Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/899

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876 CONVENTION-DAN] SH WEST INDIA ISLANDS. MAY 7, 189(L May 7-1890- Parcels Post Oonventnm between the United States of America and the Danish West India Islands. Preamble For the purpose of making Undertegnede, John Wanabetter Postal Arrangements be- maker, Generalpostmester i detween the United States of Amer- Forenede Stater af Amerika, i ica and the Danish West India Kraft af den ham ved Loven Islands, the undersigned, John givne Myndighed, og Greve Spon- Wanamaker, Postmaster General neck, Kongelig Dansk Ministerof the United States of America, resident i Washington tilb¢r1ig by virtue of authority vested in befuldmaegtiget af Hans Majeshim by law, and Count de Spon- tmt Kongen af Danmark, ere, for neck, Royal Danish Minister Resi- at forbedre Postordningen meldent at Washingmn, duly empow- lem de Forenede Stater af Amerered thereto by His Majesty the ika og de dansk vestindiske (Der,. King of Denmark, have agreed blevne enige om tclgende Bestemupon the following articles for the melser angaaende Indretningen establishment of a Parcels Post af en Pakkepost-udvexling mel- System of Exchanges between the lem de Forenede Stater og de- United States and the above nmvnte (ber. named islands. Anrrcmu I. Anrrxm. I. umm: or conven- The provisions of this Conven- Denne Konventions Bestemmi. tion relate only to Parcels of melser angaa alene Postpakker, mail matter to be exchanged by der udvexles i Henhold til de i the system herein provided for, Konventionen givne Regler og and do not affect the arrange- berglre ikke den Ordning, der nu ments now existing under the bestaar overensstemmende med Universal Postal Union Conven- Verdenspostkonventionen, hviltion, which will continue as ken Ordning forbliver i Kraft heretofore; and all the agee- som hidtil; enhver af de fvilgende ments hereinafter contained ap- Besteminelser sigter udelukkende ply exclusively to mails exchanged til Udvexling af Post i Overensunder these articles. stemmelse med de nedenanfdrte Regler. Anricrn II. Anrumn II. Anxqnsmmieeena 1. There shall be admitted to 1. Med Undtagelse af Breve, “‘°‘“""’· the mails exchanged under this Brevkort og skrevue Sager skal Convention, articles of merchan- til Postudvexling i Henhold til disc and mail matter—except denne Konvention modtages Valetters, post cards, and written rer og Postsager af enhver Art, matter-of all kinds that are ad- som overhovedet modtages til mitted under any condition to Postbefordring i Afsendelseslanthe domestic mails of the country det-——dog at ingen Pakke maa of origin, except that no packet veje mere end elleve engelske may exceed eleven pounds (or Pund (5 Kilogram) eller va-are five kilograms) in weight, nor st¢rre end tre Fod. sex Tommer the following dimensions: great- engelsk Maal 3105 Centimeter) est length m any direction one paa enhver Le og saaledes, at