary §,j1¤,j{?SV;%d§; 0- of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to purchase or other- lc g` wise provide a site, and cause to be erected thereon a substantial and ` commodious building, with iire-proof vaults, for the use and accommodation of the courts of the United States, post-oflice, and other oiices for Government uses, at Statesville, North Carolina. The site, site P*¤~¤S· °t<=· and building thereon, when completed upon plans and specifications to be previously made and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall not exceed in cost the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars; nor shall any site be purchased until estimates for the erection of abuild- F·**im¤°°$· ing which will furnish sufficient accommodations for the transaction of the public business, and which shall not exceed in cost the balance of the sum herein limited after the site shall have been purchased and paid for, shall have been approved by the Secretary of the Treasury; and no purchase of site, nor plan for said building, shall be approved Limit of cost. by the Secretary of the Treasury involvin an expenditure exceeding the said sum of seventy-five thousand dodars for site and building; and the site purchased shall leave the building unexposed to danger from fire by an open space of at least forty feet, inclu< ing streets and alleys: Provided, That no part of said sum shall be expended until ¥*‘<¤‘i¤‘¤- a valid title to the said site shall be vested in the Unite States, nor Tiua uw until the State of North Carolina shall code to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the same, during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of said State and the service of civil process therein. Approved, August 8, 1888. CHAP. 792.~·—An act to provide for holding terms of the circuit and district courts August B. 1888. of the United States for the district of Kentucky at Owensborough, in said district, "l’_°`—` and for other purposes. Beiit enacted by the Senate and Hozzrse of Representatizes of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the territory figfggrdtes coms embraced within the following counties in said district. to wit: Daviess, ` Henderson, Union. Christian, Todd. Hopkins, Webster, McLean, Muhlenberg, Logan, Butler, Grayson. Ohio. Hancock. and Brecken- Yidge, shall hereafter constitute and be known as the Owensborough iglwgétgxyih mm division of said district; and regular terms of the circuit and district Terms. ' courts of the United States for said district shall be held semi-annually in the city of Owensborough, in said division, beginning on the fourth Monday in January and the first Monday in June, and continuing at