Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/1157

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INDEX. 1137 N b Page. Pago. ew rypqrt, Maa•., North Dalgotq—Contmuod.

appr¢;£r;t1;;1 {cr 1mprovemeut of harbor . 88 apgcpagn fo: surveyor-gcnoral,clorks.g;,;,  

mom - — n, con on expenses ... --.. , appropnatxon for consul at . 230, 503 dniiaioucy agproguatiou for incidental ex- N¤•¤,P¢"`*» L- pcnsos, In ism service .. . .. 669 apgrropnauon for nmpruvnment of harbor- 89 lands autod to St. Paul, Minneapolis and _ 0i' ¤¤·V¤l t01'P¤d0 station -----·---·-... 238, 718 gauitoba Railway in lieu of tracts Lewnpapori Hfrappora, Stamped, released to settlers . 390 appropriation for manufacture; dmtnbm North Hero Harbor, Vt., twn ---··-·--·--. - . . · -·--··--- 147, 733 • riation for surv of .. 115 Newtown Creek and Bay, N. Y., Nmmm Inland, Im Michigan, appropriation for improvement of .. . . 97 t-house and fog signal established 454 Nez .PcrcéAgency Ng Llury (widow),

gp¥m£m?$ign for Indian agent 31; ..,,__, 121, 613 pgggiqm iugrqgggd ,_,_ _, , ,_,_,______,,,.,, 809

J. as or nation North Paci Ooea appropriation ilcr fulfilling treaty with.-128, 619 exuamofos 1m:; protecting fur seals, etc., Na: Perné Idaho, rn, when international arrangement gpproprggugu or gupxgrlg, gte., of ,.,.. , . 135, 628 is glfggtgd ,,,,_,__ , , ___, _ ___., , , , , , 472 Nu Percé fnqiana, Jocep ’a Band, North Plymouth, Mau., gppmpqatxou for support, etc., of ... 135, 628 Wpdahon for improvement of harbor. 89 Nmgara Rwer, N. Y., N can River, Md.,

app1·0priation for improvement of  90, 97zggmprintiou for imgmvamant of  Q

ivaragua N out [Capo Ibn- ivor N C'. proclamation announcing cum- sp ropriabion for grnprovsmeut Br 99

 manual  o¤t W1 .. 1009 Negrtfem ay•d Nm·;h1vubrsp Lakes,    

· ,9..; gum ‘ sqlpajqr p ropna on or surveys. ..

:; PmPt{gfjg¤ fqwfgjgwf _______ 3 _______ 224,497 Nortgrm Qhqnlenne and Arapahoe Imjianaa  

Nam spgiopuatxon for fuliilling treatnos vuth.128, 619 agprnprigtion for consul at .,.,.. . ... 503 N M ·uEPP°rt’V dm" °f ’''‘’'°'’' 135* 628 M" ""· J"'"'> ostsbliahm 1; '£ mili thorizod yment to .. . ... 763 , wl 0 hw pmt au N?:;, pm-ram E. (mem), Nm, , °}‘,gw§;f ······ ·· ····· · ·····‘‘‘‘ 376 ,,m°“ ····*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘*·· · ·····‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘’‘‘ 823 grunted right of wwugh Puyallup In- ‘ . . . dum' Rescrvuf on .. -- -..--. appmprmhon br mpmductwn °f C°lum time extended for purchasers of forfeited

    • °¤’° °*“‘“°* ·-·--- - ---·--·-··------ 2*** 1mm on mon or line or 427

N ""°""‘“· W"""" E °·· a an to YM m mr ```` WQLLZ

pcnsion  _______   _____   ____   ____   767 P Ym_ ·r lu": 631

ingpo . °'`'’’'’'’''''' appmgdagog f¢;;c•msul at .. 229, 502 N':;L""•’· tim;'!-m, ssh hatchcry 361 N°bl°* . M" 0 n " . . · of appropriations, Hah 35 "°”°‘°I.‘.`L¥.t ‘T}`?TT‘T‘fT‘ZY‘f’}I.?‘IT. I‘ {‘f'T}’.“’. .“°.I 65-I N~r·~w»»g¢»~·»··g;»f ¤····<·•¤·e» . f V N··~·» ¤»·~···A- <····¤··»>» ,9,, °°‘“'°‘;£%%§§$1,;‘*i,§?»‘?B’L?;’?i’:‘.k1‘525fi? 955 P°°°l°n ‘ ‘ ‘'’''''''''''`°`’' Norwalk Cmm Voc,S.B., ’· -" -

pa.y;1eut of judgment of Court of Clauus to $(71 N;I3;£Pr"’m°“ for °“"°Y °f hub" ‘‘‘‘‘ ul

"ga 8 . . s a i n 's - . L a.pprJpr1az10; for consul at . . 230, 503 NJ:£;°,£:; t ° fm mm] mr Q4' 497 Vamini Cree a. 3 i. - S a

BP&$E?Ci0D fsr IIDPIOVBIIXBDI of ..,,,_,, 99 N;•;$;?I}: ::?;}£: fo¤ ul t .. 229, 502

‘”' * '¤ . . . . g1 e . . . . !\0|i to be plld PQDSIDIIB unless cntxzeng or M?;; £fo§:: ;i*¥? foP improve: Ilellb nf [02 mmauy dmubbd ''''' "" doiiciuncy appropriation for contested cloc- Nwkwk River, W¤•'•·, tion . .. . ... 302 appropriation for survey of .. 115 N,,,,,, [4,,,,4,,, N°"f'*"‘» Yam _ appropriation for consul-general at .. 228,501 uppropnaunn for nmpwvemcut of hath0I'. 91 gu- dork mm ________ ____ _ _ ______ _ _ _232, $(5 for inland water route to Albemarle N“,.m.b¢,.g S01H1d ·--·----—···· - - · --··--··-—-·· 100 I appropriation for consul at -. 229, 502 fo\' ¤;:¥·Y¤1'd» 8***9 W di'! d°°k· ****1 240 Kar clerk hire . 232, 505 ¤ ------·-·------····- ·· ---·---·- X , (or l18V3Q-Y¤1'q 0$P¤mW¤ ···- · -----—- ——- - fscgggeu emfyyyyod as, dyring thp WM of H10 I0! publnc building . -.--- - --··- - -· - 3·»0 Nba {wu to muexvg pensmnsg rate. . 348 Nm·1••a•• Seaton, no fas to attorney fst prosecuting claim; may iw reappointed in Marino HOSPIUBI pohhlty fol' 1I15k1I1g' --------------·-- 349 service .. . .. ssc I North American Commercial Company, 0. dcticicncy appropriation for supplies to I Alaskan natives ... 28:» ‘ Oakeq, Sarah A., for cam, ctc., shipwmckcd whalcrs, I clzum oft as hen of Hugh \Yorthmgt0u, Alaska, _,____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ ___,. -- ____ __ 6;;] : ]·g{3¥g·g{]_ to Court 9 Clming ____ _ _ _ _ g North American ?tIuwl0gy, . dspgéragpnazyon for paying Judgment

 a s__,,_-,_,____ · a an ‘ of ,

A\*:££%5m2 appmprization for Indian agent at ... 121, 613 appropriation for incidental expenses In- I Oakland, Qalz, digg ggrvicg in __ ______ _ ______ __ 136, 629 gppmpnghgn for gpmvgmgnh of harbor _ % VOL xxvu--72