Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 26.djvu/907

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854 FIFTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 538, 539. 1891. rendered in ursuance of this act, in favor of claimants and against the United Sltates, and not paid as hereinbefore provided, which shall thereupon be appropriated for in the proper appropriation bill. Sales. n¤¤¤m•gs‘ Sec. 9. That al sales, transfers, or assignments of any such

a_°t°" °` claims heretofore or hereafter made, except such as have occurred

` in the due administration of decedents’ estates, and all contracts heretofore made for fees and allowances to claimants’ attorneys, are hereby declared void, and all warrants issued by the Secretary of the Treas- Vlfmuutspayableto u , in yment of such judgments, shall be made payable and °“""‘“°‘°°°‘ ddliveredwbnly to the claimant or his lawful heirs, executors or administrators or transferee under administrative proceedings, except Mlowmw w wor- so much thereof as shall be allowed the claimant’s attorneys by the "°” court for prosecuting said claim, which may be paid direct to such attorneys, and the allowances to the claimant’s attorneys shall be regulated and nxed by the court at the time of rendering judgment in each case and entered of record as part of the iindings thereof ,; but “ Maximum- in no case shall the allowance exceed Efteen per cent of the judgment recovered, except in case of claims of less amount than five hundred dollars, or where unusual services have been rendered or expenses incurred by the claimant’s attorney, in which case not to excepjd twenty per cent of such judgment shall be allowed by the cour . · Aww- Sec. 10. That the claimant, or the United States, or the tribe of l Indians, or other party thereto interested in any proceeding brought under the provisions of this act, shall have the same rights of appeal as are or may be reserved in the Statutes of the United States in other cases, and upon the conditions and limitations therein contained. The mode of procedure in claiming and perfecting an appeal shall conform, in all respects, as near as may be, to the statutes C and rules of court governing appeals in other cases. nwvinhetf. w Sec. 11. That al papers, reports, evidence, records and pxroceed- 'j,,,{_“’"° °h° ings now on file or of record in an of the dipartments, or the office of the Secretary of the Senate, or the office 0 the Clerk of the House of Representatives, or certified co ies of the same, relating to any claims authorized to be prosecuted) under this act, shall be furnished to the court upon its order. or at the request of the Attorney—General. Sue. 12. To facilitate the s eedy disposition of the cases herein mmmummut provided for, in said Court of Claims, there shall be appointed, in the .§*fp’,'}°d{,‘g°,,'f°'“* ‘° manner prescribed bylaw for the appointment of Assistant Attorney- Generals, one additional Assistant Attorney-General of the United States, who shall receive a salary of twenty-tive hundred dollars per annum. Sec. 13. That the investigation and examinations, under the prowx g' visions of the acts of Congress heretofore in force, of Indian depre- ' dation claims. shall cease upon the taking effect of this act, and the Bmncesw be cov- unexpended balance of the appro riation therefor shall be covered "°‘"”‘ into the Treasury, except so much thereof as may be necessary for disposing of the unfinished business pertaining to the claims now un er investigation in the Interior Department, pending the transfer of said claims and business to the Court or courts herein provided for, and for making such transfers and a record of the same, and for the proper care and custody of the papers and records relating thereto. Approved, March 3, 1891. Much s, 1891. CHAP. 539.-An act to establish a court of private land claims, and to provide ·········;—— for the settlement of private land claims in certain States and Territories. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the m of pri;;:: United Sfafes of America in Congress aasembled, That there shall mmf ° m' be, and hereby is, established a court to be called the court of private