Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1128

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1108 INDEX. Page. Page- . . . ' tum:-—C' onti ned. Fox Sac agzd_ Indians of the Missouri, _ Fqgjgpdation for gghts and fuses ... 258, 459 approprisidon for fulfilling tresines with.l33g, Eu 1¤¤r·¤·=¤¤z *¤·¤=¤¤¤¤;¤¢¤,¤*~2 --·- gg ., Foga;y$sr¤¤¤ ---— - ----- - --------------·- » f dr d rojectiesorissne ‘ _, _ _ . _ . fg; lpgxdgr zgd grojectiles for proofs.258,460 American register issued to foreign built 59 43,; dock piercing shell, and plates ib;58 460 France ”l’°“·m°’ ·-·· · ·······‘· ‘ ‘‘‘’`'‘ ‘ ‘’``' _ 1**** ------ -- ----------··--·---·--- » , _ , _ _ 224 4% -` g d ] {gg f rgprlgtggn fg; mmggpgr ______________ , for -. E??,-??- - K? . 258, 460 apgdr secreigrry og tle;_;¤tion .. ggé, 49; br board to report on site for heavy·gun or secon secr a y . I. . . .]:51- , . I t Pacific coast- .. . . 258 proclamation ertending copying p fer grxhiue 0<><>1¤, ew-, Wetewliev A;59 460 Fr kf 13s2e te <;¤¢;¤¤¤ of -------- -- ------- 981 senal ...--..- -·- an or mma 0- _ for \>r¤e¤1¤—1c¤¤11¤g mertare ----··------- , 959 agzpopdatiou {6, rnazchmery ,,,,._______ 374, 596 for wpucd gydmonolg -•..-• .--I-· I--.859 ig.? Fra fo",' t' for con ul general at 228 501 { B e use guns a proprm nm s - -.-·- , fg; eerriegs Eu ¤¤>rf·¤r¤ =··¤<1 z¤¤¤ ---- gi 42.0 Pm C16? hire .,.,..._.,,,.,,,_ 232, sua, ‘ ditur ..·... - Frank t ich. fo::;Pu;$5lI;l5lP3:¤ 01115511* ·-·--··· ; - - , 259 appggpristion lor implrovement of harbor. 3593 for expenses of Bundy Hook provm§5 for fog bell on pier ead . . . . mid .. . .. 9,4150 nuauumc Eslwmwe, Navy, Pm1E2m °f r·l1w$Y tracks —··--···--- Egg punislignnonét for ,, ,,.. , .,..,,_,. ,. 716 one locomotive. .. - ----------- Frazier M fer W=*•¤¢<>w¤ Ar¤¤¤¤1- - --—-·- - ----- 200, 400 pensibn ’ ... t .. 7 as for Waterv mt LIBOR , pev ng . ee e wary, 00 _,

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f¤rB¤¤¤1<>f 0¤1¤¤¤¤e¤¤•1F¢>¤’1111·>#ri<>¤-1*110, #$1 eu, .. .. _ - -., .. . 212;,710 - for tests, experiments, etc . -:5%;: -·.· 2233, for expenses; experiments m rural c0mi46 B2 for salnry `vilian member . , munities _. - t ..---- - ·-------- » — Y0! 9** *;fc;¥P°¥'im°¤**1 85*** and *1*1560 461 dedciengfpzopriatxon for salary, super- 5 ' 'B .·- . . . m en .. - . _ - _ - no mr to be interested in de· , no additionalotllces to be estnbhshed until viee, etc., before Board -:1}.-. 461 {meh Congressional district has at 146 an materiel to be of American man he- east one .-··---- - --- ·-·---·- -— ---· _ WW? °X°°P5?°!} ----·- ·- -··· _ ---·-- 2601461 Frgodmerfa Hospital ondinigylnmg, D. C., d°a'·“°¤°Y *PP’°Pn““°“ f" °°“tm$°“' a roprintion for subsistence; attendance 333 cm ____ _ ,,,__., ..312, 316, 670, 672 P}; mq,,,,,,,,, ____ _ _____ _ ____ , _..,..,. --373,501 FW! MW P01m: 51*0 F“"'”'> . d 453 half from District revenues .,- -_ -----·-· 373

