Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/580

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534 FIFTIETH ooNGREss. sESS. I. on. 1069. rsss. nmmypmus. MILITARY Posrs. ¤¤¤¤*¤¤·¤¤¤i<>¤» ¢*<=- For the construction of buildings at and the enlargement of such military posts as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be necessary, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. _ Fm BMV- Cavalry and Artillery School, Eort Riley, Kansas: For continuing the work of buildings for the cavalry and artillery school, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. D¤¤v<=¤‘· Military post at Denver, Colorado: For continuing the work of constructing necessary buildings, fifty thousand dollars. For¤R¤bi¤¤<>¤.Nobr- Military post at Fort Robinson, ebraska: For completing the work of constructin necessary buildings, thirty thousand do lars. F·>¤Ni¤b¤¤‘¤·N°b’· Military post at Eort Niobrara, Ne raska: For completing the ‘ work of constructing necessary buildings, thirty thousand do lars. Fon Mweim Fort Meade Military Reservation, Dakota: For the purchase of "°mm°°°l certain land adjoining the military reservation of Fort Meade Dakota, known as the McMillan addition, for the puripose of obtaining a water supply for the post, three thousand dollars, or so muc mmm. thereof as may be necessary: Provided, That a good and sufficient rms. title to the pro rt shall first be vested in the United States. New York. New Yor , llejw Nork: For completing the work of remodeling the old Produce Exchange building, eighty-tive thousand dollars: Pro- {_*¤·>{_>_5}•¤-om lem, vided, That the Secretary of War shal cause the public building in without ¤ii¤1Sy.p New York City, erected rn place of the old Produce Exchange, to be completed and occupied wit out unnecessary delay; and to facilitate the work on said building, all expenditures upon the same including those from the appropriations for the support of the Army, shall be subject to the control and direction of the Secretary of ar. Yo1\ow¤to¤o1’¤rk- PROTECTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE YELLoWsToNE NATIONAL PARK: For the construction and improvement of suitable roads and bridges within the park, under the supervision and direction of an engineer officer detailed by the Secretary of War for that purpose, twenty-five thousand dollars. sigma so-vice. SIGNAL SERVICE. rmyereivsuuu em- Fon THE FOLLOVVING CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES AFTER SEPTEMBER "°"°f" FIRST, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-EIGHT, AT ANNUAL SALA- RIES STATED, IN THE OFFICE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER, NAMELY: One chief clerk, two thousand dollars; two clerks of class three; three clerks of class two (including one stenographer); one chief draughtsman, one thousand four hundred dollars; one foreman of printing, one thousand four hundred dollars; one chief mechanic, one thousand two hundred dollars; two draughtsmen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two teleoraplr operators at one thousand two hundred dollars each; two telegraph operators, at one thousand dollars each; two telegraph operators, at nine hundred dollars each; thirty-nve clerks, c ass one (including not more than three stenographers); twenty-five clerks. at one thousand dollars each; ten clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; two copyists and typewriters, at eight hundred and forty dollars each; two copyists and typewriters, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one messen er, eight hundred and fortyl dollars; two watchmen, at seven humhed and twenty dollars eac ; four skilled artisans (either machinists, instrument-makers, carpenters or engineers), at eight hundred and forty dollars each; one janitor, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two assistant 'anitors. at six hundred dollars each; five laborers, at six hundred and sixty dollars each; one battery man, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two messengers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; two messengers, at four hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, ninety-five thousand four hundred and sixteen mm dollars and sixty-seven cents; Provided, That any person performing