Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 27.djvu/945

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922 GENERAL ACT-SLAVE TRADE. JULY 2, 1890. Anrroua XCVIII, ARTICLE XCVIII. Aanmms or other Les Pmssances qui n’ont pas Powers who have not signed the P°"°*¤- signe le present Acte general pour- present general act shall be allowed rout étre admises a y adherer. to adhere to it. Les Puissances signataires se The signatory powers reserve reservent de mettre a cette adhe- the righttoimpose such conditions sion telles conditions qu’elles ju- as they may deem necessary to geraient nécessaires. their adhesion. Unconditional aa- Si aucune condition n’est stipu- If no conditions shall be stipu-

  • ·°°*°¤· lee, Padhesion emporte de plein lated, adhesion implies acceptance

droit Pacceptation de toutes les of all the obligations and admisobligations et Padmission atous les sion to a.11 the advantages stipuavantages stipules par le present lated by the present general act. Acte general. semis; adhesion Les Puissances se concerteront The powers shall agree among by ¤¤¤•=*°°¤¤¤‘i<*=*· sur les demarches a faire pour themselves as to the steps tobe amener Padhesion des Etats dont taken to secure the adhesion of le concours serait necessaire ou states whose cooperation may be utile po1u· assurer Pexecution com- necessary or useful in order to inplete de l’Acte general. sur? complete execution of the genera act. Mmm,,,,-,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,_ Iladhesion se fera par un acte Adhesion shall be effected by separe. Elle sera notiiiee par la a separate act. Notice thereof voie diplomatique an Gouverne- shall be given through the diploment de Sa Majesté le Roi des matic channel to the Government Belges, et par celui-ci a tous les of the King of the Belgians, and Etats signataireset adherents. by that Government to all the signatory and adherent states. Axzrmnn XCIX. ARTICLE XGIX. xmmemm. Le present Acte general sera The present general act shall be ratiilé dans un delai qui sera le ratified within the shortest possible plus court possible et qui, en aucun period, winch shall not in any case cas, ne pourra exceder un an. exceed one year. Chaque Puissauce adressera sa Each power shall address its ratiratiiication au Gouvernement de ncation to the Government of the Sa Majeste le Roi des Belges, qui King of the Belgians, which shall en donnera avis a toutes les autres give notice thereof to all the other Puissauces siguataires du present powers that have signed the pres- Acte general. ent general act. Les ratihcations de toutes les The ratiticationsof all the powers Puissances resteront deposées shall remain deposited in the ardans les archives du royaume de chives of the Kingdom of Belgium. Belgique. Aussitot que toutes les ratitica- As soon as all the ratitlcations tions auront ete produites, ou au shall have been furnished, or at plus tard rm an apres la signat1u·e the latest one year after the signadu present Acte general, il sera ture of the present general act, drossé acte du depot dans un Pro- their delivery shall be recorded in tocole qui sera signe par les Re- a protocol which shall be signed présentants de toutes les Puis— by the representatives of all the sances qui auront ratiiie. powers that have ratiiied. Une copie certifiee de ce Pro- A certiiied copy of this protocol tocole sera adressee a toutes les shall be forwarded to all the powers Puissances intéressees. interested. ARTICLE C. ARTICLE C. nmuon. Le present Acte general entrera The present general act shall en vigueur dans toutes les posses- come into force in all the posses-