Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 28.djvu/1295

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Beer, duty on Beeswax, on free list Beet Root, on free list, ashes... Beet Seeds, Sugar, on free list……. Beets, appropriation for sugar-making experi- ments_ for bounty on sugar produced from. bounty on sugar from, repealed…. duty on sirups of juice of from countries paying bounty. Behring Sea (see Bering Sea). Page. 526 538 537 544 270, 734 933 521 521 521 Belgium, Belize, Belknap, Charles E., Beirut, appropriation for consul at for clerk hire Belfast, appropriation for consul at... for clerk hire... Belfast, Me., appropriation for improvement of harbor. appropriation for minister. commission to International Exposition. appropriation for consul at deficiency appropriation for contested- 147,821 149,823 146, 820 149,823 338 141,815 578 147,822 election expenses. 865 Bell, Bushrod W., payment of Court of Claims judgment to. Bell, James, 451 payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 451 Bellamy, Michael J., payment of Court of Claims judgment to.. 469 Bellamy River, N. H., appropriation for improving. 346 Belle River, Mich., survey of, directed 370 Bellevernon Bridge Company, may bridge Monongahela River, Pa..... 116 Bellevernon, Pa., bridge across Monongahela River at, au- thorized. 116 Bellingham Bay, Wash., preliminary examination of, to be made. 868 Bells, on free list, broken, etc... 538 • Beltings. duty on wool, etc……. 531 silk, etc 532 Belyea, J. A., deficiency appropriation for services_ 845 Bene Seeds, on free list 544 Benicia Arsenal. Cal., appropriation for plumbing, etc... 400 66 Bennington," U. S. Gunboat, time penalties remitted 842 Bensusan, A. J., deficiency appropriation for expenses….. 844 Berg, Louis A.. payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 468 Bergamot Oil, on free list 542 Bergin, Thomas P.. payment of Court of Claims judgment to. Bering Sea (see also Alaska), 456 appropriation for protection of seal tish- eries agreement with Russia to protect fur seals 378, 919 1202

Bering Sea-Continued. proclamation of regulations of fur seal- ing in. warning persons against entering, in- tending to violate laws.. regulations of fur sealing in Bering Sea Arbitration, deficiency appropriation for additional pay to counsel.. allowance of expenses made by disbursing officers. Berjew, William H., Berlin, appropriation for secretary of embassy.. Page. 1245 1258 53 424 843 payment of Court of Claims judgment to 453 142 for second secretary. for consul-general at. for clerk hire. 142 145,819 149,828 Berlin Rugs, duty on.. 531 Bermuda, appropriation for consul at 147,821 Berne, appropriation for International Bureau of Weights and Measures.. for clerk hire, consulate-general Berries, 144 149,828 duty on, not edible, refined …. 509 on free list, not edible, crude…. 540 Berry, B. F., land patent issued to... 1021 Bessant, George W., payment of Court of Claims judgment to. 464 Bethel Springs, Tenn., Bettinger, John J., Beverages, duty on spirituous. Beveridge, Louisa, Bews, Julia (widow), pension increased. Bicycle Tires, payment to Presbyterian Church payment of Court of Claims judgment to appropriation for payment to…………... duty on cotton, etc., lining. "Bienville,” U.S. S., appropriation for balance due on pur- chase of Big Bay Point, Lake Superior, Mich., appropriation for light and fog-signal sta- tion.... Big Coal River, W. Va., Big Stone Lake, Minn., 1040 453 525 900 1005 529 842 . 875 preliminary examination of, to be made. 869 preliminary examination of, to be made. 366 Big Sandy River, Ky., appropriation for improving. 354 Big Sunflower River, Miss., appropriation for improving. 352 Bigamy, proclamation granting amnesty to Mor- mons committing... 1257 Bihl, Joseph F.. payment of Court of Claims judgment to 467 Billets, etc., duty on steel 516 Bills. reference sets to be bound for Senate and House 622 delivery to Departments. 623 Bills of Health. consular, not required from ports on fron- tier, etc 372 Bills. Private. number to be printed; distribution: defi- nition. 609