Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/564

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518 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1069. 1888. (mice °*P°”S°$* For 00 er- lates, Chart- 5-1»p€1‘, pI'lI1t91‘,S l11k, COPPBI', Zinc, and Cmmm chemicalgllorpelectroty(pingp and photographing; engraving, printing, photographing, an electrotyping supplies; for extra engraving ; and for photolithographing c arts an printing from stone fo1· immediate use, ten thousand dollars. For stationer for office and iield parties, transportation of instruments and supphes, when not charged to party expenses, office wagon and horses, fuel, gas, telegrams, ice, and washing, six thousand ’ ollars. For miscellaneous expenses, contingencies of all kinds, office furniture, repairs, and extra labor, and for traveling expenses of assistants and others employed in the office sent on gpecial duty in the service of the office, three thousand five hundred ollars. 'liotal general expenses of office, twenty-eight thousand five hundred — dollars. Rent FoR RENT or orjmor: BUILDINGS z For rent of buildings for offices, work-rooms, and workshops in Washington, ten thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of fire-proof building number two hundred and five New Jersey avenue, inc uding rooms for standard weights and measures; for the safe-keeping an preservation of the original astronomical, magnetic, hydrograplhic, and other records, of the original topographical and hydrograp ic maps and charts, of instruments, engraved‘ plates, and other valuable property of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, six thousand dollars. uP¤b1i¤bi¤s ¤b*¤¤- UBLISHING OBSERVATIONS : For one computer, one thousand eight °”` hundred dollars ; one computer, one thousand six hundred dollars ; and three co yists, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, nve thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. S¤b¤i¤¤¤¤°° That no part of the money herein appropriated for the Coast and Geodetic Survey shall be available for alllowance to civilian or other officers for subsistence while on duty in the office at Washington, or — to officers of the Navy attached to the Survey. m- ¤¤*¤¤¤H¤· MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS UNDER THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ¥¤*¤¤¤¤·¤'°'°¤¤<> PAPER AND STAMPS : For paper for internal-revenue stam s, nm? P°p°r’°t°' freight, and salaries of superintendent, messengers, and watchmgn, fifty thousand dollars. dijrlpvigplfgflyéglttgosg PUNISHMENT RoR VIOLATIONS OF INTERNAL-REVENUE LAWS: For um. detecting and bringing to trial and punishment persons guilty of violating the internatrevenue laws, or conniving at the same, including payments for information and detection of such violations, thirty-seven thousand five hundred dollars- and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall make a detailed statement to Con ress once in each year as to how he has expended this sum, and alho a detailed statement of all miscellaneous expenditures in the Bureau of Internal Revenue for which appropriation is made in this act. ¤¤g¤¤¤¤¤ ¤f ¤¤<¤¤ CoNT1NoENr EXPENSES INDEPENDENT TREASURY : For contingent °“°° ‘ expenses under the requirements of section thirty-six hundred and R ¤·»¤¤¤·“*8·P- 719- fifty-three of the Revised Statutes of the United States, for the collection, safe—keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public money, and for transportation of notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, seventy thousand dollars. spverccintranspor- TRANSPORTATION OF SILVER COIN: For transportation of silver °“‘°"‘ coin, including fractional silver coin, by registered mail or otherwise, twenty-five thousand dollars; and in expanding this sum the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to transport from the Treasury or subtreasuries, free of charge, silver coin when pmm. requested to do so : Provided, That an e ual amount in coin or cur- °°’°““" rency shall have been deposited in the Treasury or such subtreasuries by the applicant or applicants. And the Secretary of the