Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/131

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104 FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 158. 1892. Wl=i¢¤ mm- Mk- Improving White River, Arkansas: sontinging limproviarmgnt, geigenty-five thousand dollars fifty-three thousand eig t un e an¢ - teen dollars of which shall be used for completion of the existing project, the remainder to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of War m0g¤°h;°k°a';;},@°k Iniproving Ouachita and Black Rivers, Arkansas and Louisiana: V m’Continuing improvement, forty thousand dollars, of which not exceeding ugvzhoustzngl dlollags m2;_yCbe gsedhiri the discretion of the Secreryo ara earoro amen ansa. _ _ _ RM1 Rivm Mk Improving Red River, above Fulton: Arkansas: Continuing improvement, three thousand five hundred dollars. _ _ _ can River,Ark. Improving Cache River, Arkansas: Continuing improvement, two thousand dollars. Tg? Hnwhw Nm- Improving Big Hatchee River, Tennessee: Continuing improvement, ‘ ‘ three thousand nve hundred dollars. 0¤¤<=¤ Riv¤¢‘·T¤¤¤· mprogingughch River, Tennessee: Continuing improvement, four thousan do rs. Tggmpfjlgf m"°’· Improving Cumberland River, Tennessee and Kentucky: Continuing Attn xmivaue. improvement above Nashville, two hundred and nity thousand dollars, of which five thousand dollars may be used, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, in the improvement of the river above the town of Burnside. ` new imnvme. Improving Cumberland River, Tennessee, below Nashville: Continuing improvement, including the work at the mouth of the river, forty mma. thousand dollars: Provided, That ten thousand dollars of this sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be available for acquiring rmx me sm. site and locating lock and dam near the mouth of Harpeth River Tennessee, according to the survey and plan of Lieutenant Colonel Barlow, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, submitted in December, eighteen hundred and eighty nine. mmnnmmmm, Improving French Broad River, Tennessee: Continuing improve- T°‘“‘· ment, nfteeu thousand dollars, of which one thousand dollars may be used in removing the bar or shoal in Little Pigeon River, a tributary of the French Broad River. Tgikw Deer na-m. Improving Forked Deer River, Tennessee: Completeing improvement, ‘ three thousand dollars. {gw?; Improving Tennessee River, below Chattanooga, Tennessee: Continurm., p` ing improvement, five hundred thousand dollars, of which twenty-five iéhousagg dpllalgs maybe used in continuing the work at Livingston oint en IC y. AboveChatt¤m<>¤z¤· Improving Tennessee River, above Chattanooga, Tennessee: Continuing improvement, twenty-five thousand dollars. Obion Rivvr. T·=¤¤· Improving Obion River, Tennessee, from its mouth to the crossing of Elie Iliouigvéliedaufl Memphis Railroad in Obion County, seven thousand ve un r dollars. Kentucky umu-. Improving Kentucky River, Kentucky: Continuing improvement, K’· one hundred and nity thousand dollars. cme mm,xy. Improving the falls of the Ohio River, Kentucky: Continuing improvement, sixty thousand dollars. rmima cum rm. Improving Indiana Chute Fall, Ohio River: Continuing improvement, thirty-five thousand dollars. Bough River. Ky- Improgi3guRou gh River, Kentucky: Continuing improvement, fiiteen thousan dollars. -

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S Rrv%;'1ky·Big twImp1g¢¥;;1IgdT/[ari l;:g(S(a1pélr;g'R1ver, Kentucky: For maintenance, King Sandy River. Improving Big Sandy River, near Louisa, Kentucky: For movable hovabm dam dam in lieu of fixed dam according to report and recommendation oi Board of Engineers, dated November tenth, eighteen hundred and ninety one, and found in House Executive Document Numbered ' Twenty-five, Fifty-second Congress, iirst session, fifty thousand dollars: