Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/484

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438 rirrinrn conennss. sms. 1. cus. sai, sro. isss. August $1898- CHAP. 869.-An act to subdivide the eastern judicial district of Louisiana, and '—i_`— to fix the time and place for holding terms of court therein. Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the kg;;;m9·dj . 1 dis United States of America in Congress assembled, That all processes met. m Ju w from the circuit and district courts for the eastern district of Louisiana B""“"‘°* ¥"'°°°” against defendants residing in the garishes of Pointe Coupee, V\`est Baton Rouge, Iberville, Ascension, ast Feliciana, West Feliciana, East Baton Rouge, Saint Helena, and Livingston, shall be returned to said courts at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and all processes against defendants residing in the other parishes of the eastern district of Louisiana shall be returned to New Orleans. h?f;';"“‘§fdN‘f,‘;t?,‘; Sec. 2. That the terms of court shall be held at New Orleans as Rouse. now fixed by law. Terms of circuit and district courts shall be held ,p1H€;‘;§f"‘"°’°58’ ? Baton Rouge semi-annually on the second Mondays of April and ovem er. ,,,1§$§,“,2,1§Y§,,'§,,fYD‘§F Sec. 3. That if there be more than one defendant and they reside in different divisions of the district, the plaintiff may sue in either division, and send duplicate writ or writs to the other defendants; and the said writs, when executed and returned into the court from which they issued, shall constitute one suit and be proceeded in accordingly. T"*"* Sec. 4. That all causes triable in either of the courts of said eastern district shall be tried in the division to which the process is returnable under the provisions of this act, unless by consent of all parties the cause be removed to some other division of said district. u£j_““"“l *"°'°°“‘ Sec. 5. That all pl‘0S9c11ti011S for crimes or offenses hereafter committed in either division shall be cognizable within such division; pmiav- mms Provided, That all crimes and offenses heretofore committed within °°d“°gthe divisions created by this act shall be prosecuted, tried, and determined in the same manner and with the same effect as if this act had not. been passed. ·*¤¤¤ Sec. 6. That all nd and petit jurors summoned for service in each division shalllrgresidents of such division. ¤¤v¤W <=¥¤f¤· Sec. 7. That a deputy clerk of the district court shall be a pointed at each place in the two divisions of said eastern district where said court is required to be held. each of whom, in the absence of the clerk, may exercise all the official powers of clerk at the place and ` within the division for which he is appointed. m§;¤é•::;2cg*Lrz_¤*¤ Sec. 8. That causes removed from any court of the State of Louisiana in the circuit court of the United States within said eastern district shall be removed to the circuit court in the division in which such State court is held. Approved. August 13, 1888. August 13,188*. CHAP. 8'l0.——An act to authorize the Kentucky Rock Gas Company to lay con- """ ‘“""""" duit pipes across the Ohio and Salt Rivers Be it enacted by the Senate a1z¢7Ho21se of Representatives of the c°§;;“¤;‘f¥B°°*°“ United States of Arnerica in (foripress assembled, That the assent of Maylaypgpesqcmm Congress is hereby given to the entucky Rock Gas Company to lay °'"" ““ ° R""' i es for conducting natural gas, petroleum, or salt water across the _ Ohio River and Salt River, at such oints as may be deemed necessary, between the lower boundary of Bradenburgh, in Meade County, Kentucky, and the upper boundary of Louisville, in J efferson County. gona. Kentucky: Provide , That said pipes be laid upon or beneath the bed

g,g'§,f‘ °°”“ "°° ""' of the river and in such manner as not to interfere with navigation,

and under the supervision of the Secretary of War. Approved, August 13, 1888.