Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/993

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948 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 411. 1889. Cgngigagd ¤P¢¤¤¤¤— For continuing the survey of the coast of Oregon, including off- ` shore hydrography, and to continue the survey of the Columbia River . from the mouth of the Willamette toward the Cascades, triangulation, topography, and hydrography, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the survey of the coast of Washingtrin Territory, Eve thousand dollars. For continuing explorations in the waters of Alaska, and making hydrographic surveys in the same, and for the establishment of astronomical longitude and magnetic stations between Sitka and the southern end of the Territor , ten thousand dollars. For continuing the researches in physical hydrography relating to harbors and bars, including computations and plottings, two thousand dollars. For examination into re orted dangers on the eastern, Gulf, and Pacific coasts, five hundredp dollars. To continue magnetic observations on the Atlantic and Gulf slopes, one thousand two hundred dollars. For continuing magnetic observations on the Pacific coast and at pan Antonio Magnetic Observatory, one thousand two hundred dollars. For continuing the exact line of levels from the point reached this year south of Cairo southward to Okolona, Mississippi, and if junction is made, to continue the transcontinental line beginning either in the vicinity of Kansas City or San Francisco, three thousand dollars. For continuing tide observations on the Pacific coast, a Kadiak, in Alaska, and at Saucelito, near San Francisco, California, two thousand five hundred dollars. To continue tide observations on the Atlantic coast, at Sandy Hook, New Jersey, and at Savannah, Georgia, two thousand one hundred dollars. To continue gravity experiments, at a cost not exceeding five hundred dollars. per station. except for special investigations and experiments authorized by the Superintendent at one or more stations, the unexpended balance of the appropriation therefor for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight. For furnishing points for State surveys, to be appdied as far as practicable in States where points have not been furnished, eight thousand dollars. For determinations of geographical positions (longitude parties), three thousand dollars. For continuing the transcontinental geodetic work on the line between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, including a primary base in the vicinity of Salt Lake, twenty thousand dollars. To continue the compilation of the Coast Pilot, and to make special hydrographic examinations for the same, five thousand dollars. Travelling expenses- For traveling expenses of officers and men of the Navy on duty, N“"’" and for any special surveys that may be required by the Light—House Board or other proper authority, and contingent expenses incident thereto, three thousand dollars. U*8*>¤° °*’1"°*¤· For objects not hereinbefore named that may be deemed urgent, _ _ five thousand dollars. wff;§Q§§f‘°g0‘£,e{fé For contribution to the "International Geodetic Association for Association- the measurement of the earth ", or so much thereof as may be necessary, four hundred and fifty dollars, to be expended through the office of the American legation at Berlin; and for expenses of the attendance of the American delegate at the general conference of said association, or so much thereof as may be necessary, five hun- P>·m·is¤. dred and fifty dollars: Provided, That such contribution and expenses P“’“€"°‘ of attendance shall be payable out of the item " for objects not l1ereinbefore named ", and after the adhesion by the Government of the Pm. x>-1019- United States to the convention of October, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, of the International Geodetic Association aforesaid.