Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/306

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252 rirrrrinsr conennss. sm. 1. cu. am. iam. clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two assistant messengers; tlwp laborers; in all, forty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty o ars. S¤¤·z¤<>¤-G¤¤<>r¤1’¤ IN run Ormcm or rnn Sunonou-GENERAL; Chief clerk, at two °m°°‘ thousand dollars ; seventeen clerks of class four: fifteen clerks of class three: thirty-one clerks of class two; thirty-eight clerks of class one; eleven clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one anatomist, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one engineer, one thousand four hundred dollars; one assistant engineer, for night duty, nine hundred dollars; two firemen; one ski led mechanic, one thousand dollars; twelve assistant messengers ; three watchmen; one superintendent of buildin (Army Medical Museum and Library), two hundred and fifty délars; gud nge lgbogersé in all, gn?] huncged and; srelylerity- Bmw. _ seven thousand two un re an ninet dollars: from e , a so E"‘°"g°"°”'°’°'°g' much of the printing for the office og the Surgeon-General of the alrmy as is requireid to meet emergengies or to };xpieélite thehwgk of t at office may, w en practica e, e one int officeo the 'u- tantlgenepal, or of the Chief of Ordnance, as the Secretary of Vdar ma 1rec . °'*’”“”°° °¤°°· Iii run Ormcn or run Cmnr or Ounnsncnz Chief clerk, at two thousand dollars; three clerks of class four; two clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; twenty-two clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; two messengers ; one assistant messenger; ope laborer; in all, forty-four thousand eight hundred an sixty dollars. r·.y¤m¤ca¤m·¤ IN rum Ormcm on run PAYMASTER-GENERAL: Chief clerk, at ‘°°°‘ two thousand dollars; six clerks of class four; five clerks of class three; nine clerks of class two; two clerks of class one; one assistant flneisengprggnddfopr laborers; in all, thirty-nine thousand one hunr an s y dollars. 0¤<>¤ ¤f we 0* In run Ormcn or rum Cnmr or- Eneimmnsz Chief clerk, at 1 Etwo thousand dollars; four clerks ofclass four; two clerks of class three; three clerks of class two; three clerks of class one; one clerk, at one thousandldollalps; oneiassistlant énegsengetrg andltwo laborers; in all, twenty-t ree thousand two un re an orty dollars. ¤=¤¤e=¤¤¤¤¤¤¤,¢¤¤· And the seivices of skilled draugmsmen, civil engineers, and such other services as the Secretary of ar may deem necessary may be employed in the office of the Chief of Engineers to carry into e ect the various applropriations for rivers and arbors, fortihcations, and surveys for m1 itary defenses, to be paid from such appropriations: aww. Provided, That the expenditures on this account for the scal year umn. endin June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one shall not exceed sixty thousand dollars; and that the Secretary of War shall aspen. each year, in thel amgial estimates, report ltp Congress the number 0 ersons so employe ant the amount pan o eac . R¤<=<>r¤¤ vt ¤b¤R+ SFFICE OF PUBL1cAr1oN OF RECORDS OF THE REBELLION: For b°m°°’ one agent, two thousand dollars; four clerks of class four, three clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; three clerks of class one; three copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; two pressmen and compositors, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one compositor, one thousand dollars; two copy-holders, at nine hundred ollars each; two assistant messengers; two watchmen; and one l-abogerh at (pix hlundreg dollars; in all, thirty-one thousand seven un re an eig ty dollars. Pomzv. For postage-stam s for the War Department and its bureaus, as required un er the gostal Union, to prepay postage on matters addressed to Postal Union countries, one thousand five hundred dollars. C°°*·*¤€°¤*°¥P°°”°· For contingent expenses of the War Department and its bureaus; expenses of horses and wagons to be used only for official pur oses; purchase of professional an scientific books, blank-books, pampllhlets, newspapers, maps; furniture, and repairs to same; carpets, matting, oil cloth, file—cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges, fuel, gas, and