Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1101

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INDEX. 108 ] _ P . pw, Bag Horn Smstherjsn Railroad C0n•pm•g-Con. “Blake/’ Coant—Survey Steamer, may ¢1'¤¤¤f¤1‘ Fights, cw ------ 530 appropriation for transporting to Chicago, route <‘b=1]\2:¢<l -·----..-.-·---..-. 530 during W0rl<1’s Fair . .. 356 granted rxght of way through Fort Custer Blankenship, George W.,

 Rvswrvawlvn ... 530 payment of judgmcut’0f Court 0i'Cla.ims to 306

Beg Oyster Bed Shoal, Delaware Bay, Blankenahqn John R.,

]1g;1t?l;0;? :1% gogignd established  454  :::,::Lp3te11t to ..., , ...,,____,_,,,__,__,,, 763

ag mn y, ·c pcrior e amos A. ]ng11t—h0use? and fog-sign:{l 0stablish0d 453 payu;0nt ofjuclgmont of Court of Claims to 304 Bag bank Pomt, Lafce Supmor, Block Island, R. I., fog-mgnal cstublnshod .. . . 453 appropriation for improvement of harbor. 89 Bag San y Rig•cr, Ky., Blocf River, NZ 0., apgampnatnou £0r improvement of; proviso appropriation for improvement of 100 or aurve 0 .. .-.. . loodgood Francis renewal of {ridge across, authorized . 456 paymcu? nfjudgincut of Court of Claims to 305 Big smtoym- Ram, Mm., B*¤¢»_1?¤m¤m¤¤» _ _ _ appreprmtiou for improvement of . .. . 102 d°*‘°“m°X 3P PPMFWD for Judgmmit Billiards, 11. 0., ¤z=¤¤¤¤ wm 0¤1¤¤¤bi¤ ---------- 288 playing in barrooms forbidden; exception- 568 Bl"" Book; 1893, _ Bj][jngg1 ,},,1,, ,g_, appropnatnpn i‘0r_prqparing ...-.. 708

;;md;t  accounts of _____________________ 428 Blue Mvémtam Irngatwn and Implrovement
 is of call}, °’”P“”!I,

to be issued from consulates. ... . . 450 may P“¥"h“° lmdsg °t°·» °¤ Umniua I¤· Bm of L,,$,;,g_ BM &m¤m¤*¤¤¤, Ow ------------- 417 °'“““°é§.“»1,,€»?’»12TZ E‘.i‘¥»}é$‘§’·i1 3Z$~‘é?}·€ B,5:§·¤g:;,$§{2mi°i°**"*°* ·-··-·----·--·-· 7***

bi1;ul __,___ _ _,,_, - .,___,.,.__,... 445 # ·· .

to be void M5 granted hpucmplc dwclgargc . 821 agracmcutséo release fron; du? diligence  ?:;gdqk5%:‘ G"rdm"8’ D' G" 268 in gu ning gte, mz aw ul ,. .. ’· - ' V- '’ 7 '` '’' limitation ofliabilgty of vessel owner if due PP::£:;::r:;- £:;;gu;9lilh?ltlL?laxP°u“s' gg; djliggmeg is employed .. 445 · - · { ``` ummm: on to be issued to ship 445 for nggtntutnous for clnlsiron under charge remit! M *i·>1¤**°¤· --—-----·-----—----- **6 Board of ns ’»ié.}L b U §¤g3¤dc0gt3t0b33]icu.- 446 3 · ti f ’ W ‘ "

