Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1039

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986 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CII. 512. 1891. m·oseeuu¤gs¤ueo1- PROSECUTION AND COLLECTION or cLAms: For the prosecution

  • °°“"¢°"“"“· and collection of claims due the United States. to be expended under

the direction of the Attorney-General. five hundred do lars. ·n-evenug expenses, TEAVELING EXPENSES, Tnnmroar or ALAsKA; For the actual and ·“""" necessary expenses of the judge, marshal, and attorney, when traveling in the discharge of their official duties, one thousand dollars. ne¤c,em.,A1een-s. RENT AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES, TERRIToRY or ALASKA: For rent of offices for the marshal, district attorney, and commissioners; furniture, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, five hundred dollars. Juoem. JUDICIAL. unmusmeseeuns UNITED STATES c0UBTs. Expenses. EXPENSES OF THE UNITED STATES COURTS: For defraying the exnses of the Supreme Court; of the circuit and district courts of the United States; of the supreme court of the District of Columbia; of the district court of Alaska; of the court in the Indian Territory; of suits and reparation for suits in which the United States is interested; of Une rosecution of offenses committed atgainst the United States; and in the enforcement of the laws of the nited States and 1:. s, Tiuexxvi. of the enforcement of the provisions of title twenty-six of the Revised Statutes, or any acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto; specially the expenses stated under the following appropriations, name y: lIarsh¤Js,¤¤¤· For paéyment of the fees and expenses of the United States marshals an dlpputies, six hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars: mem. Provided, at not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars of this un-mess. a propriation may be advanced to marshals,. to be accounted for in tlie usual way, the residue to remain in the Treasury, to be used, if Aeeeemts at all, onldy in the payment of the accounts of marshals in the manp, e,,w.e¤e,p.iei. ner provided in section Eight hundred and fifty-six, Revised Statutes. Diggpigtattonneys. For payment of Uni States district attorneys, the same being pm for payment of the.regular fees provided by law for official services, two hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars. Specialcompenss- For payment of district attorneys, the same being for payment of "°'“ such special compensation as may be fixed by the Attorney-General for services not covered by salary or fees, five thousand dollars. aegensnssstsms For payment of regularity assistants to United States district at-\ torneys, who are appomte léy the Attorney·General, at a Bxed annual compensation, one hun red and twenty-five thousand dollars. Specialassistants. For payment of assistants to United States district attorneys who are employed by the Attorney-General to aid district attorneys in sprgcial cases, {big);-five theusandl dollarsi s c<mml,etc., o cna e the t orney— enera o employ s ecial counsel to assist $,85*5 °°““" °°’“‘ in bringing the suit in equity in the SupremepCourt of the United Anfe, pw. States provided by section twenty-five 0 the act entitled "An act to provide a temporary government for the Territory of Oklahoma, to enlarge the ijurisdiction of the United States court in the Indian Territory, and or other purposes," passed May second, eighteen hundred and ninety, and for taking testimony, stenographer’s fees, and other expenses necessary to be incurred in the preparation and trial of such sum 6VGg%10`l1}S3H dollarsg 1 Specisl <=<>¤¤¤¤H¤ o ena e the Attorney- enera to employs ial counsel to assist iigéwgrgiiandihg in the argpment before the Supreme Codrt lofpthe United States of £yf*°*‘W°Y C°¤*· the suit, nited States versus the Des Moines Navigation Railway mpeuneameiy availn Comlpapy, two thousand five hundred dollars, to be immediately ‘ avai a e. clerks- fees. For fees of clerks, one hundred and seventy-Eve thousand dollars. Fees or u. s. em- For fees of the United States commissioners, and justices of the ‘”“‘°“‘”‘ peace acting as United States commissioners, one hundred thousand ummm. ollars. And no part of any money appropriated by this act shall