Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1530

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TREATIES AND CON VEN TIONS. Convention between the United States o America and the Kin dom L of the Netherlands, for the ewtraditizbn of criminals. Concgided at Washington, June 2, 1887; ratification advised by the Senate, March 26, 1889; ratified by the President of the United States, 17, 1889; ratigedby His Mayes?] the of the Netherlands, ay 5, 1889; rati ions exchange at The ague, May 81, 1889; proclaimed, June 21, 1889. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention between the United States of America. and Preamble. the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the Extradition of Criminals was concluded and signed by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the aforesaid High Contracting Parties, at the City of Washington, on the second day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty- seven, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Dutch languages, is word for word as follows: Convention between the United Overeenkomst tusschen de Veree- States and the Netherlands for nigde Staten en de Nederlanthe extradition of criminals. den tot uitlevering van misda- ' _ digers. 'I`he United States of America De Vereen?de Staten van ,q°¤mvm¤g,,,¤,_ and His Majesty the King of the Amerika en ijne Majesteit de Netherlands having judgled it ex- Koning der Nederlanden, het, ter pedient, with a view to thebetter bevor ering eener betere bedeeadministration of justice and the ling van het recht en ter voorkoprevention of crime within their ning van misdrijven binnen hun respectiveterritories and jurisdic- we erzijdsch grond- en rechts e- tions, that ersons charged with, tied, nuttig geoordeeld hebbende, or convicted) of, the crimes herein- dat personen, beklaagd van of after enumerated, and being fucgi- veroordeeld wegens de na te noetives from justice, should, un er men misdrijven, en die voortcertain circumstances, be recilpro- vluchtig mochten zijn, onder callydelivercd up, have reso ved zekere omstandigheden weder— to conclude a new convention for keerig worden uitgeleverd, hebthat purpose, and have appointed ben besloten to d1en emde eene as their plenipotentiaries: nieuwe overeenkomst aan te gaan, en tot Hunne gevolmachtigden " benoemd, te weten: The President of the United De President der Vereenigde Pzempmumrm. States of America; Thomas F. Staten van Amerika, den Heer Bayard, Secretary of State of the Thomas F. Bayard, Secretaris van United Stdes, and Staat van de Vereenigde Staten, . (1481)