Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/935

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9 I 2 GENERAL ACT--SLAVE TRADE. JULY 2, 1890. Anrrcrn LIX. Anricnn LIX. Soma wsa1g_ En cas de condamnation, le nar In case of condemnation, the vire sequestre sera declare de sequesteredvessel shall be declared bonne prise au profit du capteur. lialwfullym seized for the benefit of e cap r. p,,,,,,h,,,m ,,f c,,. Le capitaine, Péquipage et toutes The captain, crew, and all other

  • ·¤i¤·¤¤·*·¤¤· autres personnes reconnues coupa- persons found guilty shall be punbles seront punis, selon la gravité ished according to the gravity of

des crimes ou délits commis par the crimes or offenses committed eux, et conformément a Particle V. lg tthizmv and in accordance with r 10 e . Anrrcnn LX. Aivrrcma LX. Jurisdiction of spe- Les dispositions des articles L a The provisions of Articles L to §§$},,f{‘““"““ “°' "' LIX ne portent aucune atteinte ni do not in any way aifect the ala competence, ni a la procedure iur1sd1ction or procedure of existdes tribunaux spéciaux existants mg special tribunals, or of such as ou de cen; a créer pour connaitre may hereafter be formed to take des faits de traite. cogmzance of offenses connected with the slave-trade. Aizrrcma LXI. Anrrrcmc LXI. w¥_{*;;{:fjjQ;’m*g,h‘;§ Les Hautes Parties contractan. The high contracting parties enpowers. tes s’engagent a se communiquci- gagetomake knowntooneanother, réciproquement les instructions rec1proca1ly,the1nstructionswh1ch qu’el1es donneront, en execution they shall give, for the execution of des dispositions du chapitre III, the provisions of Chapter III, to aux commandants de leurs bmi- the commanders of their meu—of— ments_de guerre naviguant dans WM Dovlgitlvg H10 $688 of the les mers de la zone indiquée. Z0116 1‘6fo1‘1'0d to- Cnxrrran iv. Pays at destination Gunmn IV. Owwftiw #9 wkich dont les imtitutimw component slaves ore sent, gvhose mgututwas Perislmoce dc Pesclavage domes- Tzgynize UW €¤¤8$¢‘”¢‘6 0./ d0’”€8tw tique. 8 e'?!- ARTICLE LXIL Aaricrn LXII. s1m·-u»n·n¤%¤¤p¤- Les Puissances coutractantes The contracting powers whose Q,‘jIQ,,E{{,,f’{.2f,‘{ " ““‘ dont les institutions comportent institutions recognize the existence Pexistence de Pesclavage domes- of domestic slavery, and whose postique et dont, par suite de ce fait, sessions, in consequence thereof, in les possessions situees dans ou or out of Africa, serve, in spite of hors l’.-xirique servent, malgré la the vigilance of the authorities, as vigilance des autorités, de lieux de places of destination for African destination aux esclaves africains, slaves, pledge themselves to pros’engagent at en prohiber l’i1npor- hibit their importation, transit and tation, le transit, la sortie ainsi departure, as well as the trade in que le commerce. La surveillance slaves. The most active and the la plus active et la plus severe pos- strictest supervision shall be ensible sera organisee par elles sur forced at all places where the artous les points on s’operent l’en- rival, transit, and departure of tree, le passage et la sortie des African slaves take place. esclaves anicains. Anrrcnn LXIII. Anricrn LXIII. mIhr:s_;¤:¤>¤¤f Uber- Les esclaves libérés en execution Slaves set free under the provi- ‘ de Particle precedent seront, si les sions of the preceding article shall,