Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1675

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1628 mnnx. P . P . rmmwzwm-couuuum. m Fourth of July exams, °g° approplription for torpedoes for harbor 316 767 Fpaypient of ... 1141 e ense .. . , ourt Assistant Postmaster- eneral, - for casemates and cable galleries . 316, 767 appropriation for ... 944 for machine gums . 316 Foust, Andrew I, for gun and mortar batteries . 316, 767 pension . 1241 for wharf, etc., Yerba Buena Island, Fowls, Cal ... 767 on free list .. 604 ger sites, etc L . . 72; Fowler, Clara (daughter), or armamen . . , 7 pension . ... 1260 contracts to be advertised for 317 Fow and Wisconsin Rivers Improvement, for Army gun factory . 317 deficiency appropriation for Commissionboard to mquire as to locations, etc. . 318 ers . . .. . . . 538 for of Ordnance and Fortifica— for rent ... . . 538 for tg: .. . . . L ..,.. 318, for jnldgmentg iéor dasmages . 538 hases, s , e c remov o` tat · rts 538- additional Jpember to Board of Ord- Foa: Indians (1;; sliegsiiir Folgilndiangijou nance, e "69 Ibm, M J , increase in amount for breech-loading l pens1'gr?. . . . 1411 guns, etc . 770 Fom River, Wis., - . l proposals invited for breech-loading appropriation for improvement of ... 447' steel guns .. . 318 Fox, Sac and, Agency, Ind. Ill . . . · contracts may be awarded to two or appropriation for Indian agent at ... 337, 990 more persons ... 319 Fow, Sac and, Agency, Iowa, tests, etc., of type guns 319 appropriation for Indian agent at ... 337, 990· _ payment on satisfactory test. . . . . . 319 Fox, Sac and, Indians o the Mississippi, limit of expense to be incurred .. 319 appropriation fortreaties with.345, 998 fof expensisa of pests modriieldé . .t. 770 Fox, Sac and, Indians 0; the Missouri, ess num ro guns may con ac - appropriation forg treaties with.346 999 ed for ... . ... 770 F'r·a&, August G. ’ guns, etgéto be of American manufacélg 770 Frpension increifed . . 1438 ture, _ . . . . . , ance, construction of guns on Pacific coast. 319 appropriation for minister to 272 1053 tobepaidfromexistingappropriation. 319 it tary fl ti ’ d°:;nnua1reportofgx>|s:,et;=.,tobemade. 320 fo; gccclihd sec(i·et§rgy?..?Ii crency approprra on or gan- Francis, Danebl, ’ cies . 894 896 Frau‘ hjm - General Fremont’s accounts . . ’ 550 paymemiriibtmmrqldgpohauon c to ad 898 transfer of portion of ppwdendepot site, Frankford Arsenal, Pa., . · - l . l - - l l r . I i · l o I “Fo"un?ovZe’r;gN. J., to avy . 770 appropriation for ... 395- payment oftFréench spoliation claim on ac- or gs; .. .. . . . . . . of 768 coun 0 ... . . 898 formachinery 974 payment of judgment of Court of Claimsto 889 Pzgdifvoyirgiation for consul- en 1 t 2*6 1056 F ick, William WZ,En clerk hire g Gm a I I I .280,1060 paymept of iuggment of Court of Claims to 889 Franlqfort, Ky., "' D ·' io · `-``````` ’ Ibmot, osep ., deficiency appropriation for public build- , pension increased . .. 1871 mg __ 507 Fpensxou ~ . 1424 Fgrpplpoprmflrgorél for improvement of harbor 433 • . an 1 q , Fo1I Ire; . 606 for oiiizial letteegx: from members of Conchnkc of d gress to Government officers ... 1081 Fmt"' James E on removed 1270 •‘Franklr¢*;,;;0whaling schooner, • _ ·» _ men d .. » Fpaymelpppifsjudgmmt ofCourtof Clmms to 889 Frlirarilclin, crew of 1366

 . · ·.- 1129 appomlged manager Volunteer Soldiers'
 2h-b•(H@);·•··. .  A3 . .  

· ‘ . y R., Fw¤s?%I}&%2hH;é.·(£.·...j,..·····. PByII!€Ht'g)diT.$7]!;I)¥0f.. 1448· pension .. . . . . . . 1327 'on, 1 mm, Fasten Maw J (mma), . H .. 1463 I,0 % ---· - . . .. . 1218 payment ,0f French, spoliation claim on ,’ _ ') acmuntof..-··.··•.. 904 Fp€:dS;¢}¤ .. . . .. 1346 F’redericksbrurgh National Cemetery. Va. zu ‘”9;ti0°lj1;*0Q•'· appropriation for road to . ... . . 401 Folmpgimf . 308, 1076 Prgdericlisené Christian, F(:{?;;lO5r;?g;sr,fOr improvement of ·_ · · · i 44:5 oxzbtccig to. 2 . .. 1257 up mprmqon fm, de u cle by tc- . l U ap opna on or. ... , . 207, 1079 Eu addmomd clarlisiydepgndegt, atc239,920 toié superintendent ... . . . .263,943 umm aut tested in small towns ... 686 pe .. 371 appropriation for Ii: 686-