Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1135

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mimx. 1 1 1 5 P . { P . Hutqhinson Inland, Ga., age Immediate Tranaportatiem of Dutiable Goods- age bndgg acauss Savannah River to, author- I Continued. lzé .. . . . ... 274 rivilc esof exten ledtoO el usbur N.Y. 16 H••|v@i{¤w••. Philip, ‘ P SaiugAugn;stinc,l1·`la . f, .. 7. 614 dvhcwlwy upprnrpymtiuu for judgment Sandusky, Ohio .. . . 4 against Dismct of Columbia ... 288 Vunccboro, Ma. .. . . 254 Hutchison and Southern Railroad Company, Immigration, right of waz'. Oklahoma, extended 2 appropriation for preventing convict, pau- Hutckigmn, Jo s .4., par, our .. .. ... 365,589 dcticnency appmpmmou for .. 663 for praveneing unlawful Chxuesc .. 365, 589 Hulchigan, Mary Isabella (einer), daiicicncy appropriation for expenses Coupuuuwn . . . . .. - ... 784 Jressxonal mvostrgntnou 36 Huttqaz Harry .9., oxclu on of Chinese, for ton years 25 dchcnescgk 8FBt0Eél&U¥I {br Judgment may bg snrspouélpd during existence of cou- gu us as 0 u nm 18 ... ngwns runes . ... Hyannis, Mass., manifests of immigrants to be delivered

•ppr0}1riati0u for improvement of harbor . 88 to inspector ou arrival of vessel  £

yall, mac L. . contents .,. appropriation for gg5g2i claim of, as as- identiiicatiou . , ..i . 569 sigucc of W. . I nap 571 verification by master of vccsc 569 Hydraulic Mining, California, by medical odicar .. . . 569 appointment of commission to regulate .. - 507 penalty for noncompliance . . ._.. 570 Hgdrugraphic Ojce, Nmjy, inspection of immigrants on arrival .. 570 spfmsdatinu for clerks, ctc .. -. .. . . 210, 701 landing of ministers, professors, etc .. 570 nr rsftsmon, cngrswern, printers, ctc .210, 701 employment of civil surgonnu restricted .. 570 for materials, ctc . . . .. .210, 701 special authority required to receive bond for rent, etc .. .. .. .210. 701 that immigrant will not be s public for contingent expenses, branch 0H1cm.;;;), 701 charge, . . . . .. 570 for printing sud binding . . 511 duty of steamsbip companies to ma e pub- Hyland, Patrick, ’ lic immigration laws in foreign coun- utod honors o inc Argo .. -. . tries ... gra {>on?Ity fqr fsilurc 3. - .. 1- 3'Z»°n%J2"”ii§§§¥0“& bi?,.;;;`" ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 5-n [M50 to take cggct in sixty days ... 571 approgariation for incidental expenses Ini Ingroglgrc, _ _ _ _ ian ggyvicg in ______ _ ______ , , _____ 6 GIGIICY 8 p!‘0pf1a`| IOD OI Tépllylllg X· for support, ctc., of Nez Percés Indians. ,638 0088 0¥ d¤}}0Sl$S --··-·.--- - ----- ,- - .315, 672 for surveyor-general; clerks .. -. ..217, 708 Inaugural Ceremomea, 18.93, fm- coming."]; Bxvmm _______, _ _,,, , ,217, 703 appropriation for maiutmniug order. . t -.. 754 foe, to jurors and wgmauu in ____________ 347 loam of mnlntary andnayal Hugs autlxcnzcd 755 proclamation commanding persons in in- I permits to use reservations, o;-tg r. 754 suqecticn ip, $0 digpgy·gg_ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ 1030 t8[l]p01:;3y overhead Bl8Ctl‘1(¢ WITBS pBI`l1llt· Idaho Judivial Ilistrivi, g ··---- - --·····-·-· · --···»·--·-—· 00 terms of circuit court .. . .. . .. 72 I7|¤7¢gW`al Ei'?}7€"8€’?» ` dammx mm umm ·1i»-asians. .. . ..  ; I sppropggavvrbfog ---- · ·---------------~-- 610 th d'‘ u__ ______ _ _____, _ ,.,, ,, ncorpora wmv, . .L g;:¤;;l:givli;;:;) ________ __ __________ ____ 73 { American Uuiversxty ... Z. 476 southern division ______________________ 73 r District of Columbm Suburban Railway {;f**"’*°;}"“; P*°“°"; °““°°" ············ $§~ E.m?§‘G£3§L?££i‘seeaee;‘ ‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 4S? rms; uscow . - ..·- - --·--·· I _ # _ ----··-——··——·--- B0- ___________ _ _______ __ _______ _ _____ 73 fire msurnuca compaums . 2 Blmfmt ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ ___________ I Mary1au;r;;.11d \V3.BhiDgt0l1. Railway Com- d, V - -·--·-·--··-- · - - ·--·-- · · - v . p ‘’‘‘ ‘ ‘'‘‘`'’‘’' § Il£§da;o:;ru$:4;ikmy and Terminal Com— §?t:0n:l zzcidegrny ot; zgtd. 319 pa,,y 0 .es gm pxscopa za e ra cmu a- b ‘] Mg _ ‘' R' • L Mulme, t10H .. .. .. --·: . 414 may ___, i . }r.eir..? . . . .. 47 W3ShiDgt0llHH(1 Gre:1t}r`a.lls Electrm Rm]- I llinoia and Almziaaipi (`anal, WU C°¤¤P¤¤.Y --——- ; — ·-·-·--·-· · ·- - 326 gppmpriagiqn {nr construction; rights of E :1llpet;;;r;p;g0 Congress wr, must be nd-