 °’t“bh°h° ·‘ expendiltpre} to be under Comm xssnoners .. 551

u eng o n . ., p,.,,,,,,,.; _ _ eppgprietion in ..-· . ---- · - · l65» 552 appmihgtioé for survey of channel te 113 hw ndrcdtk ••·y1¤v•¤nv M- emu south Buy ...--------- ry 0{ A¤¤*‘$¤¤, Freight Cara, made s lic holiday October 21, 1892. 397 B hd M f dl. b B to bg dep;. p·»¤·¤’€`€i»¤ ·¤··¤·¤··& <>·»=·¤··¤ 21, IM. *““"°.f.'£‘,,.,.,’? ‘€T. . T`? .. . . . sn F h Lpgblie mvlcidly ------—···· · ~—··· wm Frqmma, ikaaze Iginazwé t [ Cl ,m 16 more e QN _·]'m I our 0 ll B..---- 8

  • PP'°P*’i"·**'”; *°’ *;""°Y °f ·: ········ ·· In Fr:,:;]!, grad; glider-, Tenn.,

Fellfivl mk P”"'*» Lek S*'f'”"°"`· . appropriation for improvement of ... . I0! light·house and fog signs established,. 453 ua - Claim, 8 , _ f 575 French Spo h0•I , _ 384 607 uppropmntnon or . ..·--- -2 ·--· awmpmmon for defense in .. .- · , F""' Amt"' P“h“M`G””“Fr h': Beach Harbor Me gp mprigzion fer, clerks, etc .. . 219, 7l0 :'"’m union fm, m{rvc);’°f ____ __ ________ ug gg; postal service. omee of .. . . 147, 734 FmI;l’m_; Gustave,

 thl, Equity, clerks, ow 194 686 deficiency 3]:9p1‘0pl'lBt10l1 foI' BSU"}? of · - ·- · 651

, A ’ · c . F»:;#·•¤f;¤;{.¤ ¢’·~···· _ ____________ .,,9 1°"{,°,Q";?'.;.£{’{’ $,}j,,.igm.,,.¢ of comwcnmsw 305 pg,,,,-;;, gmc: lllethodht Church, D. 0., F'f’“"‘· .3, . f S I at _________ _ ____ gggl 501 ··¤···=· *1*** 9******** ** ****’*** °‘ ---·· **35 F..};?;?.?};,?;'?.'}, ‘,¢'..‘i3¥f $.,1,, B.,:,,.,., Fowl"!1·‘acf(:°’d t of Court of Cl¤l•ms 3‘[)pl'()bl‘l{ltl()D foI` ·: - -· ---- I- - - - · - · — ···· · · · 3641 P¤!1¤•t1;*° J" 8mm U U U ____ ___30S1g0S, 666 domqmcy appmpuunon ior-309, 314, 650, 668, 671 F d W: ·¢mein Rivers Improvement Fmwhal, _‘ _ _ ·-· --- - -·.-- -231 “12’é»»»?¥·»»~»»i»·i·¤¤ M ¤·~·¤·¥··~· ,.,8 ,,., ,::;::;*;::2;:,;;::, °*** * ·*°* Fox Riu;??;; ·····*‘*‘‘‘’‘ ‘ ‘‘’‘°°‘' ’ amended; pnymeutzf iiltefest --—-·- - ---- 87 ·. .·¤ . . . ·-1, ri Ji - are

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‘ U'````'` "°"°--“""°"U Of- - ----- · -·---- - --···-·———- 1 Fox, Sac and, Agency, Ind. Ter., I · · ‘ 4; tat ... 121613 Fu·Sel t. _ _ Fapmpfaud 5:: 11%;]: gm ’ l l;w·saplo2ecctiu g, extended to l\orth Pnmiic M, `atioxgforylndian agent at .- . L.·"2, 613 i Ocean when international arrange-


° mm-jgficn {01-indigo; agent at 613 5 proclamation to he issued by the President 472 ·'pP · .· · ,· ·Euniznre Cana, and Repairs, Dqmrtment of ""'* S" “’“’*- """“"'..‘f£"’° "'”“'€"""’ ii. l·»·- ei A,,,...,,,,,

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