Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1038

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PROCLAMATIONS. Ne. 22. 1017 [N0. 22.] Br THE Pnrzsrnrmr or Tun Umrnn STATES on Amnnrca A PBOCLAMATION. Whereas, by the third article of the treaty between the United States Avril 1r 1892- of America and the Sisseton and Wahpeton bands of Dakota or Sioux rmmtie. Indians, concluded February 19, 1867, proclaimed May 2, 1867 (15 U. S. V°’· 15- P·5°‘* Statutes, p. 505), the United States set apart and reserved for certain of said Indians certain lands, particularly described, being situated partly in North Dakota and partly in South Dakota, and known as the Lake Traverse Reservation; and Whereas, by agreement made with said Indians residing on said res- I__$sr;•=·¤¤¤t Wim ervation, dated December 12, 1889, they conveyed, as set forth in article aim:. "v"°° I"' one thereof, to the United States, all their title and interest in and to all the unallotted lands within the limits of the reservation set apart as aforesaid remaining after the allotments shall have been made, which are provided for in article four of the agreement, as follows: “ that there shall be allotted to each individual member of the bands of Indians, parties hereto, a sufficient quantity, which, with the lands heretofore allotted, shall make in each case one hundred and sixty acres, and in case no allotment has been made to any individual member of said bands, then an allotment of one hundred and sixty acres shall be made to such individual"; and Whereas, it is provided in article two of said agreement, “That the cession, sale, relinquishment, and conveyance of the lands describedin article one of this agreement shall not take elfect and bein force until the sum of $$42,778.37, together with the sum of $18,400, shall have been paid to said bands of Indians, as set forth and stipulated in article third of this agreement"; and Whereas, it is provided in the act of Congress approved March 3, '°'••*·2°·1>·1°*¤ 1891 (26 U. S. Statutes, pp. 1036-1038, Sec. 30), accepting and ratifying the agreement with said Indians: "That the lands by said agreement ceded, sold, relinquished, and conveyed to the United States shall immediately, upon the payment to the pardes entitled thereto of their share of the funds made immediately available by this act, and upon the completion of the allotments as provided for in said agreement, be subject only to entry and settlement under the homestead and townsite laws of the United States, excepting the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections of said lands, which shall be reserved for common school purposes, and be subject to the laws of the State wherein located: Provided, That patents shall not issue until the settler or entryman shall have paid to the United States the sum of two dollars and fifty cents per acre for the land taken up by such homesteader, and the title to the lands so entered shall remain in the United States until said money is duly paid by such entrynian or his legal representatives, or his widow, who shall have the right to pay the money and complete the entry of her deceased husband in her own name. and shall receive a patent for the same,” and VVhereas, Payment as required by said act, has been made by the United States; and _ Whei·eas, Allotments as provided for in said agreement, as now appears by the records of the Department of the Interior will have been made, approved, and completed, and all other terms and considerations required will have been complied with on the day and hour hereinafter tixed for opening said lands to settlement. _ Now, therefore, I, Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States, T,,,,I‘f,';',l:c ,.e‘Q;"}g,Q,"nf’ do hereby declare and make known that all of the lands embraced in mgm ma South said reservation, saving and excepting the lands reserved for and al- m,,,; §§°,§ lf: {$2* lotted to said Indians, and the lands reserved for other purposes in pursuance of the provisions of said agreement and the said act