Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/869

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816 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. OH. 495. 1891. H¤.rch2.1891. CHAP. 495.—·An act making appro iations for the support of the Military ""`—'_`i— Academy for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. ` Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

 Aww? United States 0£ America in Congress assembled, That the following

°°pr°° '°°S' sums be, and the samehare hereby, appropgiagsed, out of any nonley in the Treasury not otherwise appropriat , or the sup ort o the Miligary Acgdemy for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun re an ninety-two: fvgtgggqwd; For pay of one Superintendent of the United States Military Acad- Q°:·.LeIi¤»s,ae,° °’ m emy}(c0lpn¢g)ai1§ addition to pay as lieutenant-colonel of engineers, five un re dollars. For pay ofdeight prolgsssors, twemzysix thousand seven hundred and forty-seven dollars an twent —t ee cents. For one commandalpt of cladets (lieugegargo-pplonel), in addition to pay as captain, one thousand two un r dollars. _ For pay of one instructor of practical military engineering (m aj or), in Faddition tp pay as first lieutgnang nine hundred dollars}. or ay 0 one instructor 0 or nance an science 0 gunnery (majorii in addition to pay as nrst lieutenant, nine hundred dollars. Pg; play of eight zgssistalnt profgsgopp (captains), in addition to pay as t `eutenants our thousand dollars. For pay of three senior instructors of cavalry, artillery, and infantry tactics (captains), in addition to pay as second lieutenants, on]-el thousand ive hundred dollars. f 1 H d or pay o our assistant instructors o cava ry, arti ery, an infantry tactics (ca tains), in addition to y as second lieutenants, two thousand four hundred dollars. pa f Foxllpayrcgfi Gneladjutant, in addition to pay as second lieutenant, our un dollars. For pay of one treasurer, quartermaster, and commissary of cadets, in addition to pay as captain of infantry, seven hundred dollars. hor pay of one master of the Sword, one thousand five hundred do lars. ·0•¤¤¤. For pay of cadets, one hundred and sixty-six thousand and eighty- dp;l;1rs;dapd no dcaget shall receive more than at the rate of five hunan orty dollars a year. £_`or pay og age tie/pciher of music, on; theusand mid eighityi dolllars. Bad. or pay o e iitary Acam em an , nine thousand ·wo undred and forty dollars. which shall be in full for the pay of the said band for the year egding June thirtieth eigéiteen hun red and ninety-two. any aw to the contrary notwit istan ing. www my- For additional pay of rofessors and officers (on increased rank) for P length of service. eleven thousand and forty-tliree dollars and seventy-eight cents. i"¤•¤¤¤¤<>i•¤¤» For pay of held musicians; d f d H One sergeant, two undre an our dollars; d Eourteen privates, two thousand one hundred and eigl1ty-four o ars; dlddstgonal pay for length of service, two hundred and eighty- ei t dollars- · Itetained pay on discharge, two hundred and eighty-eight dollars; Clothing on discharge, two hundred and eighty-one dollars and eight cents; in all, three thousand two hundred and forty-Eve dollars and eight cents. Ourrentcxpenses. ger currentdexpenses as follows: I T_ b I k b 1 ¤¤r>¤ir¤,¤¢c. epairs an im rovements, name y; im er, p an s, oars s, joists, wall-strips, lathe, shingles, slate, tin, sheet-lead. zinc, nails, s‘cgewsi)locl;s,fl1in gps, glass, paints, turpenfine, oils, varntislli, brushes, s ne. ric . ag. ime, cement, p aster. air, Sewer an rain pipe, blasting powder, fuse, iron, steel, tools, machinery. mantels, and other similar materials, renewing roofs, and for pay of overseer and