 B       446 pproprm on or-: ... . . 152,539

1'?°°Y ry . · ······ Board of Health, Nahonal dnstnbutwu of penalty . . . .- 446 abolished, disposal ofiapgm 452 PNRD: gggllluw °f v°°°°k¤ °t°‘¤ mw ng 446 Board of Ordnance and Fartjfication, guwpzsms1¤ %}£L$£¢ih§ifGé§a}i¤I1LZZZ 441: “PP’°*;§$”QQ§t;°’ P"'°h"°°“# °‘p“’““°“"°ém 461 M *0 **6 8**** my '· *8% ---··--·-·· ·· *46 for salary, mf biQiiiI¤£ iééhinlék ``````` 2c0’ 461 . · • ’) Bzlnn Bay, Mun., for personal expenses A- ... 260; 461 upprc1>r1:m0u for Survey of ---------·---- U3 for test of experimental guns and cnr- Bgnding (qw Public Printing and Binding). riagqs ____________________,____ 2607 46] Birch, William A., no member to be interested in dcvico, ctc., pension increased .------ - ------·----- 775boibrc Board. . .. . .. 461 Birkett, Charley P., _ all matcrisltc be ofAmcricm1 nuauufncture; Pgymiut ofJudgmgy11; gfcourt of Clanms to 666 gxqgptign ________________ _ _ _______ 260, 46] Birming am to test. A. H. E 0 ’s 1 · 61;; 1.2- h appropriaicion for consul at ·. - -·-229, 502 gun carriage.?. . 5 ? B .. 458 tgt clerk hire ... i . ... 232, 505 Board of Visitors, Bu-thpl•u.·e of George IVGBIIQIQIUN, r agppmpriution Ihr expenses, Military Acadapprgprygtggyi for wharf . . . . .. 7.:6 3mi* I , xi _..._, , _______.,.._,,,,,_ 17I, 520 Black irer , r . : vu vu. n . 24", '2S brzdzo a010s1k ;l|l{$ll}l lZ0(1Gt Pocahontas .. 265 gm; {j;;-,,, g,,"";?;,?; Blue iver, Ar . an ,41. appropriation for ... 233 505 nppmpriutimn liar innprzbvcmimt of .-.--·- - 104 B4mh·iyl•l, Eliza M. (widow), Black Rircr, Ark. and JIO., pension . . 772 npgrnpriation Ihr improvement of -... ..-- 109 Bodlcy, Julia (widow), Bldc River, Mich. , pension .. . . , , . ... . . . ,, 791 appropriation Ihr improvement of m011th . W5 Bm;] Rirgr, Law nt Port Huron . . . . . 105 ¤,pprnprin.tiun for improvement; of -.. . 103 gym], 3;,-,,, 4);,;,,, Bugle, Williann G., appropriation fm- improvement of harbor, payment ufjuxlgmeut of Court of (..1mms to 306 mouth of . . 93 B09<>W: _ , , Black Rank, Umm., approprnutmn for secretary of legatum and

1,pp|•npri3f,i(m fm- improvement; of harbor, 89 <>9¤¤'\l·|¥0¤°F¤l -----· - -—--» · ·-·---- 22*% 4m

Black Walnut llarhor, JN., BWI"? c"’"”r, L“·; . Bppruprguqnn f,,, s,,,v,,y of ______________ 113 npprqprmtmp ivr lmprvvcmcut of 103 Black Wartriqr Rirer: Alu., B"9"*’ l “l’f*r {v""*·> . t i. uppnupnatxnn for gmprnvclllellt of . .. . 101 ¤:ppl‘<>]ll‘l£ltl0l1 Y0! 1l11p1‘0VBn1GD 0 .. -. 103 Bla¢·k_/wt Agency, Bwé UNH; Ma}'", _ _ apprnprizntiou for Indian agent at .- .1‘2{. (513 I *il¤Pfol¤'i¤¤f¤0¤ for ¤3l¤·¤¤$» assay 0mm-- —204»69Q for support, ctc., of Indians ... 126, ij}8 {PK °°“t“'8"‘t °¥¥‘*{“"“ ····· - —. ---·~··· 2U4v mb my ludiwn school ______ _ _____ __ _______ 143, 4;.58 1IPlu‘l•*I10Y ¤l*P!'0Pi'|¤UQU IOYCOX-\UU}§¤¤t€X· Black/bal, Idaho, { l’*f““°v ‘“"""Y °m°"· ·—-—···--···--·· 649 mm of com at _____________ _ ___________ 73 terms ot court at ..-·.-.. 73