___ __________________ i I ...  ·-.· .-... ..······---

Im,,,,;, [z?g.:}}l { Independent Stat? of the Congo, •ppr0Friati¢m for improvcmant of 106 treaty of mrnty, commerce am naw1g:;- 7-,,, igbtiug ____ _ _ _: _,__ , ___,... . .. 3¤3,57§ wm vjnth ---..-·-·--- - -···-···· ~ bridge across, unthnrxzcd at Havana, {ll. . 43 } lndependwrt ’{'1msm·y, lllesotrationa Diriavian, Ilcpartmcnl of Agrwul- i :1ppr0pr1;¤;1;>n f<;;:;:;lames, niilces 0 asms ® t g {Ul : (HIS! , -··-· . ····· · -·-- ; ¤ppr<»p;:;¥i·»n for phivf artist, ¤¤si¤tunt, s M_ ig .Jé .· g$ , 3 __ ,4,... . . ... ..-·-·--- y·!" r' ‘‘·‘ ""‘ '‘‘‘ ":¤ fm Lz5g;:`:,,", ________ _ __,___ _ ,__,__ 78,738 j thr cmntinga11t GXP6YQB9B·- ...··- - --·--- 363, 587 Immediate: Tranuporlulirm Q/' Iluliablf G00f1G, E dcE¢:wm·y uppfoprmblvlx I0? paper fur privileges uf, nxt•m•Ied to Bangor, Mc jgé : cb<:j;<;z;;¤& éd ·-·-- 650

’, , ______ _,,,_,__ o conn s ,

( num H· Bl Ins, Iowa _ ________ , _ 14 Index ia Arricultural Ixilvftlllwv, ’ I Den Momma Iowa .. . , ./ . . . {mmm Milam _ _____ _ ____,_ , ,. . . 408 · appropriation for expenses; rlxsntrnbutmu. .80, 741 [m"kg,i( N_ ____ __ ______ , ,,,,, , . 273 Indian A_(h:ir» (see Indian Dqjgrtnrnexnt). · .· ___ _____ _ ________ ]4>; [ l‘ ,·| '· , li mmixaioner 0

 Iggli   S`;   _ _________ lz ”Q;:;:;·»»|g;;m44»;; ¥'ur, nssintamgrclcrks, etc . .2l3, 704

NEWML N ’J _ _ ________ _ _ _ 5 for traveling, etc., expenses .. . 122,614