Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/912

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GENERAL ACT—SLAVE TRADE. JULY 2, 1890. 889 Francaise pres Sa Majesté le public near His Majesty me Roitdes Belges, King of the Belgians, and e le Sieur George Cogordan, Mi- M. George Cogordan, Minister nistre Plénipotentiaire, Direc- Plenipotentiary, Director of teur du Cabinet du Ministre the Office of the Minister of des Atlaires Etrangeres de Foreign Affairs of France; rance; SA MAJESTE LA REINE DU HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN or ROYAUME-U NI DE LA THE UNITED KINGDOM or GRANDE-BEETAGNE ET GREAT BmTA1N AND IRE. D’InLANnE, IMPERATRIGE LAND, Eurnmss or INDIA, DES 1NDEs, Lord Yivian, Pair du Boyaume· Lord Vivian Peer of the United Uni, bon Envoyé Extraordi- Kingdom, Her Envoy Extraornaire et Mimstre Plémpoten- dinary and Minister Plenipotiaire pres Sa Majesté le Roi tentiary near His Majesty the destBe1ges, King of the Belgians, and e Sir John Kirk; Sir John Kirk; SA MA.1EsT1i LE R01 D’ITALIE, Hrs MAJEsTY THE KHGOFITALY, le Sieur Francois do Renzis, Ba- Francisdeltenzis, Baron of Monron de Montanaro, Son Envoyé tanaro, Hi Envoy Extmaordi- Extraordinaire etMinistre Plé- nary and Minister Plenipotennipotentiaire pres Sa Majesté tiary near His Majesty the le Roi des Belges, King of the Belgians, and et le Sieur Thomas Catalani, Son Mr. Thomas Catalani, HisEnvoy Envoyé Extraordinaire et Mi- Extraordinary and Minister nistre Plénipotentiaire; Plenipotentiary; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DES PAYS- His MAJESTY THE KING 01-* THE BAs, GRAND—DUC DE LUxEm- NETHERLANDS, GEANDDDKE Botme, OF LUXEMIBURG, le Sieur Louis Baron Gerioke LouisBaronGerickedeHerwyneu, de Herwynen, Son Envoyé His Envoy Extraordinaryand Extraordinaire et Ministre Minister Plenipotentiary near Plénipotentiaire pres Sa Ma- His Majesty the King of the jesté le Roi des Belges; Belgians; SA MAJESTE [MPEBIALE LE SHA1: Hrs IMPERIAL MAJESTY THE _DE PERSE, SHAH or Pnnsu, le Général Nazare Aga, Son General Nazare Aga, His Envoy Envoyé Extraordinaire et Mi- Extraordinary and Minister nistre Plénipotentiaire pres Sa Plenipotentiary near His Mu,]. Majesté le Roi des Belges; * elaty the Kingotithe Belggns; . lis A.n·:sTY THE ’1N¢s or on- SA MA.1Es·rE LE R01 DE P0m·U- TUGAL AND OF THF AL GAL ET mcs r\LGARVE§, GARVES, le Sieur Henrique de Macedo Mr. Henriqnede Mmetlo Pereira Pereira Goutinlno, Membre de (.)0l1t,illil0,Ei0mi)6l'0i.HiSC()Hll· Son Conseil, Pair du Royan- cil, Peer of the Kingdom, Minnie, Ministre et Secrétaire ister and Honorary Secretary <l’Etat lionoraire, Son Envoyé of State, His Envoy Extraorl·1xtraor•linaireet Ministre Plé- dinary and Minister Pleniponipotentiaire pres Sa Maicsté tentiary near His Majesty the le Roi des Belges; King of the Belgians; SA DIAJESTE UEMPEREUR DE His MA.JEsTv THE Emrmnoa or Tourxs mcs Russms, ALL THE Rvssms, Ie Sieur Léon Prince Ourous- Leon Prince Ouroussotf', Master soil, Maitre de Sa (Jour, Son of His Gourt, His Envoy Ex- Envoyé Extraordi n ai re et traordinary and Minister Plen- Ministre Plenipotentiaire pres ipotentiary near His Majesty Sa Majeste le Roi des Belges, the King of the Beigians, and et