Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/1721

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1674 mnnx. P _ Pagé. Monitors—Continued. age Moore, Alexander, claims for extra work on, referred to Court pension . . . 1349 of Claims; McKay, Nathaniel, etc . 1247 Moore._ Charles IL, _ - Perine, William, of 1361 pension increased ... 1208 Snowdon and Mason .. 1314 M00re,_ Helen A- (wtdow), 1165 ,Monona, Iowa, pension . ... construction of bridge across Missouri Moore, Isaac, River authorized at ... 49 pension 1194 Monongahela Navigation Company, Moore, Nathan C., appropriaticlm for purchase of lock and 438 Mpension . . .t . 1371 dam o. 6 ... oore, r . d mnat' eedin if unable to pension 1408 con e purcliage .. . 4 38 Moose-a—bec l?ar, Me., Monopolies, · appro nriatnon for improvement of ... 427 of any part of trade commerce, etc., Moquette Carpets, illegal ... Egg Mduty prpd .. 597 ` h t .. . 1 oans, Mgnlildg, Jczhes M, ggpropriation for support, etc., of ... 1005 pension increased ... . . . ... 1292 Moquis Paehlo Agency, Monroe, Mich., appropriation for support, etc., of Inappropriation for improvement of harbor 433 diane at 352, 1006 Morzroe, Aklson, Moran, John, Mpension ixélcreaser} .. 1312 Mpemioiiél increased ... 1359 . ontague, eorge .. ‘ oreau, nn, . deficiency appropriation for reimburse- payment to . 1452 ment 518 Morehead, Abner, _Mmtana’ Mpensic;} resttged 1212 a portionment of Representatives ... 7 35 O?`?!!- em`!} ·» agpmpriadon for Surveyor. g Q H B I- al , military record corrected 1415 desks, em .. 202,042 Morgan, Frank W, for contingent expenses ..,,,,,,, 262, 942 h0110¤FtblB diwharge to .,..,. 1442 for incidental expenses, I dian servigeéa 1006 Mg"8%¢;%DH€m‘2I S-1 - 1135 { ,·m·g,ti mmhju , Indian - Morgan, J. `Wzllard or vatiousuin ... . l . 1011 poymootof joderoéut of Court of Cloimsto 535 denciencyappropriation for district judge 41 Morgan, James B-, _ _ for meme: smmev .. 41 doioloooy _==tm>ro1>rwt¤o¤ for contested for mmm] ______ f __________________ _ 41 election, House of Representatives. 531 sm- iegisnm-e expenses ..,... sos, 547 1 Moryom. John, for surveyor-ge¤em1*s clerks .. srs j Mpooolou -, --------.-----..- 1305 arms, etc., issued to, Sioux outbreak 1111 0l‘9¢?t» Wickgquipmgutg to be issued to ______________ 1114 Mpensxon . _.: , 1304 may sam isms on rm mus military 748 gmwy ¢?;t1:)o¢fMv{lqry Pom, 156 779 reserve 'on ... - PP"°P¤ I D 0* **8 »-··- -` ·-·····-·· ‘ Mimomlahapld Judith land districts estab- [ M:]°‘z0€0» k_ f ,601 is 82 U V_0¤ B ms OF ; ---·---···-··--·------ Territorial property donated to ... ,. 668 { MMP0W- O" M0"ZPh'm€· correctig;1 in name of Lewistown land 6 t Mgutyholp 6 . ... . , . . 568 o ce 77 l`" · · ·- prgqlgmgtiqu umomcm gdmjggj D f, 5{ment to. . ... 1142 as e sms { fj. j 1551 I M-?-rz. Edmund M-- seuonmuky E appomltled manager Volunteer Soldiers’ American register umd to ford __ 01110 . . . 1117 built Emma. . gl. seo “M°"`"¥· Al'°"· - Montevideo' { ?0lé;;1}$ . . . . . 128a appropriation for consul at 276, 1056 Dsfon m ’ 1126

    • 8*** of we? **>¤z¤s¤ srouodo of room- 8 Mpension .. ’. . . 1205

1Dgr8$€rVOIYIn... ·..•... 33; Oryfg W_G_B:.. ·.· ··'...-•.· Mmtgmmm- Rebecca, Q vment of judément of Courtof Claims to 536 payment to executor of . 1452 i Mgixris, William L., -M°**t'°¤t»_ , { payment of judgment of Court of Claimsto 889 appropriation for oonsubgeneral at 276, 1056 3 Morrwburg, for clerk hire .,. 280, 1060 § appropriation for consul at 278, 1058 Monunwntal Stone,Morrzson Belle sister duty on undressed .. . _,,._._ me { Mpensiori . . . . 1206 OD ,€tC... ~ l u I -2 .Monuments, etc., 53 \ nn JO m O _ _ _ , pe sion .. . . 1316 on free list, by societies, etc . 611 1 Morrison, Martha J (widow), NW9- Pete"- _ l nsion increased . . 1460 gltgggigg wmgn removed 1239 r Mgzerroau, Charles C'., . e . . 239 fOm-1; ]m·mS Moorz, _Z\hthaniel, k LI£T“§‘;;·“;Q3za£*‘*§P- ’€¤t¤f C ofC to 534 pension . ... . .. 1475 pension increased . . . 1361