Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1075

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1022 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 543. 1891. be deducted and paid to said attorney or attorneys. That the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of the Treasury shall transmit to said Court of Claims, upon its request, certified copies of all neeemmw. records, documents, and papers that relate in any wag to the accounts of said Indians under the various treaties with said tribe, and shall furnish such excepts and statements and accounts regarding the same as ma be clallled for during the éirogress of said suit and in said suits ally claims against the United tates on behalf of either of said bands of Indians, or on behalf of one band against the other shall be tried and determined and judgment ren ered as shall be found just and right. Asrevmggx Sec. 13. The following agreement entered into by the Commis-

 sioners named below on the part of the United States and the Chey-

enne and Arapahoe Tribes o Indians on the ——— day of October, eighteen hun red and ninety, and now on file in the Interior Department, signed by the said Commissioners on the part of the United States, and by Left Hand, his mark, and five hundred and sixty- four others, on the part of the said Indians, is hereby accepted, ratified and confirmed, to wit: ` "Articles of agreement made and entered into at Darlington, in the Indian Territory, on the —-——·- dag of October, A. D. eighteen hundred and ninety, b and between avid H. Jerome, Alfred M. Wilson, and Warren Sayre, commissioners on the fpart of the United States, and the Cheyenne and Arapahoe tribes 0 Indians, in the Indian Territory. . mmf Anricmn I. una emu me- “The said Cheyenne and Arapahoe tribes of Indians hereb cede,

        • 7- convey, transfer, relinquish, an surrender forever and absolutely,

without any reservation whatever, express or implied, all their claim, title, and interest of every kind and character, in and to the lands nesmpum embraced in the following described tract of country in the Indian Territory, to-wit : A tract of country west of the ninety-sixth degree of west longitude, bounded by the Arkansas River on the east, the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude (being the southern boundary line of the State of Kansas) on the north, and the Cimarron or Red Fork of the Arkansas River on the west and south. mmm Aaricm II. mmamamm "Subject to the allotment of land in severalty to the individual ‘°‘“°“"°'“· members of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe tribes of Indians, as here. inafter provided for and subipct to the conditions hereinafter imposed, for the considerations ereinafter mentioned the said Che - enne and Arapahoe Indians hereby cede, convey, transfer, relinquish, and surrender forever andabsolutely, without an reservation whatever, ex ress or implied, all their claim, title and? interest, of every kind and) character, in and to the lands embraced in the following pq.¤·;,¤,,,,_ described tract of country in the Indian Territory, to-wit; Commencing at a point where the Washita River crosses the ninety eighth degree of west longitude, as surve ed in the years eighteen undred and fifty-eight and eighteen hundred and seventy- one; thence north on a line with said ninety-eighth degree to the point where it is crossed b the Red Fork of the Arkansas (sometimes called the Cimarron Hiver) ; thence up said river, in the middle of the main channel thereof, to the north boundary of the country ceded to the United States by the treat of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty six, with the Creek nation of Indians; thence west on said north boundary and the north boundary of the country ceded to the` United States by the treaty of March twenty first, eighteen hundred and sixty six, with the Seminole Indians, to