Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/214

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FIFTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 196. 1892. 187 clerk, superintendent of document room, and librarian, at two thousand dollars each; for distributing clerk, stationery clerk, and two assistant librarians, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; for one bookkeeper and seven clerks at one thousand six hundred dollars each; for document clerk, and locksmith, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each; two messengers in the House library, at one thousand three hundred and fourteen dollars each; one telegraph operator, at one thousand two hundred doHars; one assistant to the file clerk, and two laborers in Clerk’s document room, at nine hundred dollars each · one page, one laborerin the bath room, andfourlaborers, at seven hundrec and twenty dollars each; one assistant index clerk, during the session and three months after its close, two hundred and eleven days, at six dollars per day, one thousand two hundred and sixty-six dollars; one page in the enrolling room, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; one messenger boy in chief clerk’s room, three hundred dollars; in all, eighty·ilve thousand five hundred and fourteen dollars. Urmnn Ancmrncr or- rim CAPITOL! One chief engineer, one thou- cmsr Mgr,..,.,,, sw, sand seven hundred dollars; two assistant engineers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; iour conductors of the elevators, at one thousand one hundred dollars each, who shall be under the supervision and direction of the Architect of the Capitol; one laborer, eight hundred and twenty dollars; five firemen, at nine hundred dollars each; one electrician, one thousand two hundred dollars; one laborer, eight hundred dollars; one laborer to clean Statuary Hall and watch statuary therein, six hundred and sixty dollars; in all, sixteen thousand four hundred and eighty dollars. Cnnnxs Arm Mnssnuenns ro Comnrrnns: For clerk to the Com- ¤1¤g=¤ =·¤·1.¤¤=¤¤¤» mittee on Ways and Means, three thousand dollars; assistant clerk, gm ' one thousand six hundred dollars, messenger, one thousand dollars; clerk to the Committee on Appropriations, three thousand dollars; assistant clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars, messenger, one thousand dollars; clerks to the Committees on Accounts, Agriculture, Claims, Commerce, District of Columbia, Elections, Foreign Afairs, Indian Affairs, Invalid Pensions, Irrigation of Arid Lands, Judiciary, Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Military Aifairs, Naval Atiairs, Public Lands, River and Harbors, War Claims, and Post-Roads, and Public Buildings and Grounds, and clerk to continue Digest oi Claims under resolution of March seventh eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, at two thousand dollars each; and for assistant clerk to the Committee on \Var Claims, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all fifty-two thousand four hundred dollars. For thirty-six clerks to committees, at six dollars each per day dur- Clerks {uv <¤·¤·m¤- ing the session, twentysix thousand one hundred and thirty-six dollars. *°°“‘ '°" °"' Orrrcn or Smmnrur-Ar-Anus: For Sergeant-at Arms of the d_,S¤o=¤¤¤:-¤¤-¤r¤¤·· House of Representatives, four thousand five hundred dollars; one P" y' °°' deputy to the Sergeant-at-Arms two thousand dollars; one cashier, three thousand dollars; one paying teller, two thousand dollars; one bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; one page, at seven hundred and twenty dollars: and one laborer, at six hundred and sixty dollars; in all, fifteen thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars, Orrucn on Doomcnnrnn: For Doorkeeper, three thousand live m};>¤;,l;¤¤P°*· =*·¤¤i¤*· hundred dollars; and for hire of horses, feed, repair of wagon and har- ’ ` ness, six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary; assistant doorkeeper, superintendent of document room, assistant supa-summit at superintendent of document room, and Department messenger, at two °°°'”"°""°°'"’ °°°° thousand dollars each; two special employees, at one thousand live hundred dollars each; document tile clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant document iile clerk, one thousand three hundred and fourteen dollars; clerk to Doorkeeper, and janitor, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; nine messengers, including the messenger M¤¤•¤¤8¤¤*·°*°· to the reporters’ gallery, at one thousand two hundred dollars each;