Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1249

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PROCLAMATIONS. No. 5. 1227 Whereas, it is provided by act of Congress for temporary govern- §i(¢l¤;;¤>’¤·°2 ment of Oklahoma, approved May second, eighteen hundred and °' `p' ’ ninety, section twenty-three (Twenty-six Statutes, page ninety-two) _ ‘ that there shall be reserved public highways four rods wide between each section of land in said Territory, the section lines being the center of said highways; but no deduction shall be made, where cash pay- ments are provided for in the amount to be paid for each quarter section of land by reason of such reservation; and · \Vhereas, all the terms, conditions, and considerations required by said agreements made with said Nation and tribes of Indians and by the laws relating thereto, precedent to opening said lands to settlement, have been, as I hereby declare, complied with: Now, Therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, C,{g§§Q°,°.},‘},fk‘{_w*;{ by virtue of the power in me vested by the Statutes hereinbefore men- and rrwiiim, open tioned, and by other the laws of the United States, and by said several {Q §$f’“‘°“‘· S°l"· agreements, do hereby declare and make known that allthelaudsacqnired ` · from the Cherokee Nation of Indians, the Tonkawa tribe of Indians, and ' the Pawnee tribe of Indians, by the three several agreements aforesaid, will at the hour of twelve o’clock noon (central standard time) on Saturday the sixteenth day of the month of September A. D., eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and not before, be opened to settlement under the terms of and subject to all the conditions, limitations, reservations, and restrictions contained in said agreements, the Statutes above specified, the laws of the United States applicable thereto and the conditions prescribed by this Proclamation, saving and excepting lands L°¤**• °*°°P*°d· described and identified as follows, to wit: The lands set apart for the Osage and Kansas Indians, being a tract of country bounded on the In9u¤•s¤ ¤¤•l K¤·•=¤ _ north by the State of Kansas, on the east by the ninety-sixth degree of m' west longitude, on the south and west by the Creek country and the _ main channel of the Arkansas river; the lands set apart for the Conraiu-md om and Mnsturia mm or Indians, described as ro11¤w¤,m ...%°“,§°;1,°::*:£.2&‘;; wit: township twenty-two north, range one east; township twenty- •i1¤¤¤- three north, range one east; townshiptwenty-two north, range two east; town ship twenty-threenorth, range two east ; township twenty-two north, range three east ; and that portion of township twenty-three north, range three east, lying west of the Arkansas river; and the lands set apart for the Ponca tribe otlndians, described as follows,to wit: township twenty- rene. rmnmr. four north, range one east; township twenty-fivenorth, range one east; fractional townshiptwenty-four north, range two east ; fractional township twenty-ilve north, range two east, fractional township twenty-fonrnortb, range three east; fractional township twenty-five north, range three east; iractional township twentyiour north, range four east; fractional township twenty-five north, range four cast, the said fractional townships lying on the right bank of the Arkansas river, excepting also the lands allotted to the Indians as in said agreements provided, excepting also the lands reserved by Executive Orders dated April eighteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and January seventeenth, eighteen hundred and eight-three (known as Camp Supply Military C•¤¤pS¤rr1y- Reservu tion), described us ibllows, to—wit: Township twenty-four north, range twenty-two west, the south half of township twenty-five north, range twenty-two west, and the southwest quarter of township twenty-five north, range twenty-one west; excepting also one acre ot land in each of the reservations for countyseat purposes, in Counties M, N, O and P, which tracts are hereby reserved for Government use Land time and as sites for land offices, and four acres in each reservation for county °°“" '*°““° °€*”· seat purposes hereinbefore named, which tracts are hereby reserved as sites for court houses, and excepting also the reservations for the use of and in connection with the Chilocco Indian Industrial School, and cmium rmnm for county-seat purposes hereinbeiore described; excepting also the S°"°°'- saline lands covered by three leases made by the Cherokee Nation prior to March 3, 1893, known as the Eastern, Middle and \Vestern sum reserves. Saline reserves, under authority of the act of Congress of August 7, "¤l· 21 P-**9-