Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/916

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GENERAL AOT—SLAVE TRADE. JULY 2, 1890. 893 Pexclusion de tout exercice des exclusion of the exercise of rights droits de la souverainete. of sovereignty. Ancrrcrn V. ARTICLE V. Les Puissances contractantes The contracting powers pledge Lt-gaismm a pm s’obligent, a moins qu’il n’y soit themselves, unless this has already §§c"‘ °““’°"’“““”g pourvu deja par des lois conformes been provided for by laws in ac- ' a Pesprit du present article, a edic- cordance with the spirit of the prester ou a proposer a leurs legisla- ent article, to enact or propose to tures respectives, dans lc delai their respective legislative bodies, d’un an au plus tard a partir do la. in the course of one year at the date de la signature du present latest from the date of the signing Acte general, une loi rendant ap- of the present general act, a law plicables, d’une part, les disposi- rendering applicable, on the one tions de leur legislation penale qui hand, the provisions of their penal concernent les attentats graves laws concerning grave otlenses envers les personnes, aux organi- against the person, to the organsateurs et cooperateurs des chasses izers and abettorsof slave-hunting, a Phomme, aux auteurs de la mu- to those guilty of mutilating male' tilation des adultes et enfants adults and children, and to all permales et a tous individus partici- sons taking part in the capture of pant a la capture des esclaves pa.r slaves by violence; and, on the violence ;—-et, d’autre part, les dis- other hand, the provisions relating positions qui concernent les atten- to offenses against individual libtats a la liberte individuelle, aux erty, to carriers and transporters convoyeurs, transporteurs et mar- ot, and to dealers in, slaves. chands d’esclaves. Les co-auteurs et complices des The accessories and accomplices Punishment of as diverses categories specifiées ci- of the djilerent categories of slave °°""l‘°°“‘ dessus de capteurs et trafiquants captors and dealers above specined d’esclaves seront punis de peines shall be punished with penalties proportionnees a ceHes encourues proportionate to those incurred by par les auteurs. the principals. Les coupables qui se seraient Guilty persons who may have Arrest of mmm soustraits a la jurisdiction des au- escaped from the jurisdiction of the °"°"‘*°'“· torités du pays ou les crimes ou authorities of the country where délits auraient ete commis seront the crimes or offenses have been mis en etat d’arrestation, soit sur committed shall be arrested either communication des pieces de l’in- on communication of the incrimstruction de la part des autorites inating evidence by theauthorities qui ont constate les infractions, who have ascertained the violation soit sur toute autre preuve de cul- of the law, or on production of any pabilite, par les soins de la Puis- other proof of guilt by the power sauce sur le territoire de laqnclle in whose territory they may have ils seront deeouverts, et tenus sans been discovered, and shall be kept, autre formalité a la disposition des without other formality, at the distribunanx competents pour les ju- posal of the tribunals competent ger. to try them. Les Pnissances so communique- The powers shall communicate m<_{<>·¤r¤¤¤i¤¤¢i¤¤ <·f rout, dans le plus bref delai possi- to one another, with the least. pos- °' ble, les loisoudécrets existants ou sible delay, the laws or decrees prornulgues en execution du prt- existing or promulgated in execuscnt article. tion of the present Article. Anricma VI. Anrrcmc VI. Les csclaves liberes in la suite de Slaves liberated in consequence hymn of *1***** ¤°• Parrestation ou de la dispersion of the stoppage or dispersion of a ` d’un convoi a l’intérieur du conti- convoy in the interior of the connent seront renvoyés, si les circon~ tinent, shall be sent back, if cirstances le permcttent, dans leur cun1stancesperuiit,to their country