Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/247

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220 FIFTYSECOND CONGRESS. Smss, I. Ch. 196. 1892. d£i;:·¤L*¤s ¤¤¤*¥- Onmozn or Drsnoizsmc CLERK: Disbursing clerk and superintend-- ’ent of building, two thousand one hundred dollars; one clerk, of classtwo; one clerk of class one; one engineer, one thousand tour hundred dollars; one assistant engineer, one thousand dollars; one fireman, who-- shall be a blacksmith, nine hundred dollar ; one fireman who shall be— a steam-htter, nine hundred dollars; one conductor of elevator, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two iiremen; one carpenter, one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant carpenter, one thousand dollars; captain of the watch, one thousand dollars; nineteen watchmen, twenty-- two laborers; one plumber, nine hundr·ed dollars; one awning maker,. atnine hundred dollars; and fiftoen oharwomen; and for force in theadditional building as follows: Four watchmen; two iiremen; oneelevator conductor, seven hundred and twenty dollars; four laborers-. and six charwomen; and the following additional force for the additional building used for the storage of postoffice supplies: Two watchmantwo iirlemepjegne hrborer alpgdr one charwoman; in all, sixty thousand seven un an sixty o s. ¤<·¤¤¤:¤¤¤ ·=- Fon Coxrmomwr Exrnusns or rms Posr-Orrrcn Drcranrmmrwr, . ’°°°°°' including theadditional building occupied by the Sixth Auditor’s Omoo,. and the additional building used for storage of post-oflice supplies, name y: For stationery and blank books, including amount necessary for thepurchase of tree-penalty envelopes, twelve thousand dollars. For fuel and for repairs to heating apparatus, nine thousand dollars. I For gas and electric lights, five thousand two hundred and- fifty dollars. - lmléor plumbing and gas and electric light fixtures, two thousand dol-- For telegraphing two thousand five hundred dollars. For painting, three thousand five hundred dollars, ger carpets and mmg, thrgedthousand dollars. or ture, three usan o .. For purchase and keeping of horses and repair of wagons and har-- neges to bigirsed only t;>1r0oHicia1l •ne thousand dolhrs. or h w one usan ars. For nriscellzdeous items, twelve thousand dollars. RM- For rent of topograp)her’s office, one thousand five hundred dollars;; for rent of a suitable uilding or buildings for the use of the money- order oiilce of the Post-Oflice Department, eight thousand dollars- for rent of building for use of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Rest Omoo Department, eleven thousand dollars; for rent of a suitable build·— ing frzr the stplrage oil; postlphice surgdies, four thousand dollars; in all,. twen y- our 1: thousand ve undred o . '*··*·l G“*•*°- For the ublication of copies of the Official Postal Guide, including not exceeding one thousand five hundred copies lor the use of the Executive Departments, ilfteen thousand dollars. P°**·’°“'·° '“l’”· For miscellaneous expenses in the topographeis office in the preparation and publication of the post-route maps, eighteen thousand dollars.. And the Postmaster-General shall furnish any person who may apply,. in writing, copies of any sheets of the postotllce maps at the cost ok printing and ten per centum thereon, the proceeds of such sales to bo used as a futher appropriation for the-preparation and publication of ' post-route maps. P¤•=·z¤· For postage stamps for correspondence addressed abroad which is not exempt domypostagp under article eight of tho Paris convention of ‘ the Universal Postal nion, seven hundred andfiftyr dollars. uc1:sr>¤¤¤·>¤¢ ¤f ·T¤¤- DEPARTMENT OF J USTICE. .}*3 ·j§;°t‘;${°g; Orurrcn or rim Arromrnv-GENERAL: For compensation of theuuun-oorenr, m. Attorney-General, eight thousand dollars;- Solicitor-General,. sevom